Small Fry

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Small Fry
Using four small fries abilities to figure out how to get them back safely.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Platform
  • Puzzle
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
Adobe Flash Flash
30 June 2008

Small Fry is a platform puzzle game released on June 30, 2008. The player controls four different tiny monsters, each of which have their own special abilities. By picking up and moving the creatures, they can utilize their abilities to reach the end of the level.

Controls[edit | edit source]

PC Mouse Left Click.png Mouse - Click and hold to drag selected small fry.

Small Fry gameplay of level 6

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The goal is to get as many Small Fries home as possible by using their unique abilities to traverse the terrain. The level will be complete when all of them reach home, or the player can choose to end the level by pressing the flag button on the top right if one or more of them have gotten home. If a Small Fry dies, the game will continue, but the player may be unable to complete that level without the one that died. If all of them die, the game will be over.

Levels[edit | edit source]

The game has twenty-five levels. They are all contained areas containing various levels and hazards.

Level 1[edit | edit source]

The Skeleton is introduced.

The player has 1 Skeleton.

The player should drag the Skeleton over the pit, then let it walk through the cave and drag it over the block so it can walk home.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

Switches are introduced.

The player has 2 Skeletons.

The player should drag each Skeleton to a button. After the doors are opened, the player should let them walk into the cave where they will fall down and each press a button, opening the two doors blocking the way home. They can then walk to the home.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

The Sporty is introduced.

The player has 1 Sporty.

Sporty should be dragged off the stump and then allowed to run until it exits the cave near home. The player should then drag Sporty into the home.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Skeleton.

The Skeleton is able to walk underwater and survive large drops, and after it does both those things it will go home.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Sporty.

Because drop ahead is too high for Sporty to survive, the player should drag him to the stump below. Sporty will then climb the next cliff and swim across the water before heading straight home.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

The Brain is introduced.

The player has 1 Brain.

Brain will be facing a large drop but will turn around when it gets there; however, the small drops it walks through next is not a problem. The player should drag Brain across the water and onto the ledge above where it will interact with a flower which opens a door. Brain should be dragged down until it reaches the cave below, where it will interact with another flower which will activate a bridge. Brain will then walk across the bridge straight to home.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

The Warrior and Caterpillars are introduced.

The player has 1 Warrior and 1 Brain.

The player should let the Warrior go first as it will kill the caterpillars and destroy the blocks in his way, then let the Brain follow him. At the right end will be a destroyable block on the ground which if destroyed will send the Small Fry down below. Brain will activate the flower below to open a door. Make sure Warrior goes through the door before Brain. Warrior will kill another caterpillar and destroy a block blocking their way; the two will then get home.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Skeleton and 1 Brain.

Let the Skeleton go first. After traversing a large drop and a trip underwater, Skeleton will activate a bridge which Brain can cross. Drag Brain to the next level where it will activate a flower to open a door. Drag the Small Fry to the stump above, but make sure they are facing to the right. Get the skeleton to the water where he will press a button to open a door; then drag Brain to home as Skeleton can walk there.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

Thorns are introduced.

The player has 1 Brain and 1 Warrior.

Catch Warrior before he falls onto the thorns. Warrior will then break a block, sending him below to the tree stump where Brain is. When Brain is sent flying out of the cave by the mushrooms, catch him and drag him above where he will activate a flower to open a door. Make sure Warrior is facing left and send him to the level where the door once was. Warrior will break the block in the way, allowing him and Brain to get home.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

Plants are introduced.

The player has 1 Skeleton, 1 Brain, and 2 Warriors.

A plant will be in a cave in the Skeleton's and Brain's path. Send Skeleton out. The plant will eat the Skeleton, but will soon regurgitate it. Skeleton will then press a button to open a door separating him from the Warriors. Send Skeleton back in the other direction, and have Warrior follow closely. When the plant eats Skeleton again, the Warrior will kill the plant. This will allow Brain to cross and activate a plant which will open a door to below.

Below there will be a block separating the drop-in area from the rest of the obstacles. Send Skeleton and a Warrior over the block to kill the plant, and drag Brain over so he can activate a flower and open a door. There will be one more plant in the way, so make sure the Skeleton goes through the opened door first followed by the Warrior. After this, the Small Fry can get home safely.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

The player has one Brain.

