Mirror Image

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Mirror Image
Use your mirroring to traverse the environment and reach the goal.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Puzzle
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
Adobe Flash Flash
13 February 2009

Mirror Image is a puzzle game released on February 13th 2009. The player plays as a Warlock who has had its village been invaded by demons. The player controls the Warlock by making a line. The Warlock will then teleport to appear on the opposite end of the line, being an opposite of where he was standing before.

Controls[edit | edit source]

PC Mouse Left Click.png Mouse - Make a line

Levels[edit | edit source]

The player moves the warlock by making a line with the mouse. Once ready, letting go of the left mouse buttons will cause the warlock to teleport, appearing on the opposite side of the line, opposite where it originally appeared. Throughout the game, the player has to use several objects to get to the finish pad, including switches. Several types of demons are encountered which which try to hinder the warlock and have different abilities.

Level 1[edit | edit source]

This first level is a simple path around a corner. The player cannot die here and it is possible to simply jump to the exit.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

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This level is longer than the first but is still safe.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

This level is a U-shaped path with a hole in the middle of each length. An easy way to avoid falling is to draw the line over the middle of each hole.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

This level is a large squared area filled with poorly-sighted demons that move each time the player teleports. The ones here move back and forth on the lighter coloured squares and the exit is at the bottom of the level.

The player still has the guider line to see where they will land, so its rather easy to avoid the demons. Another easy way is to draw the white line in the middle, to land at the bottom, where the player can easily just teleport the warlock to the exit.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

The guiding line is removed in this level. The level itself consists of four floating platforms, one of which has a demon on it. A good thing to do here is to teleport the warlock to the edge of the islands, then draw a line halfway over the vortex.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

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This level consists of three floating platforms. The path to the third platform and the exit are locked, so the player will need to collect the keys to unlock the gates, provided the warlock does not fall into the holes, this level is rather easy.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces platforms that move every time the player teleports. Memorizing the movement of the platforms before the warlock jumps onto them is important. The player can avoid needing to land on all the moving platforms except the last (the last platform has a key on it needed to unlock the exit, so jumping over all platforms will not work in this level) by drawing a line in the middle of the gap between solid ground.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

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This level is a big square platform filled with shadow demons that move one square clockwise every time the player teleports. There is a key in the center, needed to unlock the exit, which is found at the bottom of the level.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces spikes. Standing on a pressure pad will lower the spikes of the pressure pad's colour, but only while the player stands on the pad. The only tricky part of this level is jumping from the bronze pressure plate to the exit.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

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This level is spiral-shaped and introduces jumping demons, which move towards the warlock is every time he jumps. There are two of these, one starting in the top left corner and the other in the bottom right. The player can simply teleport past them to dodge them.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

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To complete this level, the player has to jump over a large void to the single goal block at the end. It is mostly guesswork, but when the line is purple, the player knows that it has been moved too far. When this happens, this indicates that the correct place to draw the line is slightly left of where the line stops being purple.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces mirror blocks, which reflect the teleporter's direction. The player is given the guider line back for this level. Mirror blocks have to be used to move around the level. The player has to calculate the place the warlock will land by applying what has been learned during the first part.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

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In this level, the player once again loses the guider line. They must make several jumps aided by mirror jumps to get to the exit. The player can complete this level by applying what was learned in the previous level about mirror blocks.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

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On this level, magic mist is introduced, inside of which the player cannot draw teleportation lines. To get to the exit, the player must draw lines where the air is clear. The only thing that can kill the player is the void below, as there are no enemies.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

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This level consists of three sets of moving platforms. On each set there is one of the three keys needed to unlock the exit platform. The platforms in the first set move back and forth, the key being on the third platform.

The second set consists of small platforms that slowly move clockwise, the second key being on one of them. The third set of platforms are two vertical rows of platforms that move half their length every jump. The last key is on the right one at the bottom.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces four-eyed demons. There are three keys to collect in this level and the exit is in the bottom right. Collect the keys while hiding behind crates, then make it to the exit tile.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

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This level has a large set of floating squared platforms over the vortex. While the first islands are quite large, the ones towards the end are tiny. It can be easily completed with one move in the middle of the level.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

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This is a zigzagging road filled with jumping demons. The player can avoid each demon by making a line over each one when they are encountered.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces the teleporters, which have to be used quite a bit to get to the exit. There is a silver key in this level, but taking it simply gives the four jumping demons present in the level an opening that allows them to pursue the player, so it is not necessary to collect it. The player get the guide line back for this level so that they can use the teleporters.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

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This level marks the return of the magic mist. The level consists in a series of floating platforms, with the mist hovering over the holes.

