Frost Bite series

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The Frost Bite series began in 2007 with the release of the game Frost Bite. It primarily consists of a climber who uses her grappling hook to climb mountains.

Main series[edit | edit source]

Ico frostbite.png Frost Bite[edit | edit source]

The original game, Frost Bite, was among the first of Nitrome's works. It was the eighth game, released in 2007. It followed the adventures of the Climber as she climbed a set of mountains. Using the mouse, the player can control the climber to scale platforms, defeat enemies, grab on to holds, and more.

Frostbite2icon.png Frost Bite 2[edit | edit source]

Frost Bite 2 was the direct sequel to Frost Bite, released in 2008. The player once again was required to climb a set of mountains.

Spin-offs[edit | edit source]

Thiniceicon.png Thin Ice[edit | edit source]

File:Thin Ice for the Mattel Intellivision
Gameplay footage of Mattel's Thin Ice

Thin Ice features the climber as the protagonist, who must skate holes around enemies on a thin frozen lake, causing them to fall in. Some enemies from the Frost Bite games reappear in this game. Its gameplay is similar to the Intellivision game, also called Thin Ice.