The Brain will turn itself around at the water but will drop off the other side just fine. Drag Brain over the thorns and into a small cave below. Brain will activate a flower which will activate the first part of the bridge below. When Brain crosses the bridge below and exits the cave, drag him to the other small cave above, where he will activate another flower which will activate the second part of the bridge. Make sure Brain is facing to the left. At the end of the bridge Brain will drop down to the level below. Carefully drag Brain through the thorn-covered passageways until it gets home.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

Walking bugs are introduced.

The player has four Warriors.

Send one Warrior down to kill the Caterpillar in the first cave. There will be an enclosed area between the two enemy-infested passageways; regroup the Warriors there. Send a Warrior in the next cave carefully, as he may not have enough time to recover before the next caterpillar kills him. If the Warrior's death is inevitable, send another Warrior to kill the last Caterpillar.

Drag the Warriors down to the level below, where there will be another regrouping area. Send a Warrior over the ledge, where he will confront a Walking Bug. Walking Bugs take two hits to kill, but Warrior will not have enough time to hit twice before the bug kills him. Warrior will need to be dragged away and placed back if he is to survive. It helps if Warrior attacks the bug from the back. In the process, Warrior will press two buttons which will open two doors leading to the last area.

Regroup the Warriors in the area after the door. There will be a cave below the house that will open the last door, but a Walking Bug is there. Killing it without sacrificing a Warrior will be more difficult due to it walking in a cave most of the time, so the player must attack it when it steps out of the cave. After the bug dies, Warrior will press a button that opens the door leading toward the house. Drag the Warriors into the house.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Skeleton and 1 Warrior.

Let the Skeleton go down the large drop and drag him across the pits when he exits the caves. Next, drag him through the maze of thorns (the thorns can't kill him, but they will break the player's grip on him). Drop Skeleton into the pit with the button so he can press it and activate the bridge spanning the large drop.

The Warrior can cross the bridge over to where the Skeleton is. Drag them back through the maze of thorns and make sure they are facing left. Drag Warrior over the pits, and he will break a block in front of the house. Drag Skeleton over the pits and lead him home.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

The player has 2 Sporties

Let one Sporty jump over the thorn pits and drag him to the stump up above. Drop the other Sporty off the drop behind the stump, and he will fall into the water and swim through it. After swimming through another patch of water and climbing a wall, the Sporty will press a button and open a door in front of the other Sporty.

The Sporty below will run in an endless loop, so leave him and go to the other Sporty. Drag the Sporty to the stump below and take him to the top of an F-shaped platform. Sporty will jump off the top of it and land on the line connecting a button and a door. He will walk across the line into a small cave with a button. This will open the door separating the two Sporties and will allow the other Sporty to stop his endless loop. The first Sporty can go back to the stump, while the second will press another button to open a door blocking the way home. The second Sporty will get home, and drag the first Sporty so he can go home as well.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Skeleton, 1 Brain, and 1 Sporty.

Drag the Brain up through the thorn-covered the cave into a nook with a flower. The Brain will activate bubbles. Send the Skeleton to the drop on the left. After going through water, Skeleton will press a button to open the door at the end of the incomplete bridge. Send the Sporty to the right, where it will jump over two pits and press two buttons: one which activates a fan and one which opens a door separating Skeleton from the bubbles. The Sporty will then go into an endless loop, so leave it be for a bit.

Drag the Skeleton over to the bubbles. It will become encased in a bubble and rise up; the fan will push it forward where the bubble will pop and the Skeleton will drop down to the level above. Let the skeleton drop down into the pit, where it will press two buttons that will activate two different parts of the bridge. The brain can now traverse the two gaps and activate the flower where Sporty is. The flower will open the door blocking Skeleton's way, and he will walk to a button which opens the door separating Sporty and Brain from the house. As soon as he does this, immediately drag Sporty into the home before he jumps into the thorns. Finally, drag Skeleton and Brain into the home from their respective areas.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Skeleton and 1 Warrior.

Drag Warrior over the cave with the plant and the button. To the right will be a section below containing several caves and two Walking Bugs. A button is in one of the caves, so the player must take care to strategically kill the bugs or press the button without encountering any bugs so that the Warrior can survive. When the Warrior presses the button, bubbles will be released next to the tree stump where he started.

