Mallet Mania

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Mallet Mania
Ico malletmania.png
Multiplayer mallet mayhem in this twisty, topsy turvy sports game.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Physics
  • Sport
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
Adobe Flash Flash
11 September 2008
11 November 2022

Mallet Mania is multiplayer game released on September 11th, 2008[1]. It combines some elements of golf and croquet along with physics notions. The aim of the game is to hit a ball, using a mallet, into the designated hole of each level without running out of the limited shots.

A HTML5 port of the game was released on on November 11th, 2022[2].

Controls[edit | edit source]

  • PC Mouse.png Move mouse - Adjust angle of the mallet.
  • PC Mouse Left Click.png Click and hold mouse button while moving mouse - Adjust power of the hit.

Levels[edit | edit source]

Mallet Mania has eighteen regular levels and three multiplayer-only levels. Regular levels can also be played multiplayer, but can only be unlocked by beating them in single player mode. In single player mode, the goal is to reach the hole within the allotted number of shots. In multiplayer mode, the goal is to be the first player to score into the hole.

Level 1[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 4

This is the only level to have fencing throughout the entire course, therefore making it impossible to fall off. The player simply needs to follow the path laid out for them using moderate power, as too much power will cause the ball to bounce back.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 6

This level is based upon a series of slopes with little fencing along the edges, and accuracy becomes crucial. The player must shoot the ball up a long and steep hill using full power to reach the gem, then aiming shots carefully to make it up the next small series of slopes.

The player then faces another steep slope with a gamble block at the top. When the ball reaches the block, the player can gamble for either an extra ball or a sticky (two extras, one sticky). Because of the angle the game, the player actually should adjust their angle further to the finish hole's left, and then use a strong amount of power to shoot the ball into the hole.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 8

This course is filled with many conveyor belts, some the player may not know which way they lead until they actually reach that spot. With much power, however, players can take a shortcut from one of the conveyor belts by using a lot of power on the ball. Alternatively, if a player wants to collect gems for extra points, they can follow the path of the conveyor belts the long way around and get into the hole.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 10

The player starts the level off by shooting the ball onto a pathway made of oil tiles. They then must maneuver the ball through a field of magnets positioned over oil tiles. Finally, there is a hill that the player must shoot the ball up, and by using the force of a magnet positioned on the top, they can shoot the ball into the hole.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

Shots to gate 1: 6

Shots to gate 2: 5

Shots to gate 3: 4

Shots to hole: 3

This level introduces gates, which the player must pass through in order to pass the level itself. It starts out with a group of oil tiles and a few magnets in some places. When the player hits the ball past gate one, they will come across a wall, which they must push past in order to continue on in the course.

After passing the wall, the player can shoot the ball past the magnet and through gate two. They will then come across the hill that leads to a sticky tile. The player should continue shooting the ball towards the sticky tiles, being careful not to hit too lightly (or the ball may stay on the tile) or too hard (or the ball may fall off the course). Thus, this should lead the player to gate three.

Next, the player will come across a couple of weights, which lift and fall at the same time. The player should quickly shoot the ball as soon as the weights begin to lift themselves up. If the player makes it past the weights, they will soon travel across a pathway made of oil tiles and land into the hole.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 8

There are many large gaps featured throughout the entire course, as well as many springs.

In this course, the player should use a lot of power to hit the ball onto the spring that takes it over the gap and to the next area of the course. The next area has two holes in both corners with gems on either sides as well as a wall at the side farthest away from the player. The player should then hit the ball in the direction the arrows point, which should lead to another area with many holes and a gamble block. This gamble block allows the player to gamble for an extra ball, a rubber or a wonky.

Being careful not to fall through the holes or off the course, the player must direct their next shot in the direction the arrows point, at which a spring should help the ball to reach the next area of the course. This should lead them to the last area of the level, where they can shoot the ball into the finish hole.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 14

The player first starts the level by hitting the ball into one of the "sticky" pickups, which changes their ball into a sticky ball. The player then must hit the ball up a steep hill, then past a roller. Afterwards, the player can shoot their ball down a hill where they will be greeted by a sticky tile, and two gems beside it. The player can choose to shoot the ball straight off the sticky tile, or to shoot beside it, hit the two gems and then travel down the hill.

Next, the player comes to a large area with two gems and a giant roller. The best way to pass this is to keep the ball as close to the edge as possible, then, as the roller rolls away, use a large amount of power to hit the ball into the group of "sticky" pickups. Once the player has the sticky ball, they can then shoot it up another steep hill, and use the sticky to their advantage to shoot the ball into the finish hole.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 8

This course starts out with a wide open area and a magnet placed near the far edge. The player could try hitting the ball towards the magnet so that it would be driven off to the side and hit the wall.

