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Use bombs to blow up the landscape and monsters avoiding toxic waste.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Platform
  • Action
Control scheme
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
8 August 2007
(earliest known availability)

Toxic is a platforming game released during the time period of July 18th - August 8th, 2007[1]. The player controls a man in a yellow suit who is trying to blow up a robot factory. A sequel for Toxic was released on November 25th 2008, entitled Toxic II.

Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Left.png Right.png Left and Right arrow keys - Move
  • Up.png Up arrow key - Jump
  • Down.png Down arrow key - Duck
  • Space.png Space bar - Throw/plant a bomb

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The player plays as a yellow suited man who has to try to make it to the red teleporter in the level, in a similar manner as the Hot Air series. The player has to use different types of bombs to destroy enemies and platforms, to make a way to the end.

Levels[edit | edit source]

Toxic has twenty levels.

Level 1[edit | edit source]

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Enemies - (two) Wheel robots

Bombs - Basic Bombs

This level mainly consists of signs explaining to the player how to control the character and play the game.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

Hazards -

Bombs -

This level introduces how to wall jump, the Throw Bomb, and the Leaking Pipe.

At first the player has to go up a few steps where they will encounter two walls close together. There is a sign explaining how to wall jump, and the player has to jump from wall to wall until they reach the top. At the top of the ledge, there is a part of the ground to the left that is made of rock. After destroying it, the player can fall into a room with a throw bomb.

After collecting the bomb, they must wall jump back up to the ledge, and the continue wall jumping to another, higher, ledge. At the top is more throw bombs, and rock wall. The player has to blast a hole through the wall, and then continue on past a Leaking pipe to an abrupt edge. The player must then slide down the opposite wall until they reach a platform on the other side with the red teleporter on it. If they do not jump off, they will fall into acid.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

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Enemies -

Hazards -

Bombs -

This level teaches the player about all the different bombs in the game. Introducing the mega bomb, sticky bomb, drill bomb, and cluster bomb

This level introduces the hovering robot and the lasers.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

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Enemies -

Bombs -

This level introduces the acid shooting mine.

The player starts on top of a thin layer (about two blasts thick) of metal and rock. After blasting through the rock with their basic bombs, the player lands on a similar layer of rock and metal, except that there is a Acid shooting mine on either side.

After two more blasts, the player falls to yet another layer with the metal rock switched up. On the left side are throw bombs, while to the right is a wheel robot. Beneath the metal is the Red teleporter, so the player has to blast their way through the rock, and then fall diagonally onto the teleport.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces the cannon robot.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces the digging robot.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

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This level Introduces the three legged robot.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

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This level involves navigating around Lasers.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces spikes.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

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This Level introduces the robotic squid.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

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This level involves first dropping through a spiky area, then climbing back up for a second drop.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

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This level involves navigating through a maze of cannon robots. This level also introduces the first moving cannon robots.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

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In this level the player has to take advantage of the dissolving platforms and use their bombs wisely to finish.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

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In this level the player to go upwards avoiding many leaking pipes along the way.

This level has a glitch that can make the first cannon robot invincible to bombs, however, a second bomb should work.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

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This level has the player destroy a wide variety of robots.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

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Here the player has to create a bridge using throw bombs, hop above spikes, and then get to the red teleporter while trying not to fall into the acid below.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

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In this level the player must take advantage of the digging robots, to tunnel their way through the rock, while avoiding the wheel robots.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

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Here the player must use throw bombs to tunnel their way through rock, while facing many hovering robots.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

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During this level, the path goes down a vertical drop, followed by using cluster bombs to kill roots in a very confined space, and lastly ending with the player going upwards to the red teleporter.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

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In the final level the player must strategically avoid lasers while simultaneously defeating robots.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Toxic Ending.png

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Wheel robots - This robot rolls back and fourth.
  • Hovering robots - This robot will hover around.
  • Three legged robot - This robot has three legs, and walks around. It will frequently fire acid from its head.
  • Robotic squids - This robot has three tentacles to move. When the player get's close to it, its big head will lift up and it will shoot acid around. By dropping a bomb, the top of the robots head will come down, protecting the body.
  • Cannon robots - This robot has a tread underneath it to move. It attack is shooting green balls. Some cannon robots will move, while others will stay in one place.
  • Digging robots - This robot clings to a metal ceiling until Toxic runs under it, then, the robots tunnels down through any rock underneath. Once it hits metal floors, it explodes.
  • Acid shooting mines - These are attached to the floor and shoot acid left and right. It is possible to destroy them.