Take Warrior back to where the bubbles are. After a bubble drags him through a cave, drag Warrior up and make sure he is facing left. Next, drag Warrior to the top ledge, which is blocked by a destroyable block. The area at the top has two caterpillars; make sure the Warrior does not face them in tandem and die. When Warrior presses the button, the door trapping Skeleton will open. Have Warrior and Skeleton group at the beginning stump.

Have Skeleton and Warrior enter the cave to the immediate right, with Skeleton getting eaten by the plant and Warrior killing the plant. The button in the cave will be pressed, releasing bubbles in the area with the Walking Bugs. Drag Skeleton to the bubbles, making sure he doesn't touch the Bugs. After the bubble passes through a cave, drag skeleton to the pool of water, underneath which is a button which if pressed will open one of the doors leading from the bug cave area to home. Above right is a stump; put Skeleton there.

Next, drag the Warrior to the bubbles and drag him over the water when he reaches the top. Warrior will destroy the block underneath Skeleton's stump; drag Warrior away before he falls into the pit. Take Warrior to the tree stump and send Skeleton down the pit. Skeleton will walk on top of the house and press a button behind it which will open the second door leading from the bug cave area to home. Next, drag Warrior back to the bug cave area and make sure he is not killed by the bugs as he walks toward home. Drag Warrior up the cliff face onto the block blocking the way home; after the Warrior destroys it just drag Skeleton home.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

This level introduces the concept of buttons and switches which are detrimental to completion, forcing the players to learn and adapt.

The player has 2 Skeletons.

Drop the first Skeleton into the pit on the left; at the bottom he will press a button activating bubbles near the right end of the water area. Have the second Skeleton walk into a water; he will press a button releasing bubbles which will take the first Skeleton out of the pit. Drag the first Skeleton over the mud pits and through the thorns until he gets to a cave; after he goes through the cave drag him to the first button in a passageway on the right. The button will open the door separating the second skeleton from the rest of the stage. Do not press the button on the very top, as this will render the level impossible to complete.

Once the second Skeleton walks out of the water, drag him to the bubbles on the right. Once the bubble takes the Skeleton through the cave, drag him to the button. It will open the door blocking the way to the house. The first Skeleton will fall down a pit towards the house and press another button which opens the door blocking the second Skeleton from getting home. The Small Fry can now go home.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Skeleton, 1 Sporty, and 1 Brain.

Have the Sporty go right until he gets to the stump. Send Skeleton into the water, where it will press a button creating a bridge over the area where Sporty is. Send Sporty to the left; the bridge will prevent him from clearing the gap. Make sure that Sporty does not climb back up and drag him to the area below. Sporty will climb up a cliff and press a button that opens one of the doors blocking the way home. Leave Sporty there.

Turn Brain around and send him into the pit on the left. Drag Brain further down the very left until he reaches the pit with the flower. Brain will activate the flower and open a door inside the thorn-covered pit to the right. Make sure that Skeleton is facing left and drag him to the left pit and have him walk until he falls into the thorn pit. At the bottom will be a button which will open the final door blocking the way home. Drag Skeleton out of the thorn pit and help him navigate home; do the same with Sporty. Sporty will turn around when he jumps upon reaching the slope; drag him so he falls into the pit and heads straight home.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

The player has 1 Skeleton and 1 Sporty.

Send the Skeleton into the water, where it will navigate to an area with a button. Pressing the button will open a door to a cave on the far right. Skeleton will then go to the end of the water on the right, and drag him over the cliff onto the stump. Have Sporty go to the right, and drop him into the pit between the stump and the falling block. He will congregate with Skeleton on the stump below.

Have Skeleton go into the pit on the right. After being eaten by a plant, Skeleton will press a button creating a bridge cutting off the passageway from the water to the stump Sporty is on. This will enable Sporty to change direction. Drag Sporty off the cliff to the right and have him traverse the pit, where he will enter a cave. After climbing a wall he will press a button. This will activate a bridge on the lower level leading home. Have the plant eat Skeleton and drop Sporty into the pit. He and Skeleton will then head home.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

This is one of two levels where the player has to sacrifice a Small Fry to complete it, the other being level 23.

The player has 1 Skeleton, 1 Brain, and 1 Warrior.

Drag Warrior until he reaches the third destroyable block and have him destroy it. In the level below, Warrior will press a button which will activate a bridge right above him. The bridge will completely cut him off and send him to a watery grave, so bring Warrior back up to the stump he started from immediately. Have Brain cross the bridge and drag him to the stump above once he exits the cave. Have Warrior destroy one of the blocks above the water area but immediately drag him back once he destroys a block. Have the skeleton enter the water, and he will press a button which will activate a bridge leading home. Make sure the Warrior and Brain are facing right and drop them in a pit above the bridge, where they will walk home. The Skeleton cannot go home, so finish the level.

