Off The Rails

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Off The Rails
Hammer the buttons to power the hand car [sic] through each treacherous rail road.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Racing
  • Platform
Control scheme
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
11 October 2007
(earliest known availability)
11 November 2022

Off The Rails is a platforming game released during the time period of October 10th - 11th 2007[1]. The player controls two cactus men riding on train tracks with handcar, avoiding the enemies scattered across the tracks and traversing the desert. This game, along with twelve other games, was made a distributable game on August 25th, 2011, and was one of the first distributable games.

Off The Rails was one of the launch titles for the iPhone and Android application Nitrome Touchy, which was launched on October 31st, 2012, for the iPhone and November 21st, 2012, for Android. An HTML5 port of the game was released on on November 11th, 2022[2].

Controls[edit | edit source]

Flash[edit | edit source]

Left.png Right.png Left and right arrow keys - Accelerate

Down.png Down - Brake

Up.png Up - Jump

Space.png Spacebar - Change direction

Nitrome Touchy[edit | edit source]

Lever: The lever controls the motion of the handcar, and needs to be swiped back and forth by the player's finger in order to power the handcar. It is located in the middle of the smartphone screen.

Switch: The switch controls the direction of the handcar. To activate it, the player must swipe it forward or backwards. The switch is located at the top and center of the smartphone screen.

Jump pads: The jump pads control when the handcar jumps. To activate it, the player must tap either pad: there is one at the bottom left corner, and one at the top right corner.

Condensed[edit | edit source]

  • Swipe finger back and forth on middle bar - move handcart
  • Press bottom left/top right button - jump
  • Move reverse direction lever left/right - alter direction the handcart moves to left/right

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

In each level of Off The Rails, the player has to get the cactus men past the finish sign. There are multiple gaps and enemies that prevent the player from reaching the end. Points are earned in the game by collecting gold coins, landing flips, and completing the level as quickly as possible.

Levels[edit | edit source]

Off The Rails has 20 levels.

1. Read the Billboards to Learn How to Play[edit | edit source]

The first level is a straight line with billboards instructing the player how to play.

Enemies: 1 Tortoise

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2. Rollercoaster of Love[edit | edit source]

The level starts out with a big hill, then a small hill with a jump over a pit of mud at the bottom. After the jump is another medium sized hill, which leads to a big hill. At the bottom of the big hill is a huge gap, meaning the player needs a lot of speed to make the jump. After the jump is a small straight path to the finish.

Enemies: None

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3. This Time We Go the Other Way[edit | edit source]

The level travels in the left direction rather than the right. Start by going down a small hill, and jump over a Gopher at the bottom. There is a Boost sign that helps the player go up a small hill. After going down the hill are three small bumps, and then two more Boost signs to help go up another hill. At the top of the hill is a Tortoise. After going over the Tortoise, there is a Boost sign that speeds the player over a small jump. After the jump are two more Tortoises and the finish is ahead.

Enemies: 3 Tortoises and 1 Gopher

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4. Next Stop The Moon[edit | edit source]

The level starts out with the player in the middle of going down a gigantic hill. At the bottom of the hill is a jump that causes the player to jump super far, and the player needs to try and land on the track. Near where the player lands is a cameo of a Hovering robot from Toxic. A giant patch of Slippery track with Boost signs follows the cameo. The slippery track combined with the boost signs cause the player to go very fast, and go over another jump that is similar to the first one. At the bottom of the jump is the finish.

Enemies: None

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5. The Rocky Road to Success[edit | edit source]

The level first goes straight, and then over a small bump. After the bump is a small depression in the ground with a Gopher at the bottom. The depression leads up to a big hill. At the bottom of the hill is a Locust, and then a series of small, sharp bumps that keep getting bigger and bigger. After the bumps is a big patch of Slippery track, with a Tortoise in the middle. After the Tortoise the level ends.

