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Test Subject Complete Colourblind Oodlegobs
Turn-Undead Colourblind In the Dog House

Colourblind (full name on browser Colourblind: Right Eye vs. The Dusty Pirate Clouds From Industrial Landscapes) is a puzzle platforming game released for browsers on June 5th, 2013 and on the App Store during the time period of March 22nd, 2018 to April 4th, 2018 and on Google Play on April 18th, 2018. The player plays as a right eye who has to rescue his girlfriend, a left eye, from the pirate cloud.

Colourblind was made Nitrome Touchy compatible on 16th August 2013, for both Android and iPhone.

Controls[edit | edit source]

Keyboard[edit | edit source]

  • Left.png Right.png or A key.png D key.png - Move left/right
  • Space.png or Up.png - Jump

Touchy[edit | edit source]

  • D-pad - Move
  • Button - Jump

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Colourblind is a puzzle platforming game where the player has to reach the end of each level. Placed throughout the levels of the game are totems with coloured paint on them. When the right eye comes in contact with a totem, he will gain the colour of paint which that totem has. More than one colour can be active at a time, and the colours currently activated can be seen according to the colour change on the right eye's pupil. All coloured objects and enemies become ghostly again once a waterfall is passed through.

Totems are an integral part of the game, as they are required to activate various objects that help the right eye reach the end of each level. When objects and enemies of certain colour are not active, they become invisible outlines that the right eye can pass through.

Scattered throughout levels are coins. Like the stars of the Hot Air series, coins not only increase the player's score, but also allow access to a bonus level once all coins have been obtained. Unlike the Hot Air series, however, dying within a level of Colourblind allows players to keep all their previously obtained coins.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The right eye is walking with his girlfriend on what seems to be a grassy hill. Suddenly, the pirate cloud comes and snatches his girlfriend away. The right eye becomes saddened, and colour is lost from the environment. He goes on a quest to rescue his girlfriend, journeying through Vitreous Woods, Iris City and the Pirate Factory.

He then arrives at the Pirate Factory. Going through there, the right eye comes to the Pirate Captain, who takes his eye patch off and eats the right eye's girlfriend. The right eye's girlfriend then appears where the Pirate Cloud's left eye would be.

The right eye fights the Pirate Cloud by pouring water on him, damaging and apparently maddening to the Pirate Cloud to the extent he leaves his lair and explodes, dropping the left eye. The left eye falls on to the ground, then gets up, unharmed. The music from the opening plays, and colour is slowly restored to the environment.

Levels[edit | edit source]

Colourblind contains twenty-one levels - nineteen regular levels, one boss level, and one bonus level unlocked by collecting all in-game coins. Before the first level, the introduction is played, which tells the story of how the left eye got captured by the pirate cloud. There are also two cutscenes between levels. The first cutscene is the transition from the Vitreous Woods to Iris City, seen between levels six and seven. The second cutscene is the transition from Iris City to the Pirate Factory, seen between levels thirteen and fourteen.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Level 1[edit | edit source]

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

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Cutscene 1[edit | edit source]

Level 7[edit | edit source]

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

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Cutscene 2[edit | edit source]

Level 14[edit | edit source]

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

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Ending[edit | edit source]

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Awesume Glasses[edit | edit source]

Accessible from the level select screen and from the ending is a button to get "Awesume Glasses" (Awesume being a play on the word "Awesome"). This button, when clicked, takes the player to a shop where they can get Awesume Glasses.

To get Awesume Glasses, the player has to collect all the 290 coins in the game. Going there prior to collection of all coins causes the shop keeper to exclaim "But you don't have enough for Awesume Glasses!".

Going there with enough will cause the player to spend all their coins, obtain Awesume Glasses, and then view that a previously blank sign in the cut scene has the Pirate Captain holding the words "Play". The player will then run off in this direction to level twenty-one.

Level 21[edit | edit source]

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Level 21 serves as the final level of Colourblind, straying from the regular setup of levels, as level 21 is more of an assortment of various traps or tricky stages rather than one large navigable level. This level has no totems as the Awesume Glasses cause all the colours to be active as long as the player is not under water.

The player starts of the level in a little alcove with a box in front of them. They start the level by pushing a box forward on to a button, this button causing white blocks to move. Although these do not affect the difficulty of the level at all, the player has to outrun them to the end of the level in order to get a secret prize.

Unlike previous levels, this level requires precise or erratic movements and timed or immediate sequences of jumping, along with many rooms requiring the player to perform actions such as these while avoiding spiky enemies and oncoming hazards, which tend to be placed in unfortunate places.