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Level 21[edit | edit source]

The player has 5 Brains.

Have each of the Brains walk and jump to the next stump. There will be a mushroom in front of a wide patch of thorns, but the thorns will not kill the landing Brains. The next section is a pit with four mushrooms. However, a caterpillar is walking across the Mushrooms, so the Brains will need to jump carefully. The Brains jump about the length of two mushrooms.

The Brains will fall down to a lower level and congregate at a stump. Move all the Brains past the moving block, making sure the block doesn't crush them, and drop them in a little hole nearby. The final area is a pit with six mushrooms and two caterpillars walking on them. However, the cave will end after the Brain takes his second jump, so drag the Brains if they are jumping towards certain death. All the Brains can now walk home.

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Level 22[edit | edit source]

The player has 5 Sporties.

Have the Sporties leap over the two thorn pits and they will congregate at a stump. Before them is a pit with five mushrooms and a caterpillar walking across it. This is a bit more difficult than with the Brains because the Sporties jump into the pit instead of dropping in. Once they have reached the end and turned around, the Sporties must navigate the pit again. After which, they will go back to the start and climb the large wall on the very left. Their path will take them to a stump high above.

To their right is a pit with two mushrooms on the right and a button on the left. A caterpillar will be walking on the ground below the mushrooms. Send 1 Sporty ahead. The Sporty will successfully jump onto the mushrooms, but must turn around and press the button. When the Sporty has turned around, drag it until it is above the button. Wait until the caterpillar is below the mushrooms and drop the Sporty. The button will open one of the doors leading ahead. The Sporty will climb back up to where he started. Now drop this Sporty into the thorn pit on the left. The thorns will not hurt him, and he will jump over to the button on the left, which will open the other door. The Sporty will turn right again and go back to the stump.

In the final area, the Sporties must navigate a pit with two mushrooms and a walking bug. The best time to go is when the bug is at the very far right or left. They can then get home.

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Level 23[edit | edit source]

This is one of two levels where the player has to sacrifice a Small Fry to complete it, the other being level 20.

The player has 1 Skeleton, 1 Sporty, 1 Brain, and 1 Warrior.

Drop the Brain into the first pit. It will turn around at the water and press the button, which will activate a bridge. Send the Warrior down below as well. It will break the stone on the left and he and Brain will go down to the stump where Skeleton and Sporty are. Have Brain activate the flower on the right, which will open the door on the right end of the bridge.

Drag the Skeleton up above. He will walk into the water and press a button which will open the door to the left of the stump. Turn the Warrior to the left and drag him up the newly opened passageway. Warrior will then break a block leading to the stump where he and Brain started, so drag Sporty and Brain there. Have Sporty traverse the two gaps to the right, and he will press a button which will activate the second part of the bridge. Have Brain and Warrior go to the destroyable block, which Warrior will destroy. However, only Brain will be able to turn around at the mud and get home.

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Level 24[edit | edit source]

The player has 2 Sporties and 2 Brains.

This level can be completed in 2 different ways.

In one way, drag the Sporty facing left to the next level. Have him climb the wall at the left and press a button, which will activate a fan directly above the bubbles. Catch Sporty as he jumps off the ledge and drag him back to the stump. Nest, drag the Brain facing right upwards and to the right; there will be a platform over a pool of water with a button. Press this button, which will activate a fan at the top of the level. Drag Brain back to the stump. Next, drag the Sporty facing right to the bubbles. Sporty will go all the way up with the help of the fans and land on a platform. After jumping over a pit filled with thorns, Sporty will press a button activating a bridge over said pit, then head home. Make sure the other Small Fry are facing right and drag them to the bubbles, where they will eventually get home.

Alternatively, use a Brain to activate the flower to the right. This will activate another set of bubbles. Drag the Sporty facing right up and to the right; have it traverse the water and press a button at the end which will activate a fan. When Sporty exits the cave drag it safely back to the stump. Next, drag Brain to the ledge above the water, where it will press a button activating the fan at the top. The new set of bubbles will now be guided toward the platform at the very top; do the same things as above to get everyone home.