Then, the player must be careful to shoot around the hole, of which they will continue on to a gamble block placed between two glowing orbs. To the glowing orbs closest to the right is a pathway covered in oil, and the player will encounter two more glowing orbs along that path before shooting into the hole.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 6

With no fencing to prevent the player from falling of the course, the player must guide the ball along a sharp curve using the two magnets along the way as guides. Then, they will arrive at a destination that splits into two paths. Players should take the one closest to them and aim down the hill, being careful not to hit too hard, otherwise the ball will fall off the course.

Afterwards, the player will come to a wide open space with a wall and two magnets placed at the edge of the course. The player should try to avoid these, aiming towards the narrow hill at the edge of the course, then hitting it down there to shoot the ball into the hole.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

Shots to gate one: 5

Shots to gate two: 8

Shots to gate three: 5

Shots to hole: 3

The player needs to be careful avoiding two rollers while hitting the ball down a straight course with two conveyor belts in order to reach gate 1.

After shooting through gate one, a spring will shoot the ball into the air, and should land the ball into an unfenced area with a series of magnetic spinners and many holes on the side. When attempting to pass the pathway with many holes and four spinner tiles, it may be better to aim them towards the spinners. That way, the ball will easily find its way onto the tiles and the player will not need to worry so much about them falling off. After getting past the four spinners, the player can shoot the ball through gate two.

Upon shooting past gate two, the player must take care to avoid some long rollers by hitting the ball towards the green tiles below at full force. After avoiding three of these rollers, the player can shoot down a narrow pathway, past gate three and into the finish hole.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 8

This level is almost entirely based upon transporting the ball through the use of conveyor belts. The player needs to know which conveyor belts lead to the right paths they want to take, otherwise they could fall off course or end up back where they have started.

Upon taking the first shot, the player should aim with at least 50% power at a 180 degree angle. The hit should be strong enough to take the ball past the conveyor belt to the green tile next to the upcoming conveyor belts, but if the hit is too powerful, the ball could easily fall off course.

Afterwards, the player encounters two conveyor belts, the one closest to them moving in the direction that takes them back to where they started and the other moving in the direction the player will want to travel in. For this reason, a lot of power should be put into the ball to make it travel past the first conveyor belt. That way, the second one can be used to guide the ball along the correct pathway. If the player hits the ball correctly, it should be led by the second conveyor belt down a high drop and towards a gem next to a much longer conveyor belt.

Since the long conveyor belt leads to another long conveyor belt that takes the ball along the correct path, it is not necessary for the player to hit the ball with so much power. Rather, the player should make sure that the shot is kept as close to the center as possible so the ball does not veer off the conveyor belts.

Finally, the player will see four conveyor belts, side by side, each going in different directions. Aim the ball towards the conveyor belt farthest away from it. With the correct power (presumably 65%) and angle (app. 5 degrees), the ball should be traveling on the correct conveyor belt, down a small hill and into the finish hole.

Alternatively, for a speedy end, the player could try aiming the ball at the start to the left with a lot of power, in hopes that it would go onto the right conveyor belt and into the hole, as seen in the video below.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 12

In this level, the player navigates their way through the course through use of magnetic spinner tiles. If they aim the ball towards each of the spinner tiles, they should be able to make their way to the end of the course without a problem.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 9

The player needs to be careful so as to not roll under any weights as they go down in this level. While hitting past the first weight with maximum power seems like a good idea, it most likely will be squashed by the next weight at the other side of the course. The player should aim for about 75% power when hitting the ball past the first weight after it comes to the ground and is just about to lift up again. With the correct timing, the ball should be able to pass the two weights spaced far apart from each other and make it to the end of the path.

Next, after hitting the ball down a short path to pick up a gem, the player encounters four weights, two side by side each other. If the player hits the ball at the right time, they can aim the ball towards a gamble block waiting at the other end of the path. There, the player can gamble for a ghost, giant or an extra shot.

Once the player hits the ball up a short path, they will come across a fenced narrow path with a weight. If they can hit past that weight, they will soon see another up ahead. Hitting past the second weight will land the ball into the hole.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 10

The player must first shoot the ball down a narrow path past a weight. If they make it past, they should come to the end of the path, triggering a switch that turns on two sets of ghost tiles on either side of the player.

By traveling on the solid ghost tiles past another weight toward a switch, the player can also gamble for a ghost or a wonky. Afterwards, the player can shoot down several tiles along the course, past several weights and triggering several switches, to a large area where they can easily shoot the ball into the hole.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

Shots to gate 1: 5

Shots to gate 2: 7

This course starts with two hills that the player must shoot down, with the help of two magnets at the top of them. Afterwards, the player must shoot down another hill, this time, past a rotating orb, past gate one.

Upon passing gate one, the player will encounter a large with many magnetic spinner tiles and eater tiles, as well as a rectangle-shaped hole in the middle of it all. If the player is able to make it past this part of the course, then past two rotating orbs, they can shoot the ball through the hole, which is located on the other side.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 11

First, the player must guide the ball up a steep hill, then towards a spring, which is pointed out by three arrows. If the player hits the ball hard enough, they should be able to land on the path of sticky tiles, with three conveyor belts going in different directions. They should shoot the ball towards one of the conveyor belts closest to the sides, towards one of the walls on the other side.

