Hot Air Jr Demo

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The Hot Air Jr Demo is a demo version of Hot Air Jr released on May 2nd, 2012. The game is a demo in that it is a beta version of Hot Air Jr. Although the level in the game is not an actual level from Hot Air Jr, the game served to test out the physics of Hot Air Jr, and for feedback on the game.

Controls[edit | edit source]

  • PC Mouse.png - Activate fan

Rooms[edit | edit source]

The Hot Air Jr Demo does not have levels, but rooms. Each room has a certain amount of stars, and usually a hazard.

First room[edit | edit source]

Hazards: Spikes
Stars: 2

Second room[edit | edit source]

Hazards: Spikes
Stars: 3

This room has a star embedded in the wall, obtainable only through going through a non-solid section of wall in room three.

File:Hot Air Jr. - Obtaining out-of-reach star
Obtaining the out of reach star

Third room[edit | edit source]

Hazards: Spikes, an axe
Stars: 6

This room features a pit up spikes and an axe. On the left wall is a very small alcove. Going through this alcove allows the player to go back into the second room and obtain the star embedded in the wall.

File:Hot Air Jr. - Obtaining out-of-reach star
Obtaining the out of reach star

Fourth room[edit | edit source]

Hazards: Spikes, 6 octopi
Stars: 2

Fifth room[edit | edit source]

Hazards: 4 mines, 2 mini axes
Stars: 2

This room has a key at the end, which must be taken back to the first room.

Walkthroughs[edit | edit source]

Hazards[edit | edit source]

Differences from full version[edit | edit source]

A screenshot of the glitch in action.

Glitches[edit | edit source]

  • In the fifth room, if the player collects the key and pops the balloon on one of the axes, they would get a game over screen. However, the balloon would still be intact and would act like it is still attached to the basket, despite having no strings. The player will be unable to blow Hot Air Jr. around until they restart the level.