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For other uses, see Nanobots (disambiguation).

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Ico nanobots.png
Use three types of weapon to take out the hordes of micro enemies.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Action
  • Shooter
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
9 October 2007

Nanobots is an arena shooter game released on October 9, 2007[1]. The player controls a human piloted nanobot and has to destroy the waves of enemy nanobots to complete levels.

Controls[edit | edit source]

PC Mouse.png Mouse - Move the human piloted nanobot

PC Mouse Left Click.png Mouse click - Move the human piloted nanobot

Spacebar - Strafe


←↑↓→ Arrow keys - Move

Levels[edit | edit source]

Training level[edit | edit source]

This level teaches the basics of the game. It goes through each weapon one at a time, and then pits the player against three types of enemies at once for a final test.

Wave one: Pink nanobots - This wave takes the form of an arrow that is composed of red nanobots. It is not until this wave is destroyed that the next wave will appear.

Wave two: Green nanobots - This wave is similar to the last wave, only green. The red and green mutators will also appear. The green mutator is near the middle-left of the screen, and the red will appear closer to the top.

Wave three: Yellow nanobots - This wave is the same as the last two, only yellow. Also, this wave moves horizontally instead of diagonally. The yellow mutator will appear near the red one.

Wave four: Pink nanobots, Green nanobots, Yellow nanobots - This last wave is the hardest, as all colours of nanobots are spawned at this point. The player should take out the pink nanobots first, then green, then yellow. When fighting yellow in this level, never stay still.

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Level 1[edit | edit source]

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  • Wave one: Two lines of Pink nanobots move up and down on the outer edges of the level.
  • Wave two: Three more rows of basic pink nanobots are created, one on the left side of the level, one in the middle and one on the right side.
  • Wave three: Shooting pink nanobots are spawned near the top of the level, and move in a large circle around the level. A message appears warning the player to avoid pink nanobot bullets.
  • Wave four: Shooting pink nanobots spawn at the bottom of the level and move in a large circle around the level (similar to the previous wave). A row of pink nanobots appear on the right side moving up and down.
  • Wave five: Another wave appears in almost the exact same place and moves in the same circular path around the level.
  • Wave six: Two Titan pink nanobots move up and down on the left and right sides of the level.
  • Wave seven: Green nanobots are spawned on the bottom of the level, and move around in a large circle.
  • Wave eight: Two wormholes appear on the top-right and top-left corners of the screen (outside the area where the player can fly) and spawn two rows of green nanobots that both move in small circles.
  • Wave nine: Two rows spawn vertically on either side of the level, meeting in the middle (green nanobots go through each other upon contact) while two small rows spawn at the top left and right and move up and down.
  • Wave ten: four pairs of green nanobots spawn next to each other (with some room in between) across the top of the screen and move up and down.
  • Wave eleven: Two rows of green nanobots spawn in the middle of the level making figure eights (8).
  • Wave twelve: A health pick up appears at the left side of the screen next to a bomb mutator while a set of four yellow nanobots appear on the left and right side of the level moving up and down.
  • Wave thirteen: Rows of yellow nanobots spawn in four places and moving back and forth, making a box.
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Level 2[edit | edit source]

  • Wave one - Basic red nanobots will be spawned to form a '02' and titan and normal red nanobots will attack from below. The player should take these out first as they will be the first to harm the player.
  • Wave two - Basic green nanobots will begin to roam in a large circle, spawned at the top. Red nanobots will also attack from above, and the player should take these out first.
  1. Wave three - Titan red nanobots will be spawned and will travel along about the same line as the green nanobots. There is still no green mutator, so the player is forced to take out the titans first.
  • Wave four - After the titans have been killed, many more red nanobots will be spawned in groups, and more green basic nanobots will also be spawned in threes. When the red nanobots have been killed, the red and green mutators will arrive. The red is at the very bottom, the green at the very top.
  • Wave five - More red basic and titan nanobots will be spawned. The titans will go in circles as before. Two green superviruses will be spawned at the far right and left of the level. Four basic green nanobots will be spawned also. Once the red nanobots are killed, the player should take out the four basic green nanobots next, then the superviruses. As soon as the two superviruses are killed, the next wave will start and a health pick up will be spawned directly below each supervirus.
  • Wave six - Red and yellow nanobots will be spawned in numbers, the player should save yellow to last and kill all reds. After most of the titan and basic red nanobots have been killed, the yellow mutator is announced to be active, and will appear in the far right of the level. However, the player should ignore it until all titan reds have been killed. There should not be many red nanobots left at this point, though. The next wave will not start until all of the yellows have been killed.
  • Wave seven - A solid wall of titan red nanobots will descend from the top of the screen, and then four weapon stealers, many basic red nanobots, and some yellow nanobots will all be spawned at once. However, a health pick up will appear below the yellow mutator. The player should kill the weapon stealers first, as they are weak but very deadly. Then, save the yellows for last. At this point, the level is almost over.
  • Wave eight - Midway through wave seven, titan red nanobots and basic red nanobots will be spawned. These should be killed immediately. This is the last wave, though. Once again, save yellows for last. Not all yellow nanobots have to be killed though, so it is possible to just kill the reds and be done with the level.
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Level 3[edit | edit source]

