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Ico parasite.png
You are the parasite. Infect your victims and use their powers!
No. of players
Total levels
  • Platform
Control scheme
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
11 July 2009
(earliest known availability)

Parasite is a platform-adventure game released during the time period of July 8 - 11th, 2009[1]. The player takes control of a parasitic alien squid creature[2]. Throughout the game, the player must take control of various creatures of the planet to traverse the terrain and pass checkpoints to reach the end of the level.

Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Left.png Right.png - Move
  • Up.png - Jump
  • X key.png - Destroy possessed creature (if controlling one). If the parasite is not controlling a creature, it will pass gas.
  • Z key.png - Perform a certain action with a possessed creature

Levels[edit | edit source]

Incomplete section

This section is incomplete. You can help by adding the missing info.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Level 1[edit | edit source]

The player should move forward, jump up the trees that are encountered, and then move left over to the big forest spirit. Next, the player should jump over onto the next tree, jump up on the tree above, and then walk to the right across all the other trees encountered until the next big forest spirit is found. The player should subsequently jump onto the nearby winged cat, fly straight up, and then fly over to the big forest spirit.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

The player must move forward and there will be chunks of land in between pools of water. The player must jump over the water onto the land since the parasite is unable to swim. After that, some thorns should be jumped over by the player. The player has to climb on some trees and enslave a winged cat that is located at the top. The player must then navigate to the right side where there are more trees. The player must fly up and a big forest spirit will be encountered. The player must fly to the left and avoid the other cats. The player must then fly over more thorns and a big forest spirit is at the end of the level.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

A winged cat is close by and so is a group of trees. The player should fly up beside the trees and there will be a small maze of platforms. Next, the player should maneuver the cat around the platforms that have thorns on the lower sections. A forest spirit will be next to another winged cat. The player should fly past it and head downwards. The player has to avoid many winged cats that are flying back and forth. After bypassing them, the player must fly to the right where a barrier of wood resides. The player should fly up and next to a forest spirit is a brute. Once it is enslaved, smash a barrier to the right. Next are some more barriers but they are on the ground. Use the up arrow key to smash it. To the left is another barrier on the ground. After destroying it, the player should head towards the right, where another brute is seen. The player must kill the other brutes so the player can continue. After clearing some barriers and brutes, a tall ledge will be seen. The player can only reach the top by ejecting an enslaved brute. The player must continue to clear more barriers and brutes until the last forest spirit is encountered.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

The player must go to the right and there will be a brute. Jump over it to enslave it and destroy another brute that is next to it. Break a barricade and a snail will be seen. This is the first enemy introduced that can not be enslaved, however, by using a brute they can easily be destroyed. Up ahead are many snails. After that, there is a forest spirit. To the right are three brutes. The player may destroy or bypass them. Happy gas will be encountered afterward. Happy gas destroys whoever the current host but the parasite is not harmed. The player should then move through it and drop down onto a small platform below. A brute will be encountered. Use him to smash a barricade on the ground. There is some more happy gas in the way, so the player must navigate through some snails without a host. Jump from tree to tree avoiding snails. At the end of the level is a forest spirit.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

At this level, the first thing encountered will be thorns. First a flat patch of thorns that can easily be crossed, then a group of thorns that may cause some difficultly to get over. Once that is hopped over a crate will be seen. Climb up a bunch of trees to reach a winged cat. Fly the winged cat down to the place with the crate then press z to pick it up and move it. An object will move and the parasite can now gain access to the rest of the level. A Forest spirit is nearby. Fly up a small maze of platforms to find another Forest spirit and a winged cat. There is a crate nearby pick it up and bring it down on the snails nearby. Carry the crate over to where some happy gas is (located to the right) and there will be a brute. Use the brute to push the crate and it will hit the side of a place, making two objects rise to allow the parasite to go further. Drop onto a small platform where to one side will be a Forest spirit and to the other a brute. Touch the checkpoint then enslave the brute. Walk forward and there will be a button. Crush it using the brute. A place will open up. Kill the brute and jump through it. Be very quick though for this on closes faster than normal. Go forward and enslave a Winged cat. Fly right and avoid the rest of the Winged cats. Once an area with two buttons is reached fly to the right or left and fly up. Some trees should be near to the side. At the top of the trees is a crate. It is the same on both sides. Put the crates on the buttons and go below. A forest spirit is marking the end of the level.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