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Level 21[edit | edit source]

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Level 21 is basically two sets of moving platforms, one moving slowly on a long rail. As the the platform moves one way, four demons move in the other, so they meet in the middle. The second platform is quite similar, except that the demons move in a different way. On this second platform, the four demons move in sets of two.

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Level 22[edit | edit source]

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The exit here is guarded by spikes that need three pressure plates to be activated for them to open. Luckily, this level sees the introduction of the magic mirror power up, that allows the player to leave weak copies of themselves behind. The player can activate all switches by using this power-up.

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Level 23[edit | edit source]

This level is an obstacle course of mirrors. The first jump can be made by drawing a line diagonally halfway across the mirror block above the warlock. The next jump can be made by teleporting to the edge of the next platform and drawing a line halfway across the top mirror to the right.

The player can make the third jump by drawing a line between the mirror that they previously drew a line on and the right vertical mirror. The final jump can be made by drawing a line on the mirror halfway across the gap. This has to be quite precise, as if the player overshoots the mirror to the left of the exit platform, it will reflect the player into the vortex.

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Level 24[edit | edit source]

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This level is another set of moving platforms the player must get past. The first platforms start by moving outwards. The player should observe the other platform's movement patterns as the warlock jumps. The key to completing this level is judging the distances properly.

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Level 25[edit | edit source]

The magic mirror is present in this level, allowing the player to make clones again. The clones will mirror themselves in the player's lines and leave copies of themselves behind. They can also win a level if one stands on the exit tile.

To win this level, collect the mirror, stand on one spike tile, mirror the warlock to another spike tile (not diagonally), then draw a line across the middle of the level so that the player and the clone are mirrored onto the other two tiles, opening the spikes. After this, the player should teleport the warlock or a clone onto the exit.

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Level 26[edit | edit source]

This level has two four-eyed demons in it that will freeze the player if they see them. Luckily, there are some crates to hide behind. Teleport into the top left corner, then into the bottom left, then to the key platform, and finally to the exit to the right.

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Level 27[edit | edit source]

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This level tests how accomplished the player is with moving platforms and mirrors.

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Level 28[edit | edit source]

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This level consists of four small moving platforms that contain keys and circle a larger island. All the keys must be collected to open the gates blocking the goal tile. One method for doing this is to hop back and forth until one of the platforms is in a straight line from the central island, then hop onto the platform, take the key, then hop back to the central island. This method is slow, but effective.

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Level 29[edit | edit source]

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The contents of this level is a set of fog covered floating islands. In addition to this, on each island the player will find a poorly sighted demon. The trick to completing this level is to draw lines over the center of the gap and calculate where the demon will be when the player lands on the next island.

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Level 30[edit | edit source]

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To get through level 30 the player must make a few, simple, yet precise jumps using the single mirror blocks present in the level. The lines must be drawn somewhere diagonally across the mirror blocks.

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Level 31[edit | edit source]

This level consists of six small floating islands covered with fog. On each island, except the first, an intelligent demon can be seen. The exit is on the final island, although it is covered by a demon on the first turn. The tricky part about this level is the fact that the demons can cover a large amount of the islands they are on in one turn, killing the player if they land on any square on another island except one diagonal to a demon.

The player can solve this problem by luring the demons towards the warlock by repeatedly teleporting him around the first island, ideally landing on the same square a few times. Although fog covers the island, drawing a line just in front of the mirror at the bottom of the screen will make the warlock reappear on the island the player is currently on. Once the demons have been lured a few squares away, make the jumps using the void, and at the bottom, the bottom mirror.

If the warlock needs to be re-postioned on an island, use the mirror that acts as a wall between the two sides of the level can be used. If the player lands on the exit square at the same time as a demon, the player will die.

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Level 32[edit | edit source]

This level consists of a central island with a quad-eyed demon on it, surrounded by several very small floating islands, which hold a magic mirror and spike plates. There are exit islands on four sides of the level. To complete this level, the player should hop over to the silver spike plate. The correct point for the line to be drawn is between the two top crates on the inner island.

The player should start the line there, the extend straight outwards until the warlock can use it, then have the warlock hop to the magic mirror platform to obtain the magic mirror . The correct way to draw the line is in the middle of the second crate from the bottom on the central island, then to extend outward diagonally.