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

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  • Wave one: Several green nanobots will descend upon the player in the formation of a Four. Some Pink nanobots will reside at the bottom of the level. There is no Pink mutator
  • Wave two: Green nanobots in arrow formations will move up and down. Some pink nanobots will be spawned
  • Wave three: Upon destroying a few green nanobots, titan pink nanobots and usual pink nanobots will spawn, and the Pink Mutator becomes available
  • Wave four: A single green supervirus will spawn in the middle of the room. They are easier to destroy with the player's upgrades
  • Wave five: Yellow nanobots will spawn in the middle of the room moving in a circle. Titan pink nanobots will appear on the edges of the room moving vertically.
  • Wave six: Three pink superviruses will be spawned in the middle of the room, along with several titan and usual pink nanobots spawned
  • Wave seven: Upon one pink supervirus being destroyed, usual yellow nanobots will begin to move in a square around the remaining two pink superviruses. Pairs of green nanobots will begin to move horizontally, with a space between the pairs. All the green nanobots should be destroyed first, then the usual yellow nanobots. The player should be close to the green mutator when they finish this. The player should use the bomb protector technique explained in the strategies section of this article to destroy the yelow nanobots.
  • Wave eight: A line of green nanobots moving horizontally will appear on the stage, with only three gaps between them the size of the player. On top of that, a line of green nanobots will descend from the ceiling, with few gaps between them.
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Level 5[edit | edit source]

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At the start of the level, the player has to kill several pink nanobots. Soon, five lines of green nanobots will form and move back and forth, horizontally. Because of this, the player has to often dive between them. Soon after, vertical moving green nanobots will commence. The only safe spot where the player cannot be harmed by these enemies is on the far reaches of the left and right wall.

Again, the player has to dive back and forth into the sea of greens to kill pink nanobots. Upon killing a sufficient amount, red and pink mutators will spawn. Notably, getting to the mutators is often difficult, as the sheer amount of green nanobots crowding the level makes traversal difficult.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

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  • Wave one: During this wave, red nanobots and green nanobots are spawned together. There is no mutator, so the player will be forced to kill almost all red nanobots before a green mutator comes. The wave of red nanobots will last for about two hundred nanobots. After about one hundred have been killed, more green nanobots will be spawned. This wave will contain both titan and normal nanobots. After most of the green and pink nanobots have been killed, the next wave will begin. The red mutator will appear at the very bottom, and the green at the very top. A health pick up will also appear for a short time near the red mutator.
  • Wave two: More pink enemies will be spawned, and two titan yellow nanobots will be spawned. At this point, it is vital that most green enemies have been killed, as it is almost impossible to avoid the yellow titans if greens are in the way. At this point, there is no yellow mutator, so the player has two options: to avoid the yellow titans and try to kill reds and greens, or let themselves be hit by the yellow titans so that they die. If the player chooses to sacrifice a life to the yellow titans, a health pick up will appear in the lower-left hand corner of the screen.
  • Wave three: Yellow nanobots will begin to be spawned. The yellow mutator will arrive soon, though. Several small waves of red nanobots will be spawned, but they are relatively easy to kill, although the player must avoid the yellow nanobots and their bombs. After the reds are almost all destroyed, the yellow mutator will arrive. It appears in the far right of the level. The player can use the bomb protector technique to kill these nanobots.
  • Wave four: Titan red nanobots are spawned, and random matter is announced to be active. The virus bubble safe zones appear in the bottom-left and upper-right hand corners of the level. Two streams of green nanobots are spawned that will travel in large circles on the right and left sides of the screen. Also, two red superviruses will inhabit the upper-left and upper-right areas of the screen. No known health pick ups will arrive during this wave.
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Boss Level (Level 7)[edit | edit source]

The level begins with four small waves of basic red nanobots (spelling out a countdown starting from "3"), and once at least one enemy has been defeated a green mutator will spawn to the right of the red mutator. Upon defeating the initial sets of enemies, the boss will spawn towards at the upper section of the arena. Titan red nanobots and basic green nanobots will spawn with the boss and continue to reappear until the boss is defeated. The boss fires bullets similar to the ones the titan red nanobots shoot, and at a faster rate. It will also shoot bombs – similar to the yellow supervirus – in eight different directions, and is protected by three green orbs that rotate around it – similar to the green supervirus. The boss can be defeated by shooting at it with the bullet weapon or in one hit using the orb weapon.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.


Strategies[edit | edit source]

The player can perform some strategies in the game that can reduce the risk of being damaged.

