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Ico chisel.png
Tunnel your way through the ground to reduce the planets to the target size.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Action
  • Platform
  • Puzzle
Control scheme
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
29 April 2010

Chisel is an action-puzzle platform game released April 29, 2010. The player controls a robot named Chiseller whose job is to cut down the size of planets by drilling into them.

A sequel of the game, Chisel 2, was released in March, almost a year later after the original game. This game, along with twelve other games, was made a distributable game on August 25th, 2011, and was one of the first distributable games.

Controls[edit | edit source]

Left.png Right.png - Move

Up.png or Space.png - Drill

H key.png - Answer message (when flashing)

P key.png - Pause the game

Levels[edit | edit source]

Level 1[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Beep bop! I am chiseller, a master in digging technology. I can plough through almost anything. Test my drill out and cut this planet down to size.
Shape: Chiseller's head
Enemies: 1x Bomb crab
Description: This level teaches the basics of the game.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Receiving data from the outer realms of the galaxy via SMS. My sensors indicate that these feeble shellbots have a weakspot and can be destroyed from drilling beneath.
Shape: Hexagon
Enemies: 2x Green shellbots
Description: Introduces the green shellbots.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Beep bop! alert!! action must be taken to avoid these boombots, they will explode on impact.
Shape: Oval

Pattern: Gear wheel

Enemies: 4x Boombots
Description: Introduces boombots. The player has to drill between them.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: We should put these rusted old buzzbots to better use and turn them to scrap metal. A well aimed shot at the base of their chain attachments will suffice.
Shape: Smooth curved four pointed star
Enemies: 2x Brown buzzbots chained to 2 points
Description: Introduces buzzbots, two of which rotate through the planet.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Bumpy thick line
Enemies: 2x Pink shellbots
Description: The planet is a big, thick, bumpy line-shape with two parallel shellbots circling it.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Circle
Enemies: 12x bomb crabs (In two equal rows.)
Description: There are two lines of bomb crabs, both of six. The player has to go close enough behind the line in front of them, then drill down. They may hit a bomb crab once or twice.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: My database shows these simple scratchbots have an limited control path allowing them to travel back and forth in straight lines. This should not be a problem with my superior human controlled guidance system. avoid direct contact with their adamantium claws.
Shape: Smooth x-shape
Enemies: 2x scratchbots
Description: Scratchbots are introduced. They move back and forth through the planet across a smooth X-shape.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Smooth-ended line
Enemies: 2x bomb crabs, 2x scratchbots
Description: Two scratchbots move back and forth through a smooth-ended line, while two parallel bomb crabs circle the planet.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Triangle
Enemies: 3x pink shellbots
Description: Three pink shellbots circle a triangular planet symmetrically.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Beep bop! Message Alert!! quackbots are very territorial and will chase off intruders who come within range. they have a weak outer shell which will easily break under my superior chassis.
Shape: Egg
Enemies: 3x quackbots
Description: This level introduces quackbots, three of which run wild around an egg shaped planet.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Circle

Pattern: Skull

Enemies: 4x brown Buzzbots, one bomb crab
Description: When starting the level, the player requires right timing to survive with three lives. The last part of the level is easy, when the player has destroyed the four buzzbots.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Beep_bop My sensors read a disturbance from the yummy ground below. This planet is infested with digbots. All efforts must be made to avoid colliding with this rebounding pest.
Shape: Apple
Enemies: One digbot
Description: This level gets harder every time the player drills. The player cannot kill the worm and it will be hard to dodge it when the player has nearly finished the level.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Regular pentagon

Pattern: honeycomb

Enemies: One digbot
Description: Like the previous level, this level gets harder every time the player makes the planet smaller.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: 2 hexagon spliced
Enemies: 2 pink and 10x green Shellbots (in two equal rows)
Description: The pink shellbots keep bouncing back and forth between the stationary shellbots.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Danger!! Shiny blue buzzbots must be avoided. They are as hard as diamond and will damage my outer cortex and scratch my paintwork.
Shape: Curved rectangle
Enemies: 4x Bomb crabs, 3x unchained Buzzbots
Description: The bomb crabs circle symmetrically and the unchained buzzbots play roles of indestructible boombots.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Uploading new species to database!! A more aggressive breed of the quackbot species with improved windup mechanics. their outer shell is still vulnerable and weak.
Shape: Skull
Enemies: 2x Boombots, 1x Quackbot
Description: The angry quackbot dashes so fast that players should be cautious.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Beep bop! these shiny new buzz bots have chains which are bolted tight and cannot be destroyed. aim carefully and try to avoid their primitive spin buzz attack.
Shape: Curved and invaginated circle
Enemies: 2x blue Buzzbots chained to 1 point
Description: Player should make a good use of the lower places to avoid the buzzbots.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Heavy dumbbell
Enemies: 5x Digbots
Description: The digbots are likely to be confused at one of the polar.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Banana
Enemies: 2x pink Shellbots, 1x Boombots
Description: The pink shellbots dash to the player from both two sides. So take actions quickly.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Curved parallelogram
Enemies: 9x Boombots
Description: The boombots are set not regularly in the parallelogram.

