Icebreaker Red Clan

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Icebreaker Red Clan
Ico icebreakerredclan.png
Follow up to our ice sliding puzzle classic now with more features.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Puzzle
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
Adobe Flash Flash
18 March 2009

Icebreaker Red Clan, titled in-game as Ice Breaker: The Red Clan is a puzzle game released March 18 2009 as a sequel to the first Icebreaker game. The player's objective is to guide Vikings back to their longboat by cutting ice with their sword.

Controls[edit | edit source]

PC Mouse Left Click.png Mouse - Interact with environment and objects

Levels[edit | edit source]


The levels 3-40 on this page have been taken from this game's Jay is Games page.
Some of the level descriptions may be slightly modified to make the walkthrough sound more third-person or fix grammar errors

Level 1[edit | edit source]

Two Vikings are frozen in ice at the top of the screen with a Hand-rock between them. Attach the vikings to the hand-rock, cut them out the ice, and swing them to the ship.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

Two Vikings are frozen in a long, thin piece of ice to the left of the boat. The ice contains several rotating pins. To the far left is a hand rock.

Attach the hand rock to a over-hanging piece of ice to the right, cut two straight lines in the ice above and below the vikings, then cut the ice under the hand-rock away so it knocks the vikings into the boat.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

Cut the five crows loose to let the "dominoes" fall. Cut the one crow from the smaller boulder and let it fall into the pit, then cut the larger boulder loose to push the viking to safety.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

Start with the two green ladies at the top, then the blue lady right beneath the frozen viking, and lastly the two blue ladies side by side blocking the viking's fall.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

Just let the boulder fall, but cut the ice right in the middle. This will hopefully push the viking into the boat.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

This level has multiple ways, one of which is to get the grabbing boulder close enough to the viking (grab first rock, slice the ice underneath, grab second rock while swinging and cut loose from the other, and so on).

The player could either grab hold of the rotating rock and work a way to grab the viking down, or just grab onto the viking and let their boulder fall, cutting the viking loose before it gets dragged underwater.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

This walkthrough lists one solution for the level. Get the grabby rock attached onto the flying rock, slice the flying rock to get the grabby rock flying and then grab onto the ceiling as close to the viking boat as possible. Meanwhile, ignore the blue lady.

Slice the ice where the grabby rock was and watch the viking fly in the air. Catch it with the grabby rock when it gets closest and then you can get it moving onto the boat.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

Let the boulder loose onto the vikings and ladies. Target the closest viking for better results.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

Cut the ice underneath the frozen viking to get it rolling, but before it could fall onto the stack of rats, grab onto the rock. The player doesn't want the viking rolling to the right, as there is no way out there. Get it fall to the left, and then the easiest would be to have it swing towards the boat.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

Cut away at the ice surrounding the frozen viking until it gets light enough for the crow to carry. Before it flies off, pop a blue lady on the left and watch the viking bounce up. Make sure it is above the boat before cutting it loose from the crow.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

Get the grabby boulder swinging and have it hover above the wooden plank at the rightmost of the viking. Cut the boulder and the rope at the same time and hope the viking flies onto the boat.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

Start with the green lady, the blue lady at the bottom, and the next and the next until the viking's on the boat. For the other, cut the ice right in the middle, it is the best way to get the viking safely through.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

For the viking in round ice, cut the flying rock in half lengthwise, itt should get the frozen viking swinging. Time it with the rotating hook before cutting it down.

For the viking in the other, slice the ice on which the boulder above it is sitting to get it to fall onto the viking. When it starts swinging, it is best if player could cut away at the ice around it, if not, just cut through the rope.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

Start with the top viking. Clear out the green ladies, cut the right rope first, then the other; this should get the viking close enough to the blue lady. Clear away the six green ladies that are farthest from the other viking, to get the weight uneven.

Cut the boulder down and before it falls, cut the rope where the blue lady is to get the viking there flying. It could either fall into the boat or beside the other viking. Now cut the last remaining rope.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

Cut the floating ice as close to the top as possible, this should give the player the highest path to roll on to. When the frozen viking is as close to the boat as possible, grab it with the rotating grabby rock and onto the boat. (Tip: two opposite points on the grabby rock attached to a single point on the player's target should get it swinging.)