Hazards[edit | edit source]

  • Leaking pipe - These will drop acid that will hurt the player. They can also be blown up if they are connected to stone underneath the player.
  • Spikes- If the player touches these, they lose health.
  • Acid - This liquid will instantly kill the player if they touch the acid that makes up the base of the level. If acid is dropped from a pipe or shot by a robot, then it will only hurt the player.
  • Lasers - These hazards spin in circles. The laser beam and the actual hardware will hurt the player.

Bombs[edit | edit source]

Bombs are the weapon Toxic uses to blow up rock and enemies and advance through the level. All bombs (excluding throw bombs) can be only be placed when the player is on the ground. Different bombs have different color explosions.

  • Basic bombs - This will detonate in five seconds. It produces a regular blast. The player has an infinite amount of them, furthermore, they are the player's primary bomb.
  • Mega bombs - This bomb is similar to the basic bomb, except it has a significantly larger blast range. The mega bomb has a purple-colored blast.
  • Sticky bombs - This bomb can be planted in mid air and can stick to robots. This bomb has a green colored blast.
  • Drill bombs - This bomb, when planted, explodes downwards. It has a red colored blast.
  • Throw bombs - This bomb does not have a time limit, it explodes on impact. It has a yellow coloured blast.
  • Cluster bombs - This bomb, when it detonates, shoots five explosions left and right and then one explosion back. It has an orangish-yellow colored blast.

Credits[edit | edit source]

Artwork/Level design
Programming/Level design
Additional level design

Differences from Toxic 2[edit | edit source]

Toxic 2, the sequel to Toxic, made slight modifications to how some things happened.

  • In Toxic 2, the player throws the bombs in front of them. In Toxic 1, they are just set down at the players feet.
  • In Toxic 2, when the character is hit, he hops, which he doesn't do in Toxic 1.
  • When robots are killed, they explode into a blue explosion and disappear, while in Toxic 2 the explode in a red explosion and break into pieces and fall of the screen.
  • When the character is about to die, the gameover title immediately shows up except that he falls into the acid in Toxic 2, while in Toxic 1 it won't show up unless the character is completely corroded regardless of how he dies.
  • When the character falls into the acid, he sinks into it slowly with struggling, which he doesn't do in Toxic 1, directly falling out of the stage.
  • There is a difference of character's action of climbing. In Toxic 1, he sticks to the wall with his whole body, while in Toxic 2 he does this with just his feet and one hand.
  • Player can climb on the edges of the stage as if there were walls, while in Toxic 2 he will be slightly bounced back when running into them.
  • Player will be bounced back when attempting to jump out of the stage, while in Toxic 2 player can actually explore the upper stage in which the secrets like the entrance of level 2.1 can be found.
  • The three-legged robots and the robotic squids are the only two robots in Toxic that don't appear in Toxic 2.
  • One part of the Toxic 2 level theme is similar to the Toxic 1 level theme.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Glitches[edit | edit source]

  • After beating the game, the gameplay music will continue to play when the player goes to the menu (instead of the menu music).
  • If a wall is thin enough, the player can walk through it.
  • Sometimes on level 14, the cannon robot cannot be destroyed.
  • Sometimes if the ground a wheel robot rolls on is destroyed, it will descend down as if a platform was underneath it.
  • Sometimes on level 12 a cannon robot cannot be destroyed but if it is hit with a bomb it will be unable to shoot, but will still hurt the player on contact.

Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2008 Best of Casual Gameplay 2007 Best Platform game of 2007 Nominated - Ninth place (2.9% of votes)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The game was very popular on MTV Arcade, as mentioned by Nitrome.[citation needed]
  • Lee Nicklen (Toxic's composer) made an extra track.
  1. Extra Song #1

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Nitrome - Play Free Online Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 9 Aug 7 ) (games sorted in the order they were released)

    Toxic was released after Square Meal and Square Meal was released during the time period of July 18th to July 30th.

    Jay is Games: Toxic - Walkthroughs, Tips, Review, 8 Aug 7, retrieved 23 Apr 16. (earliest known mention of Toxic)