Enemies: 1 Gopher, 1 Locust, and 1 Tortoise

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6. Maybe We Should Turn Around[edit | edit source]

If the player turns around, there is the word "Jackpot" written in gold coins, which is why the level name is hinting at turning around. Go forward and jump over a Tortoise at the top of the hill. Go down the hill and make the rail cart speed up to get past an enemy called Tumbleweed, and five of them appear in succession. Some Boost signs will help the rail cart speed up. After going past a Boost sign pointing back, jump over three hills. Go forward and soon a Gopher will be found. Jump over it and make the rail cart speed up. When the hill starts to slope down, jump to land on a small platform. The end of the level will be found.

Enemies: 1 Gopher, 5 Tumbleweeds, and 1 Tortoise

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7. High Roller![edit | edit source]

Touch the Boost sign and the rail cart will be hurled over a gap. Go forward and underneath a Locust. Some more Boost signs will be found, which would send the player across a gap. A Tortoise up ahead should be avoided. Go over two more gaps. On the other side of the second gap is a Gopher. The last gap has a Skeleton bird on the other side. Avoid the dangerous eggs it drops, avoid another Locust and the end of the level will be found.

Enemies: 2 Locusts, 1 Gopher, 1 Skeleton bird and 1 Tortoise

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8. A Bump in the Road[edit | edit source]

Go forward and jump over a gap. Keep going but do not jump, as there is enough speed to go over the gaps. Two Tortoises up ahead should be avoided. There will be three platforms that are below each other with gaps between them. Go forward for the first gap but jump for the second and third one. Go along that platform and jump over a gap. Go forward and jump over another Tortoise. Multiple small hills are up ahead; control the cart slowly and continue forward. Slowly control the cart over the last jump and then jump over the last Tortoise to reach the end.

Enemies: 5 Tortoises

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9. Life in the Fast Lane Surely Make You Lose Your Handcar[edit | edit source]

Go forward and jump over a Gopher. Keep going and some Boost signs will be found. Go forward and jump over a gap and some more Boost signs will be found. Another gap will be up ahead after that. Continue to go forward and jump over a Gopher. Jump over a small hill.

Up ahead are some spread out Gophers. Jump over all of them and some Boost signs suspended in the air will be found. Pick up speed and jump up to let the Boost signs push the cart over a gap. On the other side, try to get as much speed as possible to jump over the edge. After landing on solid ground, go forward and over another gap blow the platform. The end of the level will be reached.

Enemies: 6 Gophers

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10. Mole Hills[edit | edit source]

This level introduces a new enemy, the Train, who is always headed towards the cactus men with the intent of killing them. The player has to make it through the level very quickly to avoid contact with the train.

Enemies: 1 Train

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11. Tricks and Traps[edit | edit source]

Go forward and jump over two hills and two gaps. Hit the Boost sign and jump over another gap. Jump over some Gophers while avoiding the gaps by using the Boost signs. Up ahead is a new enemy called a Bull. Brake and wait a few seconds for the Bull to be lifted up into the air. Go under the Bull and jump over a gap. Go forward and jump over other gaps and one last Gopher and the end of the level will be reached.

Enemies: 1 Bull and 4 Gophers

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12. Look Out Below![edit | edit source]

Speed forward all the way and avoid two Locusts in the air. Jump over two Tortoises and Boost arrows will continue to give you speed. Watch your speed to avoid another Locust and two more Tortoises, while going over multiple gaps. The end of the level will soon be reached.

Enemies: 4 Tortoises and 3 Locusts

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13. Jump Up Jump Up and Get Blown Up[edit | edit source]

Jump over 3 Tortoises. Ahead is a Tortoise on a small hill. A small hill jump can be done to avoid the Tortoise. Go up a hill but brake at top as there is a Bull. Wait for it to fly up then go under it and over a Lizard. Go down the side of the hill with speed then go over the edge but do not jump as you have enough speed to make the gap. Jump over 5 Gophers and a Lizard. Pick up speed then jump over the side. If the jump was successful the end of the level will be reached.