Rooms[edit | edit source]

Below lists all the hazardous rooms of level 21.

Short drop[edit | edit source]


Jumping up and falling down over the stone block in front of the player, the player comes to a short vertical drop that has horizontally moving enemies. If the player drops down and pushes him/herself against the wall, they cannot be harmed. On the floor are two crawling pink enemies, the right one that crawls back and forth across the floor, and the left one stays on a button.

If the player lands properly, they can shoot the left one and proceed through the door, with a waterfall above a red platform.

Fire shooting blocks[edit | edit source]


On the ceiling are four fire blocks that shoot downwards fire, while at the far-right side of the room is a fire block that fires fire horizontally right.

The trick with this section is to stand in the area where there are no fire blocks above the player, and when the horizontally-right fire is shot, and looks as though it will intersect (or come close to impacting) the downwards fire, the player should jump over the downwards fire and land in the next section with no fire block above the player's head.

They should continue this until they are in front of the waterfall, where they should jump into it and fall into the below area.

Spiky enemy blocks[edit | edit source]


This section is primarily filled with a large amount of mostly purple blocks, most of which have a purple enemy on them that goes around the perimeter of the block. The first two blocks the player encounters are two non-purple blocks situated above a pit of purple spikes, the spike creature on both blocks always being on the opposite side of each block as the other creature (e.g: if on the left block the spike creature is on the left end, the spike creature on the right block will be on the right end).

This can be problematic for jumping across the blocks, as the player will usually have to come very close to at least one of the spike creatures, where a short jump is necessary to avoid death. However, it is possible to jump past both of these blocks rather quickly. In front of the highest up block above this pit is a waterfall which goes straight down and to the right of this is three brick blocks placed in a vertical line, with space between each block.

There is a horizontally moving enemy patrolling the upper part of the waterfall. However, in most cases, the player would likely have already killed the enemy due to the jumping necessary to avoid the purple creatures, as such, a shot would be shot at the enemy as the player would likely have looked at him.

Once passing this waterfall, the player should fall vertically down the chasm that is to the left of the three blocks, and try to land on top of the lowest of the three blocks; this can be done by falling, then at a certain point moving horizontally to the right. Sometimes they player may impact a spiky enemy on the middle block if they move to the right, although in most cases they will likely fall on to the bottom block.

Once there, the player should run forward and jump off the edge of the block - this allows them to more easily reach the far off brick block that has an purple spike enemy on it and also shoot the pink enemy that is preventing water from flowing downwards from the left side of the room. The player should not try to land on the bottom purple block, as it presents a large rick for being more easily killed.

Landing on the farthest right-most platform than jumping will usually cause the water to begin flowing again and bring the player down into the next room. On this block in question, it may also help if the player avoids the spiky enemy a few times to give the water enough time to being flowing. At any part of this room, the player can easily kill a spiky enemy by falling downwards in such a way the player's glasses shoot the enemy, although actions like this usually result in death.

Crusher blocks room[edit | edit source]


Falling down into this room, the player should secure the checkpoint flag, and when a large enough gap opens while the left-most crusher block is moving up, the player should go through that gap, jump to avoid the spike blocks, and fall into the bottom room.

Spiky blocks and fire[edit | edit source]


The player lands at the right side of this room, on a section that overlooks that room's main hazard. The difficulty in this room is largely due to the fire, although near the end of the room the player will usually struggle with a proper jump that does not cause them to against the upper spike blocks.

The player should drop down on the first block when the fire is moderately far away, in such a position so that the spiky enemy is coming up the right side of the block. The player should jump to the next block, although upon landing they will likely have to immediately jump again, but during this second jump move a bit backwards to the right.

Upon performing this jump the player should perform another jump on to the last block. This block is the trickiest to beat, mainly due to the spike blocks above the player (that force the player to jump from the previous block and move a bit to the left after falling a bit), the moving spiky enemy, and not as much jumping space.

If the player can land on this block just as the spiky enemy is going down the right side of the block, they can likely jump off this block and fall downwards into the next room.

Long crusher blocks room[edit | edit source]


This room is similar to the crusher blocks room encountered before. When a large enough area opens up (evident if the player runs into the crusher block), the player should run underneath this opening into the small pit. Once a large enough opening opens up for the second crusher block, the player should jump up and go through this opening, falling down into the below room.

Moving platforms room[edit | edit source]


This room is primarily based around jumping from moving platforms. Upon dropping into the room, the player should fall on to the purple platform, jump on to the red platform, then jump on to the yellow platform.

The difficult part of this level comes when trying to land on the green platform; a trick on deciding when to jump on to the below platform being to remember where the platform is when the played landed on the yellow platform, then jump when the player thinks the platform is in jumping distance.