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Level 21[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Waist-invaginated oval
Enemies: 4x Scratchbots
Description: The scratchbots move back and forth parallelly through the planet.

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Level 22[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Light dumbbell
Enemies: 4x green and 1x pink Shellbots, 14x Buzzbots chained to 2 points
Description: There leaves a gap for players to destroy buzzbots.

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Level 23[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Hull
Enemies: 12x pink Shellbots, 3x Boombots
Description: It's hard to survive on the sh-rowded boat. Players can drill vertically to finish the job fast.

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Level 24[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Message: Beep-bop, my radar has picked up a strange craft of the feline variety, inhabitants seem to be departed. Destroy craft if necessary.
Shape: Stretched oval
Enemies: 2x green Shellbots, 4x Boombots, 1x unchained Buzzbot
Cameo: Ruckitty's Spaceship
Description: Destroy the spaceship.

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Level 25[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Tetragram
Enemies: 4x pink and 8x green Shellbots (gathering at each point of the tetragram in 4 rows), 1x unchained Buzzbot
Description: Each points of the tetragram is blocked by two green shellbots with a pink one bouncing between them.

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Level 26[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Bone
Enemies: 6x angry Quackbots
Description: Four quackbots dash to the player from the left side and another two ones from the right side.

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Level 27[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Gear wheel
Enemies: 2 chained blue Buzzbots
Description: The buzzbots keep rotating like a minute hand and an hour hand in a clock.

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Level 28[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Square
Enemies: 2x pink Shellbots, 1x Digbot
Description: The long digbot digs from the middle of an edge of the square to another edge of the square.

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Level 29[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: 4 parallelograms spliced
Enemies: 8x Boombots, 8x brown Buzzbots chained to 2 points
Description: 2 groups of buzzbots rotate in opposite directions.

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Level 30[edit | edit source]

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info.
Shape: Circle
Enemies: 4 blue Buzzbots, 1x Bomb crab
Description: The bomb carb creeps forward and the buzzbots rotate anti-clockwisely.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Chisle your ending!.png

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Bomb crabs - Bomb crabs are bombs with a skull faces and crab-like features. They explode on impact and damage the player.
  • Shellbots - Shellbots are completely surrounded by a spiked shell except for below them. Green shellbots are stationary, pink ones move in set directions. Can only be destroyed by drilling under.
  • Boombots - Boombots are like mines, buried underground. They will explode on impact and damage the player.
  • Buzzbots - Buzzbots are contact-damaging saws that rotate on a chain. Can be destroyed by drilling into the chain link.
  • Scratchbots - Scratchbots are similar to moles, and dig back and forth in a set pattern underground, damaging the player if they touch one. Scratchbots cannot be destroyed.
  • Quackbots - Quackbots are similar to ducks. They can sense the player and run in his direction. They have a weak outer shell, and will be destroyed if drilled under. There are two types of quackbots, yellow quackbots, which move slowly, and red quackbots, which move quickly.
  • Digbots - Digbots are a worm-like enemy that are similar to scratchbots. Their size varies from level to level, and will dig through planets. They damage the player on impact and cannot be destroyed.

Pick ups[edit | edit source]

These items appear on the planets.

  • Gems - Gems will appear out of thin air and land on a random spot on the planet. They appear in Red, Purple, Green, Pink, and Light Blue. Each gem earns the player 500 points.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Credits notes[edit | edit source]

Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2011 Best of Casual Gameplay 2010 Best Action or Arcade game of 2010 (Browser games) Nominated

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • On level twenty-four, the kitty cruiser from Rockitty appears parked on the planet.
  • Nitrome was not as freely able to make the planets for Chisel due to their engine. This led them to making a new engine from scratch and using it in the game's sequel, where they put much effort into the planets.
  • The Chisel series have similar artwork to the artwork from Rockitty.
  • Chisel looks like Mario using a Spin Drill in Super Mario Galaxy 2.
  • Pick up gems looks like the gems from the game Onekey.
  • For the Nitrome Jam game Rockitty: 9 Lives, there is an icon for Chisel in the "More projects created by this team members" section credited as Chisel but leading to Chisel 2.