Frost Bite

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Frost Bite
Ico frostbite.png
Use your grappling skills to climb each mountain. Watch out for snow beasts!
No. of players
Total levels
  • Platform
  • Shooter
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
13 March 2007

Frost Bite is a platform game released on March 13th, 2007[1]. It is about a mountain climber trying to scale ten icy mountains.

Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Left.png Right.png Left and right arrow keys - Move Climber
  • Up.png Up key - Jump
  • PC Mouse Left Click.png Move and click mouse - Fire grappling hook.

Levels[edit | edit source]

NOTE: Bonus letters locations are not mentioned.

1: Pine Hill[edit | edit source]

Here the climber must climb a series of platforms, then use the grappling hook to reach higher ledges. A few furry creatures walk around harming the player if touched.

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2: Evergreen Topping[edit | edit source]

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The level starts with several wide platforms that the player can easily jump through while avoiding the furry monsters. A bit higher, the game introduces hard rock which the grappling hook is ineffective against so the player must rely on jumping onto them.

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3: Rocky Heights[edit | edit source]

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The player can either climb the left platform with crumbling blocks or the right one which has a horn head monster. Further ahead is an area filled with more crumbling platforms that the player has to jump across then into a cave entrance to the second area of the level. The lift is introduced as well as several spike spheres.

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4: Frosty Ridge[edit | edit source]

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The climber must climb the hooks. Then, kill the monster and go to the second cave. In there, kill the monsters, then progress up to the next cave; then to the summit.

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5: Sherbert Top[edit | edit source]

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Get some treats, but avoid the beasts. Kill them, then go to the second mountain. Once that is finished, a one-eyed herd will appear. Shoot them, repeatedly grab a hook, then shoot the monster when it is unprepared. Repeat four times, then the boss is finished. Proceed to stage 5-4.

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6: Slippy Summit[edit | edit source]

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First, kill the bull beast, get the treats, then go up and kill another bull. Grab the N U S of the word BONUS. Go up, and when the bull is unprepared, shoot its back. Go and shoot at it, kill the three Bulls, then proceed.

After that, try to go through the rough and hard stage. Avoid missing a hook, although if this is the conclusion, the spike filled way can always be used. Climb the hook and enter the cave 3-3. This area is filled with many icy rocks. Finish to the summit.

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7: Perilous Peak[edit | edit source]

First, kill the beasts when they are unprepared. Get up to the second stage, the elevator stage. Watch out. If you jump in the wrong spot, you will lose one whole life. It is a glitch. Proceed.

Unfortunately, huge snowballs are in your way. Do not try to shoot them- jump over them and hide. If the ball touches even the slightest point away from your face you will lose one-fourth health. Get to the places where the snowball can not reach you, then you will find, slowly, the source of the snowballs. Proceed.

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8: Danger Mountain[edit | edit source]

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9: K3[edit | edit source]

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10: Mount Neverest[edit | edit source]

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Mount Neverest is the final level. At the top of the mountain is the second and final boss in the game. The boss arena consists of two platforms on the left and right sides of the room, and icicles on the ceiling that do not fall down when the Climber walks under them.

The final boss getting shot

To defeat the boss, the climber needs to shoot her grappling gun at it. Doing this will cause its eye to pop out and the icicles to fall from the ceiling until the eye is back in the boss.

When the eye is out, the climber needs to jump on it. After the eye is jumped on, the climber cannot jump on it again. After the eye is in the boss, the climber can repeat this process until it is dead. The cave door will open when the boss is dead, allowing the climber to leave to the end of the level. 

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Frost bite end screen.png

The ending depicts the image of the Climber sitting in a chair with a red mug in her house that has wooden walls, a blue carpet, furniture with the same shade of blue, a sign reading "home sweet home!" hanging on the wall, and a fireplace to her left. A window next to her shows a view of the mountains outside while a white lamp is to the right of the window. and two plaques depicting the mounted heads of two enemies are displayed above the Climber's head. The text above reads "CONGRATULATIONS" with a box below listing the player's score.

Hazards[edit | edit source]

  • Spike spheres - Debuts on Level 3. Touching it subtracts 1/4 of the player's health.
  • Icicles - Debuts on Level 3. Will fall if the player gets too close.
  • Spikes - Debuts on Level 4. A quarter of health is subtracted from the climber on contact.
  • Ice - Debuts on Level 6. It's slippery and has possibility of causing the climber to fall.
  • Spike sphere chains - Debuts on Level 7. If one is touched, 1/4 of the player's life is lost.
  • Snowballs - Debuts on Level 7. They roll down they reached the edge of the screen. A quarter of health is subtracted from the climber on contact.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Furry creatures - This enemy will move slowly back and forth on a platform. Can be killed by jumping on its head or by grappling hook.
  • Horn head monsters - This enemy has a horn on its head, so it can't be killed with jumping. The player has to use the grappling hook to flip it over, then jump on its exposed stomach to kill it.
  • Bull beasts - This enemy moves slowly on platforms, but when it sees the player, it charges forward. It can be killed by shooting its rear with the grappling hook or jumping on its back.
  • Stone plated creatures - This enemy's midsection is plated with stone. It cannot be killed with the grappling hook and its head has to be jumped on 2 times to kill it.

Bosses[edit | edit source]

  • One-eyed herd - A giant herd of six one-eyed segments. The herd can be defeated by shooting the segments. The herd will move faster the less segments there are. The segments cannot be jumped on due to the spikes on top.
  • Horned cyclops monster - A giant cyclopes with horns. If the player shoots it with the grappling hook, its eye will pop out and they can damage it by jumping on it.

Pickups[edit | edit source]

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Main article: Pick ups (Frost Bite)

Popsicle, Ice cream, each of BONUS worth five hundred points.

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

  • Hooks - This can be grabbed to fling the climber up.
  • Checkpoint flag - This sets the climber's respawn point.
  • Victory flag - This lets the player end a level and go to the next.
  • Doors/Caves - The player can hit the up arrow key to enter one of these.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2008 Best of Casual Gameplay 2007 Best Platform game of 2007 Nominated - Tenth place (2.8% of votes)

Beta content[edit | edit source]

Frost Bite contains unused text files. All this unused text is in the form of an image, all text having no spaces between two words. The unused text titled "Heather" is apparently an early version of the word "Heather Stancliffe", which is used in the game's credits.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Lee Nicklen, the game's composer, composed the game's music in February 2007[2].

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Miniclip Games - Play Free Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 13 Mar 07 ) (no Frost Bite)

    Snow Line - Miniclip Games - Play Free Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 13 Mar 07 ) (Frost Bite present)
  2. Kayotix: Frost Bite, retrieved 15 Feb 18.