When they jump to land on the platform, they should not try to go through the waterfall, rather, they should fall and try to land on the platform. When the platform has been landed on, the player should go to the farthest edge of the platform as the platform is going through the waterfall, then when most of the platform is on the other side of the platform, jump to the right and try to land on the right side of the platform.

When the green platform approaches the red platform, the player should jump to the red platform. The player should casually run - not jump - to the waterall, running off the platform into the waterfall and falling into the next room.

Blocks room[edit | edit source]


This room contains two squares made out of rails, and on each square three grey blocks. This level is easily passed by running into the third block (the block that has a large empty space behind it). The player has to continue running until the reach the end of the platform, once this being reached, the player can either drop down into the next room or go and secure a checkpoint.

Double fire room[edit | edit source]


This room contains two hallways where at the end of each hallway is a block that shoots fire. Unfortunately at the end of the hallway, there are two blocks - one placed at the top and one placed at the bottom, causing fire to be simultaneously shot so that it is right next to the ceiling (top fire) and right next to the floor (bottom fire).

What the player has to do is jump and move forward, then, when the right eye's body is next to the top fire, move to the right (but not hit the fire), until they land on the ground. For both hallways, the player should continue this until they get to the end of that hallway's bottom platform, then when another fire is shot, jump regularly to avoid it, then fall down into the next room.

The player can have a higher chance of not being hit by the moving fire when they are falling by moving to the right (when falling down the first gap in this hallway). For the section of the hallway with the waterfall, once the player is one full jump away from the waterfall, after avoiding two fires, they can jump and land in the water to fall down into the next room, instead of trying to get to the edge of the level.

Enemies room[edit | edit source]


This room contains a lot of enemies, and is likely in this level to add a heavy shooting element to it (although not a very difficult shooting segment). The player has to simply move a bit forward so that they are not under the waterfall, then wait as the floor enemies are killed, then constantly jump to kill the airborne enemies that may inconvenience the player.

Large moving platforms room[edit | edit source]


When the first yellow platform goes over the farthest spike square of the closest line of spike squares in front of the player, the player should go and jump on to the platform. When the platform is moving to the left, they should move to the right as to not get caught under the waterfall.

When the platform moves to the right, the player should try to get caught in the water, then fall down and try to land on the below yellow platform. When that yellow platform goes under the right-side waterfall, the player should move to the right.

The line of spike squares right below the yellow platform the player is on, when the yellow platform has gone halfway across the second right-most spike square, the player should jump off the right side of the platform, go into the waterfall, then once they are level with the spike square (while falling), they should move to the right, as to land on the below yellow platform.

The player should then stand on the far right side of the yellow platform, then when the waterfall hits them (when the platform is moving to the right), they will fall down into the next room.

L shaped spiky enemies room[edit | edit source]

This room is made difficult due to the lack of a checkpoint, likely if there had been one, this room would have been much easier. This room contains three blocks, all blocks containing a spiky enemy that circles the block. The blocks are positioned so that the highest up block is just a bit below the starting point of the room, a block below that, and two block to the left of this block, each of these left most blocks evenly spaced.

From the look of the room, the most plausible solution to completing it is to jump on the blocks one by one, starting with the highest up block, going down to the bottom one, and going from right to left. However, this method is bad in that the player has to traverse all blocks in the room, which considerably increases the chances of dieing.

The easiest way of completing this room is, once on the starting point, to fall off the edge on to the middle platform of the below three platforms. Something to keep in mind is that the location of the spiky enemy on the below middle platform will be exactly the same as the location of the spiky enemy on the upper platform, the one nearest to the starting point.

The player should try to fall on to the below middle platform when the spiky enemy on the platform to the right of the starting point, this enemy is going up the right side of the block. Thus, when the player lands, they have a chance for a jump. If the player falls downwards when the spiky enemy is in the aforementioned place, if the player approaches the right end of the block and jumps, they can jump over the farthest right-hand platform and into the next room.

Alternatively, the player can jump from the middle platform they have fallen on, and on to the farthest right-hand platform, then jump down, but this is rather dangerous, so it is suggested that the player try to jump from the middle platform over then right-hand platform, and into the next room.

Fire room[edit | edit source]

This room is easy to traverse. The player has to jump over (or shoot) the crawling enemy, then fall off the side of the platform and move to the left, falling and pushing the top box to the left. The player should continue to push this box, until it falls down on to the below platform. They should fall on to the block, shoot the enemy, then when the fire is not activate, move to the left, fall off the box, and push the box to the left, off the platform.

