Yin Yang

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Yin Yang
Use negative space to help our duo to solve the puzzles and reach the exit.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Puzzle
  • Platform
Control scheme
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
18 September 2007
(earliest known availability)

Yin Yang is a puzzle-platform game released during the time period of September 13th - 18th, 2007[1]. The player controls characters Yin and Yang with the aim of having them both reach the goal flags by manipulating their environments.

Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Left.png Right.png Left and right arrow keys - Movement
  • Up.png Up - Jump
  • Space.png Spacebar - Swap between Ying or Yang
  • CTRL key.png Ctrl - Interact with signs, push or pull boxes.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

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Levels[edit | edit source]

Level 1 - Bread and Butter[edit | edit source]

In this level, some of the basic things are taught such as how to move, how to push and pull boxes, and the concept of one character traveling through something solid from the other world. Yin and Yang have gravity in the same direction for the whole level.

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Level 2 - Chalk and Cheese[edit | edit source]

This level introduces the concept of Yin and Yang having different directions of gravity.

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Level 3 - Light and Dark[edit | edit source]

This level introduces gravity switches.

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Level 4 - Fish and Chips[edit | edit source]

This level introduces moving platforms and how they can be used as moving tunnels.

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Level 5 - Pen and Ink[edit | edit source]

This level introduces birds to the game. Yin must use a box to widen the gap beneath the birds one at a time for Yin to pass through safely.

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Level 6 - Drum and Bass[edit | edit source]

This level introduces pigs to the game.

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Level 7 - Peaches and Cream[edit | edit source]

On this level, Yang must move some boxes into pits so the walls can be short enough for Yin to jump over. This must be done while avoiding birds.

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Level 8 - Rock and Roll[edit | edit source]

This level introduces key switches and lock blocks to the game.

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Level 9 - Sugar and Spice[edit | edit source]

This level introduces changing blocks.

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Level 10 - Hills and Valleys[edit | edit source]

For Yang to get to the top of the stack of boxes, the player must pull the bottom box to the left, making a stairway to the top. If Yin or Yang falls into a pit then the player must restart, as there is no way out of them.

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Level 11 - Salt and Pepper[edit | edit source]

This level focuses mainly on Yang moving boxes on top of the spikes while Yin stands on a key switch. To get Yin to the flag, Yang must stand on a key switch that appears next to the flag while avoiding the bird.

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Level 12 - Sun and Moon[edit | edit source]

This level introduces box passers to the game.

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Level 13 - Top and Tails[edit | edit source]

This level focuses mainly on moving platforms/tunnels and gravity switches.

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Level 14 - Fire and Ice[edit | edit source]

In this level, Yang must make a stack of three boxes to form a passage for Yin to get to the flag. Yang then has to put one box through the box passer so that Yin can make a passage for Yang.

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Level 15 - Bacon and Eggs[edit | edit source]

This level introduces spike heads to the game.

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Level 16 - Jekyll and Hyde[edit | edit source]

This level introduces dragons to the game.

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Level 17 - Foot and Mouth[edit | edit source]

This level introduces bees to the game.

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Level 18 - Guns and Roses[edit | edit source]

In this level, Yin and Yang must outwit the dragons once again. Yang can get the white one out of the way by leading it into the spike pit. It won't die but will be trapped unless Yang jumps to the right at some point in the level, which is unnecessary. Then, the player must make the black dragon jump on the box, move Yin next to it, and have the dragon jump over Yin.

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Level 19 - Cat and Mouse[edit | edit source]

In this level, Yin and Yang must outwit the dragons for the third time, only this time, there are two white dragons. Move while swapping characters to advance.

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Level 20 - Punch and Judy[edit | edit source]

On this level, Yang can reach the flag with no trouble but must first help Yin to get to the flag.

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Level 21 - Day and Night[edit | edit source]

On this level, Yin and Yang must face another bee. They need to help each other get around obstacles this time.

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Level 22 - Jack and Jill[edit | edit source]

For Yang, this level focuses on moving tunnels and changing blocks. But, for Yin, there are several points where he must switch gravity from under a moving platform and some spikes. The player must control Yin to land on the platforms.

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Level 23 - Batman and Robin[edit | edit source]

This level brings back the spike heads. Yin must push the box to the left sticking out halfway from the wall. Yang must then stand on the key switch to allow Yin to then can climb up the steps to a moving platform.

Here, Yin must use timing to jump over the spike head and land back on the platform. Yin then should open the lock block so the platform can travel through, then close the lock block, locking it on the other side.

From here, Yang can travel through the part of the box pushed in and the locked lock block from the start of the level. Then Yang must switch gravity and fall down the closed lock block and the part of the box pushed in (He will probably hit a spike head).

From here Yang can move under the moving platform. Yin then must lock the platform back at the other side. Yang then can pull the box over until he falls to his flag, and Yin can travel to his flag through the makeshift pathway.

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Level 24 - Down and Out[edit | edit source]

Yang must get around the spike heads and use the key switch to allow Yin to get around the spike heads on his dimension to his flag and a key switch, which opens a path for Yang leading to his flag - at the other side of the level. This means that Yang has to go back to the other side.

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Level 25 - Rhubarb and Custard[edit | edit source]

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This is the last level, but it can be passed easily. All Yang has to do is go through moving tunnels. All Yin has to do is switch gravity once. The most important thing, however, is that Yin does not push the box into the gap but under an incomplete column.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Yin Yang!.png

The game complete screen is seen, with confetti falling from the top of the screen.

