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Guide the sky wires passengers along the rail avoiding out of control toys.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Action
  • Skill
  • Avoid
Control scheme
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
29 March 2007
(earliest known availability)
Newgrounds Newgrounds
6 June 2008
1 May 2021
(earliest known availability)

Skywire is an action game released on March 28th-29th, 2007[1]. The player controls a cable car while trying to get at least one of the three passengers to the finish platform. Nitrome considers Skywire their first very popular game[2].

An HTML5 port of the game was released on on April 30th-May 1st, 2021[3].

Controls[edit | edit source]

Up.png Up arrow key - Moves the cable car forward

Down.png Down arrow key - Moves the cable car backward

Levels[edit | edit source]

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Level 1[edit | edit source]

To start off level one, go up the ramp at the start of the track, but the player has to slow down when they get to the top; there is a giraffe-in-the-box. Wait until it recedes, then go quickly over, as they swiftly pop back out.

However, the player must immediately start to brake, as there is another giraffe directly along the track. Again, wait until it starts to recede to go past it. Let the cable car fall until you start up another ramp, brake when the cable car gets halfway from the start of the incline to snake circling the track above.

Edge slowly up the track until a little bit before the snake's head circles around. Go quickly between the gap and up the half loop. Stop immediately after the track is flat again. Once again, wait a bit before the gap is closed to go through it. Go slowly up the next hill until you see the frog. Go forward as soon as you see the frog fall back down.

Keep on going until you reach the downhill part. Pause for a little bit, if the cable car just goes straight through the track with the three seagulls it will not get hit, but be careful to stop right before you to get to the frog. Wait carefully until the cable car sees the frog fall back down, then simply go straight forward until the cable car reaches the end of the level.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

This level has a group of seagulls. The easiest way to complete this level (but the player still loses one passenger) is to hold down the 'up' arrow key, which makes the player go forward. Another way is to wait for the Seagull's bombs to go past before the player goes.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

The player should go forwards, then when they come to the bend, wait for the butterfly to pass. Then go forward past the second bend, and again wait for the butterfly to pass. Next, the player must head down, hold the down arrow key, and wait for the next butterfly to pass.

Then, the player should proceed down, close to the water, stopping when butterflies come near. When the cable car goes up, make sure the player does not hit any butterflies. Finally, go up into the bend, onto the finish platform.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

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This level has some butterflies. The player should start by going right, down, left, up and right

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

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The player starts by going right, then left, encountering some parachute pandas and a pooping seagull. Then they go down and encounter three more pooping seagulls, and continue going right. The player encounters the parachute pandas again, then they go left, close to the water, where killer whales jump.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
The player has to dodge some turtles and butterflies.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

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The player goes right, dodging a rabbit and monkeys, then he/she goes left, dodging another rabbit. Finally he/she ends dodging the monkeys again.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
The player starts being chased by a bat, goes down and encounters a seagull and a hippopotamus. Then the player goes up and encounters a frog, another seagull and another frog. Then the player goes down dodging another seagull and another frog.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

This level features many loops and eels. After the player makes it through some giraffes, they have to get past two squirrels throwing a chick over the track. Because the grey squirrel is too close to the track, it will always harm the cable car. The player then has to pass one more eel before coming to the end of the level.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.


A window pops up with "game complete" visible at the top in golden-brownish letters. The rest of the window's contents detail the player's score with confetti seen constantly falling on the game screen.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Ripoff[edit | edit source]

On May 6th, 2011, Nitrome posted an image and a link to a Kotaku article about flash games ripped off the internet and ported to the iPhone without asking the original authors for the game. A part of the article was about Skywire illegally ported without permission from Nitrome. The image for the game on Nitrome's blog article about the link to the Kotaku article later changed for unknown reasons. The iPhone version of Skywire was a complete rip off the original, with the background and platforms for the game changed.

Mat Annal requested that Apple take the game down, and they did. The game was then re-uploaded to the Apple App store, with the Cable Car's, Bean Peoples', and enemies' graphics changed, but the rest of the game was the same. Version two of the game was still held as copyright infringement. Later, on Wednesday May 25th, Mat posted a nine-minute video comparing the levels of Nitrome's Skywire game with the levels of the two rip offs.

Video[edit | edit source]

Distribution[edit | edit source]

The game was made a distributable game, and was one of the twelve games made available when the distributable games page was launched on August 25th, 2011.

Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2008 Best of Casual Gameplay 2007 Best Action or Arcade game of 2007 Nominated - Eighth place (4.8% of votes)

Beta elements[edit | edit source]

Beta image[edit | edit source]

The icon for the game on Kongregate is from a beta version of the game. This image shows an early version of the cable car and an early version of the passengers. The cable car is taller, has small doors in the middle, three small window areas instead of one wide window area, a more detailed blue handle base on the top, and a longer rod. The passengers are wider.

Unused content[edit | edit source]

Present in the game are images of words, these images likely used for the names of button in some sort of level editor. Much of the text does not seems to correspond to anything seen in the game, but rather programming and coding of the game.

Story[edit | edit source]

Early on in development, the setting for Skywire was that the game's levels were part of a "sadistic" amusement ride that had gone out of control[4], however, this story was not integrated into the game and later partially changed, as most of Skywire takes place above water and not on the ground.

External links[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Skywire's game mechanic was based off real-life aerial cable cars[5].
  • Lee Nicklen (Skywire's composer) made 6 extra tracks. One of the extra tracks was later used in Skywire’s sequel, Skywire 2 as the boss theme.
  1. Extra Song #1
  2. Extra Song #2
  3. Extra Song #3
  4. Extra Song #4
  5. Extra Song #5. This track was later used as the boss theme for Skywire 2.
  6. Extra Song #6

Skywire in the "More projects created by this team members" section.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Miniclip Games - Play Free Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 28 Mar 07 ) (Miniclip front page, no mention of Skywire being released)

    Jay is Games: Skywire - Walkthrough, Tips, Review, 29 Mar 07, retrieved 23 Apr 16. (contains a link to Skywire on Nitrome's website)
  2. Gamasutra Interview with Nitrome: August 2, 2010
  3. Nitrome website, 30 Apr 21, retrieved N/A. (no Skywire HTML5)

    Nitrome - Play Free Games on the Wayback Machine (archived May 1, 2021 from the original)
  4. Nitrome on Twitter: [1]: the original idea [for Skywire] is that it was supposed to be some sadistic fare ground ride that had gone nuts., 2 Aug 15, retrieved 3 Aug 15.
  5. Developer Spotlight: Nitrome - MochiLand on the Wayback Machine (archived 26 Sept 7 )