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

Cut a portion of the flying rock, it should push the floating frozen viking through the barrier of rock and onto the wooden hook. Once there, just cut down the boulder above it and the frozen viking will swing onto the boat.

For the other, cut the frozen viking down, then cut up the tiny portion of ice holding the boulder back. It should push your viking towards the mills and onto the boat.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

Cut down the ice closest to the player's sled. Cut the next ice, making the surface smooth. The player should have one clear path here. Next, cut down the next island of ice (it'll actually drop into the water and be out of the way.) for fuel, cut the flying rock up and watch the sled go dashing through.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

This level takes a lot of calculation. Cut the round boulder down; the viking can either swing onto the top of the slide, in which case the player will need to cut the piece of wood above down quickly, or it could fall right onto the ice and into the boat.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

Just cut the boulder and the frozen viking down at the same time. The flip of the icy boat should send the frozen viking rolling onto the hook. When the hook swings at the very top, cut the whole thing loose to get the viking onto the boat.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

Timing is everything. Cut the rope attaching the two vikings together, and before it hits the rotating planks, cut the middle viking down. If all goes well, they will all topple through the middle, onto the boat.

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Level 21[edit | edit source]

Here's a hint: the farther viking should pivot onto the other viking and the rock below it. Cut away at all the other bonds of that viking and cut it loose when it swings above the boat. The remaining viking should swing on the rock in the middle of the remaining pivots.

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Level 22[edit | edit source]

Above the boat, cut at the smallest, leftest rope holding the crows inside. This way, when the crows fly out, they will send the red lady toppling towards the teapot looking iceberg.

When this falls, get ready, because once the frozen viking's in the air, the player will have to hack away at the ice surrounding it so the two crows could lift it. Cut the viking loose when it's on top of the opening.

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Level 23[edit | edit source]

Cut down the vertical wood close to the weird looking contraption, sawtooth up. Cut the flying rock down. Cut it in lengthwise and watch the sawtooth wood work the other sawtooth wood through and the frozen viking move onto the boat.

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Level 24[edit | edit source]

Attach the grabby rock onto the tip of the rotating rock. Next is to separate the frozen vikings into three frozen vikings. This way, the player should be able to swing them one by one onto the boat.

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Level 25[edit | edit source]

Again, timing. The first two wood fillers are upside down, while the last should swing on its side.

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Level 26[edit | edit source]

Secure the viking on the grabby rock, attach it to the ceiling, and hack away at the flying rock underneath. This will get the viking swinging, and take it to the left, right above the opening of the two dangerous rocks. With a little swing and good timing, cut the holds in time to send the viking toppling into the boat.

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Level 27[edit | edit source]

Start with the frozen vikings first, they should clog up the hole leading down the dangerous rock slide. Cut down the unfrozen viking - this one should use the safe rockslide. To unclog the frozen vikings would be a simple matter at hacking away the extra ice around them.

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Level 28[edit | edit source]

First, the player will need to get the grabby boulder onto the slide. Attach it to the ceiling and pop the blue lady underneath it. When it swings right in between the empty space between the two blue ladies underneath, cut it loose.

This should give the player enough time to attach each end of the ice holding the vikings onto each grabby, rolling boulder. Pop the blue ladies to get it out of the way, and cut at the hand-like ice stand to get the vikings moving. Cut them loose on top of the boat.

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Level 29[edit | edit source]

Cut up a small piece of ice from the bottom of the frozen viking, this will get the wooden wheel turning - on the other side. Grab hold of the wheel, so that when the player lets the frozen viking down, its force would send the wheel turning the other way around.

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Level 30[edit | edit source]

First, cut right on the middle pivot (a cut slanting to the right wouldn't hurt, but slant it on the left and the player's viking is going to drown) then two close cuts by the third pivot.

This could either break the ice in between these two pivots, sending the two vikings down onto the boat, and the player could just make another cut by the middle pivot to free the other viking, or the pivots will do their work and the player can just watch the three vikings fall on the boat.

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Level 31[edit | edit source]

The player just needs to create a flying ice with speed strong enough to knock the rock on which the viking is standing. Once it hits with enough force, the viking will simply fall off the rock and onto the boat. (remember: two opposite points on one target will get the player swinging.)