The player should then jump off the platform, and try to go into the room with the checkpoint. Due to the difficulty of the upcoming segment, the player should always use the checkpoint flag. Once that is done, the player should try to push the box to the right off the platform, into the next room.

Small moving blocks room[edit | edit source]

This section is the final room the player has to traverse, and likely the hardest in the entire level. On the box, the player should jump to the moving blocks, then try to jump over the moving block with the enemies, land on the moving blocks past the enemy infested blocks, then jump and fall so that the player lands on the below blocks.

Now comes the hardest part of the level. Both the enemies move at the same time and are in the same place at all times. It is possible to shoot and kill an enemy on the blocks that are in front of the non-enemy blocks, this heightening the player's chances of survival. When jumping on the first set of blocks, the player should jump when the spiky enemy on the highest up block is at the top left corner of that block, as this usually allows the player to land on the block and jump again.

When the player lands on this block, they should immediately jump again. If the player lands on the next set of moving blocks so that both of them are nearly horizontal, there is a very small chance that they can land on the right-hand block and jump again.

It is suggested that the walkthrough above be used for help in this room.

Camera room[edit | edit source]

This room contains level 21's reward - a finish pad in front of a camera. This room has three platforms - two small square platform lower down than a medium long elevated platform that contains a black and white checkered finish pad and a camera in front of this pad. Going up to this finish line will cause the screen to flash, and the player to be given a regular end of level screen.

If the player manages to get to this room in less than three minutes twenty seconds (or before the timer at the top-left of the screen reaches two hundred), they will be able to drop into the stone tablet room.

Stone tablet room[edit | edit source]

The stone tablet room is a special room that the player can enter if they reach the bottom of the level in less than three minutes twenty seconds, or before the timer (present on repeat plays of the level) at the top left of the screen reaches two hundred, they will be able to go into the stone tablet room.

The stone tablet contains a small two-block opening at the top of the room (the opening being located at the bottom of the camera room). As the player triggers blocks to immediately move at the start of level 21, these blocks will stop at certain places and cause other blocks to move, the lowest of the blocks covering up the aforementioned opening after three minutes twenty seconds (or the timer has gone past two hundred), a block present at each side of the room that will move into position and cover up the gap.

If the player manages to get to the camera room before the gap is filled in, and falls through the gap, they will land into the stone tablet room. This room is spacious and has a gear and propane tank in the background, along with gears and pipes on the wall. This room has a finish line of the floor, floating above the finish line being the stone tablet (mentioned below).

Walkthrough (camera)[edit | edit source]
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The stone tablet[edit | edit source]

The stone tablet is found at the very bottom of level 21, lower down than the camera. This object can be obtained if the player reaches the bottom of the level in less than 3 minutes 9 seconds, which is before the level's timer reaches 211. While the stone tablet does not grant anything, there is an avatar present next to it which grant the player the Industrial Pirate Cloud avatar.

The initiation of this time limit is started at the very start of the level, where the player has to push a box forward in order to get out of the alcove they are stuck in and start the level. As soon as this box is pushed forward, blocks are caused to move down a metal line. These blocks will push other bigger blocks on to other switches, these switches causing the movement of other blocks.

From that start of the level, the player can - with a bit of practice and many repetitions of the level - get very far ahead of the downwards moving white blocks by quickly going past the fire block gauntlet, the spiky pink creatures infested room, and the first crusher block room without dying, having to only stop when the crusher block is in the player's way.

Walkthrough (stone tablet)[edit | edit source]
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Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Pink crawling clouds - Clouds that crawl on the ground. Some of them can be activated by obtaining pink brush/palette.
  • Blue flying clouds - General clouds that fly in the air. Some of them can be activated by obtaining blue brush/palette.
  • Purple spiky clouds - Clouds that move around platforms. Some of these can be activated by obtaining purple brush/palette.
  • Rain clouds - Clouds that expel a waterfall.
  • Pirate cloud - Encountered on level twenty, the pirate cloud is the boss of the game.

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

  • Coins - Collectable; affected by collected colours and necessary for entire game completion.
  • Switches - Affects the movement of certain platforms.
  • Totems - Gives the player new colours.

Environmental changes[edit | edit source]

Depending on where the player is (Vitrious Woods, Iris City, or Pirate Factory), picking up a certain colour will add colour to the background.

Vitrious Woods[edit | edit source]

  • Red - Touching red will turn the leafs on trees in the background red.
  • Blue - Touching blue will turn the clouds in the background blue.