After this, the warlock should jump to the bronze spike plate, (use the same place to draw the line, just on the relevant side of the crate), then the gold (same place just upside down), and then to the left exit platform, then into the exit to complete the level.

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Level 33[edit | edit source]

At the start of this level, the player will find him/herself in an area filled with demons, which the villagers have locked up. Start out by taking the magic mirror. The only way ahead is to pick up the key that unlocks the demons.

The player should jump from platform to platform and make their way towards the spike plates, bearing in mind that if a clone of the warlock that is capable of teleporting touches a demon and dies, the player will die as well.

A good idea is to stall and lure the demons towards the warlock on one of the platforms after the key, so they do not catch up with the player's clones on some of the later platforms. Once the player reaches the spike plates, they must aim precisely and land on them one after another.

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Level 34[edit | edit source]

This level is a series of small floating islands, some covered with fog. Around them on a moving platform moves the exit. To complete this level, the player has to draw a diagonal line above the bottom teleporter.

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Level 35[edit | edit source]

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This level consists of a set of moving spike plates around a magic mirror, with an exit plate at the bottom behind some spikes. The trick to solving this one is similar to an earlier level; the warlock and a warlock clone have to be teleported on two of the plates, then they must be mirrored onto the other two.

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Level 36[edit | edit source]

This level is a small group of islands. First, the player should go through the teleporter to the other platform, then teleport to the platform diagonally above the one they just arrived on. After this, the player should take a long shot trough the teleporter, bounce off the mirror, and take the key. The player should then backtrack to the last platform, then teleport to the exit.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Once level 36 is completed, a cutscene will play: The warlock is seen happily jumping up as all the demons are seen being sucked into the vortex below. The vortex disappears, revealing space. Then the following message will be displayed: "CONGRATULATIONS! On reaching the village peak you can finally see right into the vortex. You cast a spell to sealing [sic] the portal and banish the demons back to there [sic] own dimension."

After the ending is seen, pressing the back button will take the player to the menu (as meant), but this time the menu may show the clear space background.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Demons are the only and main enemies in the game. Below is a list of their variations.

  • Poor-sighted demons - These demons can only move in certain areas and have poor eye sight hence the name. They cannot move around and are set to move in marked areas which the player should avoid. They will move every time the warlock teleports and are the weakest of all demons.
  • Jumping demons - These demons have very accurate hearing due to their big ears. Every time the warlock teleports, they jump a short distance toward the Warlock. They are pretty bulky and can be dodged easily by simply "mirroring" through them. They have no area limits like the poor-sighted demons and can move around the whole level. Their big ears let them fly.
  • Quad-eyed demons - These Demons stay in one place. They have a white dotted line with an eye at the end that points at the warlock. If the warlock is not behind a wall the demon will turn the warlock to stone.

Obstacles[edit | edit source]

  • Wooden blocks: These wooden blocks are the remains of the village. They block the warlock from passing through them. There also many other objects which blocks the Warlocks path, such as jugs, lamps and barrels.
  • Spikes: Spikes are large pointed cylinders that protrude from holes in some levels. They will kill the warlock if touched, so the player must estimate carefully and avoid them. Spikes come in copper, grey and gold colors. Different colors of spikes can be deactivated if a platform of corresponding colour is lowered. However, the spikes reappear if the warlock teleports off the platform.
  • Magic mist: Magic mists blocks prevent the player from using the teleporting ability. When the warlock is inside the mist, players can only draw the dot lines in fresh air areas.
  • Moving blocks: These moving blocks shift their position every time the warlock teleports. Some of the keys are placed among them and are difficult to obtain.

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

  • Keys: Keys can unlock doors with the corresponding coloured doors. Keys comes in three colours: gold, silver and bronze. Various doors have to be unlocked in a level so obtaining the keys are vital.
  • Real mirrors: The mirrors reflects the teleportation of the warlock, causing his teleportation to change course. The reflection obeys the law of reflection so the player can still estimate the position the warlock lands, thought proved to be difficult.
  • Teleporters: when the warlock's teleport path passes through a teleporter, it continues out the other end of the teleporter rather then in a straight line ahead.

Power ups[edit | edit source]

  • Magic mirrors: picking up a magic mirror grants the ability to leave weak copies of yourself behind after a jump. This copies will imitate the warlock's move and last for two jumps. If a copy teleports himself midair, touches spikes or demons, the warlock also dies.

Credits[edit | edit source]