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Level 32[edit | edit source]

Cut up a large enough portion of the flying rock, enough to push the player's grabby rock as close as possible to the viking. Once close enough, the player can grab hold of him and another portion of the flying rock.

Cut up the flying rock and when it falls into the water and pulls the grabby rock away from the formation, let the viking loose; he'll be able to slide down.

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Level 33[edit | edit source]

Pop the red lady, at the same time, cut a portion of the right end of the hammer, to get it swinging. At contact, cut the other end of the hammer. If all goes well, this cut up portion will propel the vikings close enough to the boat.

When they are right beside the blue ladies one by one, this will make a floating rock rise above the vikings and force them onto the boat.

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Level 34[edit | edit source]

Cut the ice at the very top in the middle, followed immediately by the blue lady below the single rat on the right stack. If the player makes it, they will be left with three vikings on top of a wooden plank under five blue ladies. Pop the two blue ladies right below the plank, then the two blue ladies on top of each other.

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Level 35[edit | edit source]

On the left side, pop the green lady below the rat, then cut the rope holding the rat above on the rock; they should fall into the pit. Cut the rock down on top of them, pop the green lady below the player's viking, cut the rope holding the other viking on the rock and they will slide onto the boat.

On the right, pop the green lady below the rat and say goodbye to it. Grab hold of the viking with the grabby rock and pop the green lady. With that force, you will be able to swing the viking onto the boat.

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Level 36[edit | edit source]

Slice a portion of the ice where the middle unfrozen viking stands (the one that's horizontal) enough so that ice slab to slide to the middle. Get the topmost unfrozen viking down and to the middle beside the other one.

Slice the ice slab (the horizontal one again) right below the two unfrozen vikings and they should be toppling onto the boat. (the player will need a few tries here, if not many) Next would be the frozen viking above, (it is all a matter of hacking away at the ice slowly) and finally, the last frozen viking.

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Level 37[edit | edit source]

Secure the viking in the middle of the ring first with the grabby rocks then pop the blue lady. This should send the viking flying. Cut up at the left most flying rock to get the ring moving to the right and grab hold of the second viking (or the player could just wait, they will fly to it).

Cut down four crows and this should send the player down. Grab the third viking while going down and at the same time, set off the flying rocks. This should give the viking enough force to fly on top of the boat. Once there, cut off the crows so they won't be able to fly the player off.

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Level 38[edit | edit source]

Secure the viking first onto the closer grabby rock with two hands. Cut off the ice. Breath in deep, and when ready, cut off the hands, but before it falls, catch it with one hand, this will get the player swinging around the curve.

Again, before it falls, grab it with a hand from the other grabby boulder. Let it loose from the first grabby boulder, watch the viking swing and remember to cut it loose from the second boulder when it's above the boat.

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Level 39[edit | edit source]

First, the player has to slice a smooth slide down the huge floating rock. (the player cannot follow the groove where the the stack stands, the third viking will get stuck on it no matter how smooth it looks).

Get the stack to fall onto the boat, slicing up the topmost rock (where the top viking stands) to ensure the viking won't slide into the water with the rock. Get rid of all the cut up rocks with as little slicing as possible.

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Level 40[edit | edit source]

Slice up the ice where the viking's frozen in as sparingly as possible, the player will need to use it to get the grabby boulder swinging. Grab hold of the viking with two hands (remember the swinging thing), and use the ice part by part to get the grabby rock spinning by attaching the falling pieces to it.

If the viking swings high enough, it will end up on one end of the wooden propeller. When it's there, cut it loose

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

The ending

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

Incomplete section

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  • Normal ice - Appears in every level and can be cut with the player's mouse.
    • Rocket ice - A type of ice that when cut shoots off in one direction.
    • Floating ice - A type of ice that is able to float on water.
  • Hand rock - Hand rock allows the play to bring a hand out of a hand rock to hold on to any material.
  • Crows - Crows have ropes attached to them via links. They can fly upwards and right.
  • Sign - A sign which the player can hover their mouse over to learn information about new objects and tips.
  • Wood - A type of material which is commonly held up by Ropes.

Credits[edit | edit source]

Additional level design