Bomb protector[edit | edit source]

If the player is in phase two or three of the bomb form, staying in one place will cause bombs to plant underneath them. Since the bombs have a field, the field will be around the player. This field will instantly kill all usual yellow nanobots that come towards the player, as the yellow nanobots are very weak like all basic nanobots.

Note that this strategy should not be employed against titan yellow nanobots, as they have enough health to enter the field and harm the player.

Bullet swirl[edit | edit source]

In phase three, the player can spin around to send bullets flying in all directions.

Near to mutator[edit | edit source]

The player should always be close to the pink mutator when they finish killing the enemies for a wave and do not know what the next wave will be. Since pink nanobots are often spawned, and in large numbers, and usually firing a flurry of bullets making movement restricted, being close to a pink mutator can be helpful.

Finish the pink[edit | edit source]

All pink nanobots should always be destroyed before changing form, as pink nanobots fire bullets aim at the player and usually inhabit certain areas (mainly the left and right sides of the level) of the level, making the player avoid that section if the pink nanobots in that section are not destroyed. Avoiding that section can make it hard to kill enemies, and possible cost the player health to avoid bullets from pink nanobots as they try to avoid them. Destroying all pink nanobots, or most, makes waves easier to bear.

Yellow is last[edit | edit source]

Usually yellow nanobots should always be taken last, as the player can use the bomb protector technique often to destroy them easily.

Up and back[edit | edit source]

When trying to destroy green superviruses who move their orbs, the player should move vertically up in sync with the hazardous green orbs of the green supervirus, continuing to move up until they no longer have to move in sync with the orbs. Once freed, they should go back to the position they started to move up (which is either the bottom left or right of the supervirus.

If the player is in phase two or three, it is possible to stay just outside the range of the rotating orbs and the player's outermost orb will tap the supervirus each round. However, this strategy should only be employed if all other enemies are killed, as the player must stand perfectly still for this to work.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Weapons[edit | edit source]

  • Bullet weapon - The red form of the human piloted nanobot, fires pink bullets
    • Phase one - Fires one stream from the human piloted nanobot's front
    • Phase two - Fires the original stream plus two of the front-left and front-right
    • Phase three - Fires the original three streams plus one going directly behind the human piloted nanobot
  • Orb weapon - The green form of the human piloted nanobot, swings green orbs
    • Phase one - One green orb swings around the player's body
    • Phase two - A second green orb swings around in the opposite direction
    • Phase three - A small grey orb hangs behind the player that strikes at enemies
  • Bomb weapon - The yellow form of the human piloted nanobot, lays yellow bombs
    • Phase one - Lays a bomb that detonates if an enemy walks up to it, or if its timer expels
    • Phase two - Lays a bomb with a force field, enemies will die if they touch the field
    • Phase three - Lays a bomb with a force field, when the bomb detonates grenades are launched

Mutations[edit | edit source]

Pick-ups[edit | edit source]

Development[edit | edit source]

During development, the team behind the game looked at several shooter games for ideas for content in Nanobots, including Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, R-Type, and Geometry Wars[2].

Credits[edit | edit source]


Unused content[edit | edit source]

  • There are graphics of an unused green team enemy. This enemy appears as a green head with spheres on it, akin to the design of the other green enemies. This enemy is still seen on the enemies help page of the game as an example of a green team enemy. This enemy's sprite is located in the sprites folder and is named "DefineSprite (500)".
  • The pick-ups help page shows two tablets that do not appear in the game: freeze tablets and bomb tablets. The page shows the icons for both unused tablets and mentions that the freeze tablet would freeze all enemies and that the bomb tablet will kill all enemies on screen. Animated sprites for both tablets are still in the game and are located in the sprites folder under the name "DefineSprite (767: pickup_freeze)" and "DefineSprite (798: pickup_smartbomb)".
  • There are three unused icons for a forward slash, backslash, and equal sign. These are intended to be part of the game's font.
  • There are sprites of an unused erratic moving electric field in the colours of green; pink; and yellow, located in the sprites folder at "DefineSprite (937: fizz_green)", "DefineSprite (950: fizz_pink)", and "DefineSprite (963: fizz_yellow)" (respectively).

Glitches[edit | edit source]

  • Sometimes being killed by the boss will result in the ending being shown and the game being completed.
  • On level two, sometimes a yellow nanobot cannot be killed.
    File:Nanobots yellow nanobot glitch
    The yellow nanobot glitch

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • On level 0, green, pink, and yellow nanobots spell out "MTV", the company that sponsored the game.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Action Video Games | Play Free Action & Adventure Games Online | MTV on the Wayback Machine (archived 9 Oct 7 11:58:23 GMT ) (Nanobots not present)

    Nitrome - Play Free Online Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 9 Oct 7 19:16:54 ) (Nanobots is present)
  2. Nitrome Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 13 Oct 8 )