There will be a bunch of trees near the start of the level. Climb up them and jump onto the floating platform. A new enemy, the Gobber, is introduced in this level. Jump onto it to enslave it. Now press z to fire deadly goo balls. The angle that the goo balls are fired in can be adjusted using the up and down arrow keys. Jump down onto a platform below and fire the goo balls (for there is a multitude of snails nearby). After destroying the snails, move forward and some more trees will be seen. Change the angle so it is pointing up and fire (There are also snails in the trees). When enslaving the gobber, jumping is not a recognized command. Eject from the gobber and climb up the trees. A forest Spirit will be found There is another pig. Jump on it and shoot the rest of the snail on a small clump of trees. Self-destruct the gobber and hop out of the hole. Outside the hole is another pig. Take over him then walk forward. There will be a button. Aim the gobber's goo at it and an area will open. Shoot it's goo again and take out some snails. After the snails are some happy gas. Drop down to the bottom and a Forest Spirit will be found. Go forward and there will be another gobber. Enslave it and keep going. Drop onto another platform and there will be another gobber. The same for the next platform. Next is a clump of trees with many snails on them. Destroy them with the gobber. At the bottom is a blocked area with two buttons. Shoot a goo ball at them and a Forest Spirit marks the end of the level.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

The player must first head right and an acorn cannon will be found. The acorn cannon is a hazard and will shoot acorns at a medium pace. The player must dodge the acorns fired from them and a clump of trees will be encountered. The player must then climb up them and more acorn cannons will be found. After going past them, winged cats will be present. Enslave one of them and another row of cannons and thorns will be seen. Dodge the hazards and a forest spirit will be encountered. Happy gas is around it and the enslaved winged cat will be destroyed. There are some more cannons and thorns. The player must time their jumps well to get past them. Climb up some trees and another forest spirit will be encountered. After that is an out of order cannon. Jump into it change the angle with the up and down arrow keys then press z to fire. An acorn holding the parasite will be shot. Change its angle using the up and down keys. That acorn will explode when it hits the happy gas at the end. Another cannon will be found. Do not change the angle, shoot forward. A forest spirit marks the end of the level.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

The player will encounter a new kind of called beetles. They cannot be enslaved because of its armour. The player must avoid them by jumping on platforms. On the top of a platform, a cannon will be found. Using the cannon, the player can now destroy the beetles. Follow the line of small forest spirits. The acorn will then be destroyed by happy gas. There are more obstacles that the player has to overcome using the cannons. Continue to use the cannons to reach the end, where there is a large forest spirit.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

Firstly, the player must walk to the right and moving tree stumps will be encountered. Follow them down to the bottom. Quickly run under a large tree stump or it will crush the parasite. A new enemy, called the smasher squirrel, will be encountered. Jump on his head and use the right, left arrow keys to control how fast and what detection the spiked end of the smasher squirrel goes. Use the down arrow key to bring it close in. After destroying all the beetles around him destruct him and move forward. A gobber will be found. Enslave him and shoot the snail in front. Turn the angle so it faces up then shoot the goo balls up taking out the beetles. There are some trees with snails on them. Use the gobber to take them out. Do not destroy the gobber but move onto the moving stump. Once at the top shoot the beetles there and move onto the stumps. Do not destroy the gobber. Move onto the big stump shoot a beetle and a button to open a door. Jump onto a box and up onto a tree. Jump onto a nearby smasher squirrel and kill all beetles. Destroy him and go to the right and enslave a winged cat. Weave under the smasher squirrel, grab the bow, and fly up. Fly up till a bunch of stumps and spike are near. Go through them and a button will be seen. Put the box on the button and an area will open up with a box. Grab the box in the area and backtrack to where the buttons are. Put the box on the right where there are four buttons. Put the box on two of them. Go back for the other and put it on the remaining two. An area will open up with a forest spirit marking the end of the level.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