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Level 25[edit | edit source]

The player has 10 Brains.

Let each Brain traverse the thorn-covered jumps, and they will congregate on a stump at the end. Next will be a patch of several mushrooms, with four caterpillars walking on them. Cautiously have a Brain traverse these mushrooms, making sure to grab it whenever it jumps out of a cave, and dropping it back when it can jump safely. At the end it will reach a flower that will activate a bridge over the mushrooms which the other Brains can traverse safely. All the Brains will then congregate on a stump below.

Next, drag a Brain off the ledge and drop it, but catch it after it leaves the cave so it doesn't die. The Brain must traverse another patch of mushrooms with two caterpillars walking across it. Make sure to catch Brain when he jumps out of the cave so that he doesn't run into the caterpillars. At the end of the patch will be a flower which will activate a door blocking the way home. Drag Brain up to the mushroom on the left and drag it to the stump to the left when Brain jumps out of the cave. The player may bring the other Brains to that stump if they so choose.

Drag a Brain off the stump and over the pit on the left. Catch it when it exits the cave and let it bounce off the mushroom to another pit on the left. Catch it once it exits the cave. To the left will be a cave with mushrooms and a walking bug traversing them. Simply do the same thing and carefully traverse them while catching the Brain when he jumps out of the cave. At the end will be a flower which will activate the second and last door blocking the way home. The Brain that does this will be unable to go home, so leave it. Have all the remaining Brains traverse the mushroom in the pit on the left. When they bounce out of the cave, drag them to the very top left corner, where they will walk home. Once they are all home, end the level.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

After four years, Nitrome fixed the glitch where the ending failed to display.

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Characters[edit | edit source]

Small Fry makes use of four main characters (Monsters), each with their own special abilities.

Small Fry Ability
  • Survives against all enemies, high drops, and hazards, with the exception of mud.
  • Walks in water.
  • Turns around at high edges and surfaces of water
  • Interacts with flowers to unlock doors and other contraptions
  • Jumps over gaps
  • Swims in water
  • Climbs walls
  • Attacks enemies
  • Destroys stone walls

Hazards[edit | edit source]

Main article: Hazards (Small Fry)

Hazards will kill certain types of small fry, depending on their type.

  • Water - Kills the brain and warrior if dropped into. Brain would turn around when seeing the water. Sporty would swim in the water and Skeleton would walk under the water.
  • Mud - Kills any small fry, including the skeleton.
  • Thorns - Kills the brain, warrior and sporty on contact.
  • Heights - Kills the brain, warrior and sporty when dropped from high places. Though Brain would avoid high places and Sporty would try to jump over gaps.
  • Blocks - Rarely seen, they crush the small fries, and could kill the brain, warrior, or sporty.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Caterpillar - Takes one hit from the warrior to defeat.
  • Plants - If a small fry falls or walks in to one, the plant will eat it. The skeleton, however, will be able to survive the eating. Can be destroyed when the warrior kills the plant while the skeleton is inside the plant.
  • Walking Bug - It moves more slowly than the caterpillar, and is larger in size. It requires two hits from the warrior to defeat. The warrior must hit it once, be dragged out of the way, then hit it again to destroy it.

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

Main article: Interactive Objects (Small Fry)

  • Flower - Can be activated by the brain as a switch to open doors and bridges.
  • Button - When any small fry walks on to one, they will activate its effects, which may include unlocking doors, bridges, or activating a fan and bubbles.
  • Mushroom - Small fry will bounce when on one.
  • Bubbles - Transports a small fry in the direction it is traveling in until it hits a wall.
  • Fan - Changes the direction of the bubbles.

Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2009 Best of Casual Gameplay 2008 Best Platform (Browser games) game of 2008 - Audience Award Nominated
Jay is Games 2009 Best of Casual Gameplay 2008 Best Platform (Browser games) game of 2008 Nominated

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The menu music from Small Fry is based off the song "Everybody Gets to Go to the Moon" by The Three Degrees.[1] and was composed in February 2008[2].
  • Many of sounds in Small Fry are from the Frost Bite series, such as the sound of the Eskimo being hit is heard when a small fry is killed. Also, the sound of the enemies from the same game is heard when the warrior kills an enemy.
The cameo

References[edit | edit source]

  1. See comments on [1] and WEEKEND QUIZ
  2. Kayotix: Small Fry, ???, retrieved 22 Dec 21.