Next, the ball is taken down a steep hill, towards two magnetic spinner tiles. If the player aims correctly, the spring should help them travel towards the next part of the course, which has four magnetic spinners. The direction of the arrows should be followed, past a roller and towards the hole.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

Shots to hole: 9

The level starts out with a long pathway covered in oil that the player must pass. If they reach the end of the path, they should be guided by two magnets along the rest of the path to a set of green tiles.

Now, players must position themselves in a way that they can bypass three rollers on a thin strip of oil tiles to get to the next set of green tiles. Another thick set of tiles covered in oil is then seen along with three magnets at some of the corners. After coming past this path, the player should see a gamble block and a set of unaligned oil tiles. Aiming the ball down the narrow path created by these tiles, the player should be able to get the ball into the hole.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

Shots to gate 1: 4

Shots to gate 2: 4

Shots to hole: 4

The player needs to shoot the ball down the middle conveyor belt while avoiding a small roller, onto another conveyor belt that should lead to the top of a narrow path where gate one is.

After shooting past gate one, the player encounters another path with three conveyor belts side by side each other and a small roller before them. By reaching the one farthest away from the ball, the player should be able to make it to the next set of green tiles and past gate two.

Now the player must shoot past a weight to get onto the conveyor belt to get to a small set of green tiles. Finally, shooting past a second conveyor belt like the one before should guide the ball past a long strip of oil tiles and into the finish hole.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

A screen the player sees similar to when successfully completing a level appears, reading, "Congratulations! Thank you for playing! The player's final score is displayed below and the player then has the option of submitting the score or returning to the game menu.
The ending screen image

Scoring[edit | edit source]

The score is determined by the number of leftover shots the player has at the end of the level (more unused shots the better) as well as any gems the player collected during the course of that level.

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

The Help section of Mallet Mania

Main article: Interactive objects (Mallet Mania)

  • Magnet - Repels the ball away from it.
  • Fence - Prevents the ball from falling off the end of the course.
  • Conveyor belt - Moves the ball in the direction it is traveling in.
  • Rotating orb - Pushes the ball in the direction it goes.
  • Gamble block - Allows player to gamble for a ball.
  • Teleporter - Transports player to another teleporter.
  • Wall - Obstacles players may have to bypass.
  • Gate - Ball must pass through these before going into hole.

Tiles[edit | edit source]

Main article: Interactive objects (Mallet Mania)#Tiles

  • Green tile - Ball rolls normally on these surfaces.
  • Gum tile - Ball sticks to these surfaces.
  • Oil tile - Ball moves quicker unless sticky.
  • Spring - Lets ball travel between gaps.
  • Spinner - Spins the ball in a different direction.
  • Magnetic spinner - Attracts ball, then spins mallet.
  • Switch - Triggers ghost tiles.
  • Ghost tile - Can only be travelled on if triggered by a switch.

Pickups[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pick ups (Mallet Mania)

  • Gems - Score the player some additional points.

Balls[edit | edit source]

These pickups can be obtained by aiming the ball towards the tile it is on, if any, or by gambling for them with the gamble block.

  • Sticky - Allows the ball to stick to any surface
  • Wonky - Ball veers off course with a good shot.
  • Bomb - Explodes upon coming to a stop, pushing other balls away from it.
  • Giant - Enlarges the size of the ball.
  • Ghost - Ball can travel through rollers and weights.
  • Rubber - Makes ball bouncier with a harder shot.
  • Swap - Switches with another player’s ball.
  • Extra - Gives player an extra shot.

Hazards[edit | edit source]

Main article: Hazards (Mallet Mania)

  • Roller - Pushes ball off the course.
  • Weight - Squashes the ball.
  • Hole - Lets ball fall through and off the course.
  • Eater tile - Opens if ball stops over it.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Glitches[edit | edit source]

File:Mallet Mania Wall glitch
Encountering the floating piece
  • If the ball is next to the finish hole and falls with shots remaining, the player might be unable to shoot the ball. But if the player press the sound FX button, the level will be passed and the player can enter the next level.
  • Some components of the wall can be found in midair.
  • If level 2 hasn't been unlocked by the player, the game will be impossible to play.
  • Pressing pause button in the gadget area will freeze the game.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The game's menu music track is similar to Snot Put's music.
  • This game has various similarities with the 1984 Arcade game Marble Madness.
  • While Mallet Mania was released in September 2008, the game had actually been completed back in March/April 2008[3].

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Nitrome blog: - Mallets Mallet - We launched Mallet Mania last Thursday, again for Miniclip. [This post was published on Wednesday September 17th 2008]
  2. Nitrome on Twitter: [1], 11 Nov 22, retrieved 19 Jan 23.
  3. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: In the Doghouse, 19 Sept 8, retrieved 27 Nov 21.