The player must first travel right and avoid some moving logs. In the next area, there is a new enemy introduced called the crusher squirrel. The squirrel can be enslaved to destroy other creatures. By enslaving the squirrel, the player can avoid a long line of snails. The player must climb up some trees while avoiding snails. A forest spirit will be found. A brute is found nearby. Enslave it and clear the path. The player must continue their way down then press the up arrow key to do a ground pound and break some barriers on the ground. A forest spirit is near and happy gas is around it. The brute will be destroyed. The player must weave around some moving logs and another crusher squirrel will be encountered. Continue to clear the path and hop off of the squirrel onto the small platform. The player must head towards the left to enslave another crusher squirrel. By enslaving it, the player can activate a button so a door will open. After passing through the door, the end of the level is reached.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

Hop on a winged cat and grab a beehive using its tail. Fly down to the left side and drop the bee bomb on the snails. A forest spirit is there. Fly through some Happy Gas and find another cat. Near the cat is a forest spirit. Grab a beehive and drop it on some beetles above. Fly through the gap flooded with happy gas, onto a moving stump. Drop down and keep doing that till three blocks one below the other is found. Jump on those and go down to find a cat. Pick up a beehive and drop it to kill the beetles near the area. Fly forward and grab the box that is an area with snails. Crush the snail with the box and drop it on a button to open an area. Go into the area then drag the box into the area. Fly with the box through the maze of thorns till you find a button. Put the box on it then go back and get a beehive. Fly through the maze and drop the beehive on the beetles in the maze. A forest spirit marks the end of the level.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

In this level, an enemy called the space bee will be encountered. Space bees will try to attack when you come close. Get into the out of order cannon and fire. Go to the left side and go through the maze of platforms until a Big forest spirit is found. Get into the out of order cannon and go back to the first area. Jump in the other cannon and go up. Go to the left and another Big forest spirit is found. Jump into the other cannon and go back to the first area. Shoot up and go a bit to the side. Go up an area and another forest spirit is found. Go back to the main area jump into a cannon and fire left. Go up a bit and through another area to find another Big forest spirit. Go back to the main area, jump into the cannon and go left. Keeping going up till a line of small forest spirits is seen. Weave through the small maze till a Big forest spirit is found. After getting all of the five in any order the level will be completed. The ship will come to the Big forest spirit last touched.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

Level thirteen, unlucky number thirteen. It is probably unlucky because the new can't be enslaved deadly enemy called the armadillo is introduced. The armadillo will roll into a ball and roll towards you quickly. Jump over it and onto a place it cant reach. Work your way up and pass armadillos and a Big forest spirit will be encountered. Two armadillos are on the next platform. Jump over them and keep going. The next platform also has two. After clearing that a Big forest spirit will be encountered. Next are several armadillos on a platform but there are gaps in between. After passing that a Big Forest Spirit will be encountered. Some moving stumps are encountered. Just like the armadillo part crawl onto one and when it gets high jump onto the lower one (The moving stumps o when one gets high the lower one is like a gap). Do that till you find a platform. Move onto the stumps till an area with a brute is reached. Enslave him then move onto the stumps. Smash any barriers that block the brute from moving. When the brute gets back to that area ground pound. Drop onto a lower platform and punch an armadillo three times to destroy it. The rest of the platforms are like that. The last platform will have an armadillo. Punch it to destroy it. Destroy a barrier and move forward onto a barrier three quarters underwater. Stand on it then destruct the brute reaching the last Big Forest spirit.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

Go left and avoid the acorn cannon timing your jumps. Enslave a winged cat and fly up to get a Big Forest spirit. Fly back to the first area. Fly up and some elite winged cats appear. Elite winged cats cannot be enslaved. Fly up and a Big Forest spirit appears. After that fly back down and go right avoid the cannons. Fly up and a Big Forest Spirit will be found. Enslave another cat (If the parasites one was destroyed). Weave through more elite winged cats and drop down A Big Forest Spirit will be found. Fly up and go forward avoiding elite winged cats till a Big Forest Spirit is found. That marks the end of the level.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