Enemies: 4 Tortoises, 1 Bull, 2 Lizards and 5 Gophers

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14. Timing is Everything[edit | edit source]

Turn the rail cart around and go up a hill. Jump over two Lizards and go down the side of the hill avoiding a Skeleton bird. Pick up speed and the rail cart should go over a hill to avoid a Train. Go under four Tumbleweeds and across some Slippery tracks. Quickly jump over 2 Gophers then brake for a Bull. After waiting for 7 Gophers in a line to go down, move quickly across and the end of the level will be reached.

Enemies: 1 Train, 2 Lizards, 1 Skeleton bird, 4 Tumbleweeds, 9 Gophers and 1 Bull

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15. Flat as a Board[edit | edit source]

The level is flat and has no gaps, like the level name suggests. Go forward and jump over a Lizard. Going forward onto some Slippery track, jump whenever a Gopher poses a threat. Keep going forward and try to hit the last Boost sign suspended in the air. Brake for a Bull and jump over a Boost sign and a gap. Jump over a Lizard and avoid the Skeleton bird's eggs. More Boost arrows will be found up ahead. Brake for another Bull. Avoid a Locust, Tortoise, another Locust and two more Tortoises with well timed jumps and speed control. The end of the level will be reached.

Enemies: 2 Lizards, 2 Gophers, 6 Tortoises, 3 Skeleton birds, 3 Locusts and 2 Bulls

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16. Cactus Pancakes![edit | edit source]

Go down the side of the hill and put on the brake. Wait for the Bull to fly and go fast under it as there is a Train in this level. Go up a hill and under a Tumbleweed. Avoid the Skeleton birds and jump over two Gophers. When going down the side of the hill put on the brake and wait for a Gopher to go down into its hole. Now go down the slope and wait for the Bull to fly up.

After the Bull has flown up, go underneath it and jump over a Lizard. Brake again for a tumbleweed to pass or go under it. Go up the hill then down it but stop frequently as Gophers are around the top middle area. After going past the Gophers, brake for a Bull. Keep going and more Gophers will be encountered. After going past the final Bull the end of the level will be reached.

Enemies: 1 Train, 4 Bulls, 2 Tumbleweeds, 3 Skeleton birds, 5 Gophers and 1 Lizard

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17. Ducking and Diving[edit | edit source]

Speed up then jump over the edge. After landing, pick up speed again and the rail cart should land on a flat platform. Go forward but the player does not need to speed up. Some Boost signs should send the rail cart over the remaining gaps. After landing on a area with no gaps go up a hill and jump over two Gophers. Going down the slope refrain from jumping until there is a flat gap. Jump over it and the end of the level will soon be reached.

Enemies: 2 Gophers

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18. Moonwalk![edit | edit source]

Switch directions and go forward and jump over a hole containing a Gopher. Go and again jump over a hole containing two Boost signs. Jump over another gap that has a Tortoise in it. Jump quickly over the next hole as there is a Bull. Jump again when a gap is encountered. After the gap, go forward and over a gap but do not jump and try to decrease your speed. This will get rid of a Skeleton bird up ahead.

Go forward and brake for two Bulls. Go forward and jump to send the rail cart over a gap. Go forward and under many Locusts. Keep going forward until Slippery track is found. Once on the Slippery track, jump and the rail cart should go over a Gopher and the end of the level will be reached.

Enemies: 3 Bulls, 1 Skeleton bird, 3 Gophers, 1 Tortoise and 6 Locusts

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19. Not Too Fast Not Too Slow[edit | edit source]

One Train is in front of the player and another is behind the player. There are two ways to beat this level, the normal way or the fast way. For the normal way, avoid all of the obstacles and go a little bit slower when the Slippery track is present. There are several Skeleton Birds whose eggs must be avoided. Be wary of the Slippery track ahead. There will be a sign marking the end of the level.

For the fast way go forward and jump over a Gopher. Go over a hill where some Boost signs are. Wait for the front Train to go down the hill. Hit the Boost signs then jump over the hill. This will either send the rail cart over the Train or into it. If the jump is successful, move forward to reach the end of the level.