Iris City[edit | edit source]

  • Green - Touching green will turn the moon in the background green.
  • Blue - Touching blue will turn the clouds in the background blue.
  • Yellow - Touching yellow will illuminate the windows of the buildings in the background yellow.

Pirate Factory[edit | edit source]

  • Green - Touching green will illuminate the windows in the buildings as well as turn the moon green.
  • Blue - Touching blue will turn the clouds in the background blue.

Glitches[edit | edit source]

  • The timer continues counting down, even though the player has finished the level.
  • Press Level Reset button at Pause menu at Awesume glasses stage to occur this glitch. Nitrome has fixed this glitch.
  • Sometimes, pausing and the movement in the game will be reversed. The game will freeze when not pausing, and will be able to be played while paused. This glitch can be solved by resetting the game.
The glitch
  • If the player holds down the Down.png button while running sideways, the running animation of the right eye will be flickering very fast between the running animation and the wall-pushing animation.
The glitched running animation
  • Every colored particle in the game will match the color of the right eye's iris. This is true for the player's particles, but also for crates and other objects. Therefore, a colored object could produce a particle of the wrong color. For example, if the player pushes a blue crate while the right eye's iris is flashing green, then the crate's particle will be green instead of blue.

Development[edit | edit source]

The game's artist Giuseppe Longo came up with the idea for Coloudblind in March 2013 while working on Super Stock Take[1]. Development of Colourblind took 3 months[1], and during development a link to the beta version of the game was posted by Longo, although it was quickly taken down.[2]

Announcements[edit | edit source]

April 19th 2013[edit | edit source]

Nitrome revealed the game's preview image and spoke a bit about the game's plot.

Nitrome Touchy version[edit | edit source]

Controls interface

Colourblind was made Nitrome Touchy compatible on August 16, 2013. The device provides the appropriate menu buttons that players can select to initiate an option on screen. The device allows players to control right eye using D pad controls with a Colourblind themed skin. The left and right arrow keys allow for horizontal movement, while either of the two buttons on the right can be used for jumping.

Colorblind: An Eye For An Eye[edit | edit source]

Colorblind: An Eye For An Eye is a mobile port of the game released on the App Store during the time period of March 22nd, 2018 to April 4th, 2018[3] and on Google Play on April 18th[4].

Changes[edit | edit source]

The music that plays in the Nitrome promotional ad screen after the startup and in the Awesume Glasses shop.
  • The name of the game uses the American English spelling of colour instead of the British English version, and the subtitle "Right Eye vs. The Dusty Pirate Clouds From Industrial Landscapes" was changed to "An Eye For An Eye".
  • Instead of all levels being listed on one screen, levels are divided up into sets based on the location they take place in.
  • On the menu, the pirate cloud has hands.
  • There is a loading screen before each level.
  • The coin counter counter lists the coins the player has collected instead of the coins the player has left.
  • The pause button appears as two vertical bars instead of as a cog.
  • There is no timer in this version.
  • Checkpoints have to be unlocked by spending coins collected in the level or watching a video advertisement. They are only free if the player has bought the premium version of the game.
  • The pirate cloud does not always appear over the finish tiles, instead appearing near them.
  • The Awesume Glasses cutscene has unique music.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Colourblind is the first Nitrome game since Test Subject Complete to feature cutscenes outside endings.
  • The pink colour is only used on level 18 and 20.
  • The first two worlds (Vitrious Woods and Iris City) are named after characteristics of eyes.
  • When the right eye passes a totem for the first time in a level, the music's instrumentation changes, similarly to the way the music changes in Parasite after the parasite possesses a creature.
  • On the camera lens of level 21, a small Spartan helmet can be seen.
  • When the game was released the "All games" page of listed the game's name as "Colour Blind"[5], however, by July 23rd, 2013, it had been changed to Colourblind[6].

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 LinkedIn: Giuseppe Longo → Projects: Colourblind: I had the idea for this game in March 2013, while I was still working on Super Stock Take. Coder Aaron Steed helped me with the game design and we managed to finish the game in just three months., ?, retrieved 2 May 15.
  2. Forum topic page:
  3. Nitrome on Twitter: [1]: Sit back, relax and enjoy our latest puzzle putting game in #nanogolf!, 22 Mar 18, retrieved 7 Apr 18. (Nano Golf is Nitrome's latest released game) Colorblind - An Eye For An Eye on the App Store, 4 Apr 18, retrieved . (the game is available)
  4. Nitrome on Twitter: [2], 18 Apr 18, retrieved 18 Apr 18.
  5. Nitrome - All Games - Play Free Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 6 Jun 13 )
  6. Nitrome - All Games - Play Free Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 23 Jul 15 )

zh:Colour Blind