Go forward and the next drop, be careful for there is a gobber that shoots goo balls frequently. Grab the pig and drop down onto the platform. An armadillo will appear. Shoot three goo balls to destroy it. Go to the side an get onto a moving stump. Shoot any beetles then walk onto the next platform and aim the goo balls up. This will take out more beetles in the air. Destruct the gobber up and jump onto a winged cat. Grab the box beside the winged cat and fly up. Keep flying up till two moving stumps and happy gas are found. Drop the crate onto the stumps and move onto a stump. The winged cat will explode and the box will fall off onto a button. Go get a brute and push the crate to the left side where a big forest spirit is. Drop down and get another brute. Punch the box and then ground pound on some barriers. Go right and destroy a bunch of snails. Destruct the brute and go right and back up to the top. Grab the other brute and ground pound again on another bunch of barriers. Punch the box again and ground pound to brake some more barriers. Once down put the brute underneath some small trees and jump up to the top. Go right and back down to another brute. Drop down and punch the box again. Drop down and punch the box into a hole. Go back up, enslave a brute, drop down two times and punch some more barriers. a new area can now be accessed. Find a winged cat and enslave it. Fly back to the area with the barriers and grab the box. Fly to another moving stump and put the box on it. Go through the happy gas and enslave another cat. Grab the box and put it on another stump. Go to the other side and grab the box again. Go to the left and put the box on another stump that is moving up. Jump up ahead of the stump and enslave a brute that is nearby. Punch the box and it will hit a switch allowing the parasite to gain access to another area. Jump up onto some trees and enslave a gobber. Go forward and shoot some snails that are on platforms. Work your way down and on the last platform shoot two armadillos. Enslave a brute and walk to the left. Smash some barriers and go back. Enslave a cat and go pick up the box near the barriers. Fly up till a button is found. Place the box on the button and an area will open up with a Big Forest Spirit marking the end of the level.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

Go to the left and jump in a cannon. Shoot a button to the side to open an area. Get back in the cannon and shoot up. Follow the line of small forest spirits until an area with a big forest spirit is reached. Jump into another cannon on the right side. Follow the line of small forest spirits again and hit another button. The parasite will fall onto a platform with a cannon on its side. Jump into the cannon and angle it so it points up. It will hit a button during the process and will send the player up and past the other button the player had previously hit into a place with a big forest spirit. After getting the big forest spirit, jump into another cannon and go back to the bottom. Jump in a cannon and go around the platform and a big forest spirit will be found. Jump into the cannon on the side. Fire then follow a line of forest spirits. Avoid two moving stumps and hit a button on the side of a wall. The player will fall into a cannon. Shoot up and into the new area. A big forest spirit will be found. Jump into another cannon on the left wall. Shoot forward and follow the green arrow that should point to another forest spirit. Jump into a cannon on the right side and shoot up. Follow the green arrow and avoid some moving stumps at the top. Do not go into the open area but up and around. Go through an area to the right where some beetles are. Hit a button and the parasite will fall to the ground and the area will be opened. Jump into another cannon and go through the area. Up, on top of a platform is another big forest spirit. Go back to where an opening is and fall onto the moving stumps. They will take the parasite to another cannon. Jump into it. Follow the green arrow till a wall is reached. Go up and around till a button is found. Press it and the parasite will fall into the cannon below it. Go up and into the area and the last forest spirit is found marking the end of the level.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

Go left and enslave a gobber. Aim the goo balls up and shoot up (This will get rid of some space bees in the air. After doing that destruct the pig and enslave a winged cat. Fly to the very top then go left. Avoid some space bees and reach the top where some beetles are. Go through them and likely the cat will be destroyed. A big forest spirit is nearby. Grab it quickly and be careful, for two armadillos are nearby. Move to the end and a brute will be found. Enslave it then go right. Break some barriers and move to the right. Happy gas will destroy the brute but there is another down below. Grab that brute and break more barriers working your way to the left. More happy gas is below and another brute. Go right and the brute will land on a platform with an armadillo. Destroy or evade the armadillo and drop onto another platform with another armadillo. Break some more barriers on the ground dropping onto another platform with a Big forest spirit. Go right and destruct the brute. Go past some large moving stumps quickly or the parasite will be killed. At the end of the area with the large moving, stumps are two small moving stumps side by side. Jump on top of it and more will appear. Be very careful and walk onto another moving stump when it comes close or else the parasite will be killed. Once all of the moving stumps have been passed a big forest spirit will be to the left. After getting the forest spirit go right and enslave a winged cat. Go down through the moving stumps. After clearing the moving stumps a forest spirit can be found to the right. Destruct the cat and go to the right. Drop a hole and there will be two moving logs. To bypass them stay in the place where the parasite can jump. When the log comes jump up and the parasite will land on it. Get off of it and go walk behind it. Then when another area where the logs switch jump and the parasite will land uncrushed. Jump and let the other log pass then walk forward and drop down another hole. The same thing will happen three times. On the third time, the parasite will drop down onto a platform. Go right and a big forest spirit marks the end of the level.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