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

These are the objects of Yin Yang.

  • Symbols - Symbols boost the player's score by 25 each.
  • Exit Flags - There are two exit flags on every level. The level is completed when they are reached.
  • Boxes - The boxes can be pushed and pulled by Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang can travel through boxes of the opposing world.
  • Signs - Signs occasionally to explain new elements of the game. Pressing "Control" while in front of them will cause their text to be displayed.
  • Ladders - Ladders are found around the game. Yin and Yang can climb them.
  • Gravity Switches - Gravity switches can change gravity for Yin or Yang to reach certain areas.
  • Moving Platforms - Moving platforms can be used to ride on top of, or can be used as a tunnel to travel through for the opposite dimension.
  • Key Switches - Key switches remove lock blocks in the opposite dimension for as long as Yin, Yang, or a box is on top of one.
  • Lock Blocks - Lock blocks are removed by key switches.
  • Changing Blocks - Changing blocks change from black and white and can also be used as platforms or tunnels.
  • Box Passers - Box passers move boxes placed in them to the other world, changing the boxes' color.
  • Spikes - Spikes are found in almost every level and will remove all of Yin or Yang's hearts upon touching.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

These are the enemies and hazards of Yin Yang. Most enemies can be removed by jumping on them or pushing a box into them.

  • Worms - Worms move slowly around the area. Worms can be found on ceilings and will fall as soon as Yin or Yang move under them.
  • Birds - Birds bounce on the ceiling and floor. They cannot be removed, only avoided.
  • Pigs - Pigs move along the floor. Unlike Worms, Pigs can jump onto and over things. They will also fall into pits.
  • Spike Heads - Spike heads are stationary and also cannot be removed. They are heads with spikes surrounding them. Unlike regular spikes, touching a spike head will only get rid of one heart.
  • Dragons - Dragons will copy Yin and Yang's movement from the opposite dimension. They can be tricked if the player only moves while swapping between Yin and Yang.
  • Bees - Bees will chase Yin and Yang. They can swap dimensions. They will chase whoever is currently selected.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Controversy[edit | edit source]

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In 2007, comments on the Yin Yang JayisGames review page related the game's mechanics to be identical to Negative Space[2], the first detailed game schematic in Sean Howard (also known as "Squidi")'s Three Hundred Mechanics site. Jay appended a statement from Mat Annal to the bottom of the Yin Yang review in response to the initial concerns[3]:

We really thought we had struck something interesting so it was disappointing to find that someone had had the same basic idea and had it before we had it and I understand people thinking we must have seen it.

The idea isn't really that hard to fall upon if you're coding games in a certain way. We have used the bitmapData object most of our games since Sandman and basically what this does is allow you access to the pixel data of a bitmap so you can manipulate it (we used it for the sand in sandman which is why we started using it). If you're using it to make a platform game then it is logical to use different colours in a collision layer to represent different things you might collide with (red= ground/walls, blue=ice, yellow=keys etc). When you're coding like this it's not a giant leap to come up with the idea to have different things to act differently with the colours. I think the only reason nobody has came up with this before is that nobody really uses the bitmap data object for platform type games (they would tend to use tiles or vector line collision instead and then you wouldn't use colours as a way to interact with things). We could have had more colours involved but it made sense to not overcomplicate it and when you only have two black and white is the obvious choice.

Sean Howard expressed his disappointment on the Yin Yang review, first saying "They didn't give me any credit at all. That's kind of... sleazy... Or is that just me being selfish?" He later clarified to say that his issue was specifically related to Nitrome's refusal to admit that they used the concept of Negative Space without crediting him and delivering a "flimsy lie" as a response to the criticisms.

There's no good reason for a cover up. I mean, if they just came out and admitted it, they'd have my blessing. Heck, they still have my blessing. I don't care about credit. I just can't figure out what possible reason they could have to deny it.

- Sean Howard's comment on the Yin Yang JayisGames page, September 19, 2007

Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2008 Best of Casual Gameplay 2007 Best Platform game (Browser games) of 2007 Nominated - 5th place (5.6% of votes)
Gamezebo 2008 Zeebys 2008 Casual Games Awards[4] ? Nominated

Beta content[edit | edit source]

Yin Yang has an animation for water splashing, a splash caused as if something was dropped into water.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The name Yin Yang is based on Daoist ideas in Chinese culture, which means two things completely oppose each other but can't balance without the other, just like the game where Yin uses black as platforms and white as backgrounds while Yang does the opposite.
  • Like the reference above, the symbols also refers to a Daoist idea named Tai Chi diagram, which shows the very concept of Yin and Yang.
  • Yin Yang makes cultural references in four of its level names, which are found from the names of the levels: Jekyll and Hyde (level 16), the band Guns N' Roses (level 18), a puppet show called Punch and Judy (level 20) and last for the hero-and-sidekick duo Batman and Robin (level 23).

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Brain Games | Play Online Brain Teasers & Puzzle Video Games Free | MTV on the Wayback Machine (archived 13 Sept 7 ) (no Yin Yang)

    Jay is Games: Yin Yang - Walkthroughs, Tips, Review, 18 Sept 7, retrieved 23 Apr 16. (contains a link to Yin Yang on Nitrome's website and MTV arcade)
  2. https://www.squidi.net/three/entry.php?id=1
  3. Jay is Games: Yin Yang
  4. Nitrome blog: - Zeebys nomination