Enemies: 2 Trains, 2 Gophers, 1 Tumbleweed, 2 Locusts, 3 Skeleton birds and 1 Bull

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20. Width of a Hair[edit | edit source]

The rail cart can choose a normal method or harder method to complete the first portion of the level. For the normal method, go forward and jump over the Lizard. Go forward but do not jump over the edge but gain some speed. The rail cart will go over the edge onto a lower platform with a bull. Press on the brake as soon as the smaller platform is reached. When the Bull is lifted up, dash under it. For the harder method, speed up and jump over the Lizard. When the gap is reached, speed up really fast and jump. This will send the rail cart over the Bull if done correctly.

After the split path, go fast under a Locust and jump over a small hill. Some Boost signs will be found. Once they are hit, brake to avoid a Locust in the air. Go up the hill, under a Locust and go down the hill, where more Boost signs are present. Brake again and wait for the bull behind the Boost signs to be lifted up. Be wary of your speed, and wait for a second bull to rise, then hit the Boost signs. Speed up to jump over the edge. The rail car will hurl over the huge gap and onto a platform.

Brake again and wait for another Bull to be lifted up. Hit another Boost sign but jump over another Boost sign that is pointing backwards. Go forward and jump over a Gopher and take care not to be hit by the Skeleton Bird's egg. Go forward and at the top of the hill there will be a Tortoise. Jump over it and below there will be a Locust. After passing the Locust, brake again as there is a Bull up ahead. Avoid it and pass the finish line. The ending of the will be seen after.

Enemies: 1 Lizard, 2 Skeleton birds, 3 Locusts, 1 Gopher, 1 Tortoise and 5 Bulls

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Ending of Off The Rals.png

The ending shows how many of each enemy and how many times the player died. The enemies and cacti can be seen flying to the heavens in the background.

Glitches[edit | edit source]

The glitch in action
  • If the player hits the ground at a certain angle they will be stuck in the ground and unable to move.
  • In the HTML5 port, the gophers and the eggs dropped by skeleton birds no longer harm the player.
    • Additionally, deaths of tumbleweeds and locusts won't be counted in the final statistics in this version.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Gophers - Stationary creatures that disappear underground and pop back up
  • Tortoises - Stationary blue creatures that are placed in the path of the player
  • Lizards - Moving creatures that patrol a certain area of the rail
  • Tumbleweeds - Bouncing ball like creatures
  • Bulls - A large red bull that blocks the path of the player
  • Train - Chases the handcar on the rails. On one level, the train goes in the opposite direction and must be avoided by going over a hill
  • Skeleton Birds- Flies above and drops eggs
  • Locusts - Hovers above the rails and descend as the rail cart travels past

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

  • Boost signs - Arrow shaped signs along the track that provide a boost when passed
  • Slippery track - Slippery purple track that is harder to brake on

Credits[edit | edit source]


Gallery[edit | edit source]

Nitrome Touchy version[edit | edit source]

Off The Rails was one of the ten launch titles made compatible with the initial release of Nitrome Touchy. The device's screen would display an overhead view of the handcart. To move the cart, the player must swipe back and forth on the handle area. Tapping the screen causes the cart to jump, and brake pads are located on the top right and bottom left corners of the screen. A switch at the top of the handles can be tapped or slid to change the direction of the handcart.

Miniclip Awards[edit | edit source]

Off The Rails Gold
OTR Gold.png 3000 points

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In the last level of Rubble Trouble Tokyo, there is a screen with a playable level of Off The Rails on it. If the level is beaten, the player gets to play level 31 of Rubble Trouble Tokyo.
  • The game was made a distributable game, and was one of the 12 games made available when the Distributable Games page was launched on August 25th.
  • Off The Rails is the only Nitrome browser game to record statistics about the player other than their score. In this case, Off the Rails lists all the player's deaths and enemies killed.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Latest Games - Miniclip Games - Play Free Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 10 Oct 7 ) (no Off The Rails)

    Nitrome - Play Free Online Games on the Wayback Machine (archived 11 Oct 7 ) (Off The Rails is present)
  2. Nitrome on Twitter: [1], 11 Nov 22, retrieved 19 Jan 23.