Go forward and enslave a brute. Make it smash some beetles and three brutes. Some barriers will be found. Smash them then ground pound. The brute will fall onto a platform. Go to the left and a Big Forest Spirit will be found. Kill two brutes in front and go through four acorn cannons. Destroy some more barriers and ground pound. The brute will land on a platform next to a Forest Spirit. After touching the Forest Spirit enslave a winged cat. Go to the left and grab a crate. Fly around and kill any snails on crates (Caution for if any snails touch a nearby pig, it will be killed and it will be impossible to complete the level). Grab the crates and put them in the water close to the Pig making a bridge. Enslave the Pig and walk across the bridge. Two moving stumps will come. Get the Pig on it. As the stumps move up shoot any snails on the trees. After destroying all snails, destruct the Pig and jump onto the trees. Climb up the trees and a Big Forest Spirit will be found. Go right and avoid any snails. Go up and another Pig will be found on a platform. Use the Pig to destroy any pesky snail that gets in the way. Getting to the ground some large moving stumps appear. Destroy the pig and go through them timing the Parasites movements. At the end of the stumps is a Big Forest Spirit. Enslave a brute that is next to it and jump on to moving stumps. Smash any barriers. Once the top is reached jump into a cannon. U-turn and go through the passage to the right. Above is a brown button. Hit it then touch a Big forest spirit. Go back and enslave a Cat. Grab a crate and fly through the passage and put it on a yellow button. Fly down to the bottom and enslave another brute. The area that was previously blocked will now be opened. Use the brute to destroy any beetles, armadillos, and a space bee. A Big Forest Spirit marks the end of the level.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

Jump into a cannon and go up. Follow the green arrow till a Big Forest Spirit is reached. A cannon should be directly above it. Hop into it and shoot up. Then go to the left. Another Big Forest Spirit should be seen. After grabbing that jump into another cannon below and U-turn around. Go up and strait. Then turn up and follow the pathway that should lead to a Big Forest Spirit. Jump into another cannon. Go up and into an area where acorn cannons are being fired. Go down and follow the green arrow to another Big Forest Spirit. Jump into the cannon beside the checkpoint. Fire up and be careful for it is a maze of spikes. Up above is a platform, land on it. Jump onto a winged cat and fly it to the line of happy gas (Be careful of the cannon) it should land on another cat. Keep doing this until some trees are reached. A Big Forest Spirit is on top of them. Climb down and some more cats are seen. Do the same thing as before. The last winged cat should be flown down and another cat will be found. Grab that cat and fly down. A line of acorn shooting cannons will be found. Fly the cat past them and a Big Forest Spirit will be found marking the end of the level.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

First, jump on branches to the around the middle of the tree, while dodging snails. Two forest spirits are found here. Head to the right side for two forest spirits and the left side for another two. Be wary of the armadillos. On either side of the tree, there are two out of order cannons. Dodge the acorn cannons and take one of them to where there are a lot of bears are beetles. Kill them all and get six forest spirits. Keep riding the acorn to the top of the tree. There is a swarm of snails here, so using the acorn cannon to destroy them will reduce the number of snails. Dodge the snails and move down the branches. There are two forest spirits past the snails.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

First the player sees this screen, which says: Parasite7.png
Then another screen will be shown that says: Parasiteending2.png

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

  • Out-Of-Order Cannons - These let the player fly around on an acorn using the right and left keys to steer. Also, it is possible to destroy creatures and press buttons.
  • Acorns - A rocket is simply an acorn that is shot out from an Out-Of-Order Cannon.
  • Big forest spirits These can be touched and 500 points will be gained. Also if the Parasite dies he will be respawned at the last Big Forest Spirit he touched.

Creatures[edit | edit source]

Enslavable[edit | edit source]

Some creatures seen in Parasite can be possessed by the alien for their special abilities.

  • Winged Cats - Winged Cats are cat-like creatures with four pink butterfly wings. Once turned into a slave, a Winged Cat can help the player fly up to high places and also carry things with their tails.
  • Brutes - Bears are large blue bear-like creatures that are super-strong. Once enslaved, it can be used as a heavyweight, can break wooden barriers, and punch enemies.
  • Gobbers - Gobbers are pig-like creatures that can shoot goo-balls. Once turned into a slave, Gobbers can be used to shoot enemies with deadly goo-balls. Also, its goo balls bounce off walls and can press buttons. However, it cannot jump.
  • Smasher squirrels - Smasher Squirrels are squirrel-like creatures that ride in machines with a large spiky controllable ball; when enslaved, the player controls the ball. Use the left or right arrow keys to change direction and increase the speed it spins. Use the down arrow key to bring the ball in for a closer range.
  • Crusher squirrels - Squirrel-like creatures that, when enslaved, can control a block of wood to crush enemies.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

These creatures cannot be enslaved.

  • Snails - Snails can not be enslaved because of their snail shells. However, when enslaving a Brute, the player can punch the Snails to death, when enslaving a Cat Flap, the player can pick up boxes and drop them on Snails, and when enslaving a gobber they can be shot to death.
  • Beetles - Ladybug-like giant insects that can't be enslaved because of their hard shells. But, the player can still smash, punch, and shoot them.
  • Space bees - The Parasite's feared enemies. A long time ago, he barely made it off of their hive planet. These yellow fiends cannot be enslaved because of their hard, spiky shells. Space Bees can be punched, smashed, or shot but not killed by an acorn fired out of out-of-order-cannon.
  • Armadillos - Armadillos can not be enslaved because of their tough, hard shells. They can roll into a ball and roll after the player. They can be punched to death or shot at by goo balls. They take three punches and three goo balls to destroy.
  • Elite winged cats - Elite winged cats have a helmet and cannot be enslaved. They will follow the parasite.

Hazards[edit | edit source]

  • Acorn cannons - These shoot acorns in a pattern. If the acorn is touched it will destroy the parasite or, take on heart away from an enslaved creature.
  • Happy gas - Although non-harmful to the parasite, it will automatically destroy any possessed creatures once in that zone.
  • Water - Found underneath platforms (sometimes), or between platforms. The water will instantly kill the parasite.

Pick ups[edit | edit source]

  • Small forest spirits -They are seen scattered abroad the levels and are worth 50 points.
  • Dragonflies - They are worth 50 points.
  • Red bugs - They are little pink creatures on the ground. They are worth 50 points.
  • Butterflies - Flies around. Worth 50 points.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Beta elements[edit | edit source]

Discovered on Simon Hunter's website are two images not seen in Parasite: a stump with part of the side eaten and a stone which appears to be the pivot for an acorn cannon.

Awards[edit | edit source]

Parasite was ranked the twelfth best game of 2009 by Gamasutra.[3]

Glitches[edit | edit source]

  • On level 8, if the player passes the final spirit while still on the acorn rocket, the Parasite will jump off while another Parasite will stay on the acorn.
  • Selecting "play" on the menu will bring up the game's highscores board instead of the levels, rendering the levels unplayable.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Play New Free Online Games | MTV Arcade | MTV on the Wayback Machine (archived 8 Jul 9 ) (no Parasite)

    Jay Is Games: Parasite - Walkthrough, Tips, Review, 11 Jul 9, retrieved 31 Jan 17. (contains a link to Parasite on Nitrome's website)
  2. Nitrome blog: - Parasite → You take on the form of an evil alien space squid creature whose mission is to drain the planet of its natural resources.
  3. Gamasutra - News - Opinion: The 99 best free games of 2009