Castle Corp

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Castle Corp
Ico castlecorp.png
Use your castleware to take down your rival company and claim victory!
No. of players
Total levels
  • Strategy
  • Shooter
  • Platform
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
Adobe Flash Flash
25 June 2009

Castle Corp, full name Castle Corp - Castleware for All Occasions, is a strategy game released on June 25, 2009[1], three days after the release of Double Edged. The player's goal is to save the Castle Corp company, a group made up of knights that sell medieval-related weapons, from a rival company.

Controls[edit | edit source]

PC Mouse Left Click.png Click Mouse - Select a knight or interact with certain objects throughout the game.

Levels[edit | edit source]

Level 1[edit | edit source]

(A statement from the commander shows at the beginning of each level, and can be skipped):

OK troops here's the lowdown...
Happy Family Shields and Accessories Inc have completely monopolised [sic] the market in decorative flags, shields and drapes. Now that we are in a deep recession we just can't compete with their low low prices anymore and they must be stopped! Ready the workforce - we're to invade their tower factories and take them down!

When first introduced to the game, the player starts out with four player knights. The level has two enemies and no collectible cash. Two enemy knights are seen standing on top of two watchtowers. To hit them, the player has to launch knights towards the enemies. The level layout is a flat path of grass with a starting pad to the far left and two towers extending up.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

Well done lads, after taking that tower out our profits have gone up a whole two points!
But let's not let success go to our heads - we've got a long way to go to win this price-war!

The second level has five enemies and no collectible cash. There are two signs with information for the player:

Sign #1:

Levels can be wider than a single screen. Scroll levels by moving the mouse pointer to the edge of the screen or by using the cursor keys.

Sign #2:

Some of your workforce have been captured to slow the progress of Castle Corp. If you save them, they will be able to work for you again the next level!

Between the two signs is a captured knight, Sir Alan, who the player can rescue by hitting the cage with another knight. Five enemy bats are situated in the air, all of which are relatively close to each other. The level layout is a path starting on the lower left, then heading to the right before moving back to the upper left. There is a starting pad at both ends.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

Don't stray too far from the path on this one...
I want to see you take some decisive action!
Make sure to get their gold lads, and we will be able to spend it in the shop on equipment.

There are thirteen enemies and $900 in this level. A sign in the upper left corner reads:

If you encounter a guard in your path, you will do battle!
Keep an eye on your health levels and be prepared to launch yourself away before you get too low!

The playing field is mostly symmetrical, with six enemy knights on the ground. Seven enemy bats hover in the middle between the two background watchtowers with some bags of gold. There are six enemy knights standing on the path, and Sir Cliff is trapped in the top left corner above the sign. There is a starting pad at both ends of the path.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

Watch out troops...they are targeting us with new initiatives!
With a little bit of forward planning we should be able to stay off their radar!

There are a total of four enemies to defeat and $920 available to be collected. A sign in the bottom center reads:

Remember to collect money and you will be able to buy items from the shop to help you in your missions.
You can also sell any items that you buy back to the shop if you change your mind later.

Sir Richard is trapped in a cage next to the sign, and four pig cannons are situated in a row in the middle of the level with bags of money and silver coins placed between them. There are two paths, an upper and a lower, each with a starting pad at either end.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

We may need a little blue-sky thinking on this one...
There's some clever tactics at play so we've got to think outside the box if we are to please the shareholders.

Pipes are introduced to the game, which knights can ricochet off. There are six enemies in the level and $740. A single starting pad is on the left, which leads into an enclosure created by the pipes. A sign is in the enclosure which reads:

You can ricochet off these pipes so use them to gain a tactical advantage!
Try using them to take more damage off the opposition and to collect extra gold so you can buy more items from the shop!

Also in the enclosure is an enemy knight on the path, and two enemy bats hovering beneath it. There are also two enemy knights are above the starting pad on the wall, with an enemy bat just below. To the enemy knights' right are two sets of pipes, with Sir Bob captured at the upper right of the level.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

Their trajectories are on target...
Maybe this is the one time you won't want to get your five-a-day!

There are six enemies and $590 in this level. The path begins with a starting pad on the left, and has three enemy knights on the ground with a row of silver coins. Above them on three separate towers are three vegetable launchers. Above the first two from the left of the screen are pipes, with moneybags and a chest between them. Sir Elton is trapped behind the second pipe section in the top right. Three pipe sections are poking out of the bubbling liquid at the bottom of the level.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

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We're gonna need a hands on approach on this one.

Don't be afraid to face the competition head-on.

There are six enemy knight, two jet pack knights, and a green liquid knight.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

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Sales are on the rise and the enemy are in high spirits...

Try not to get spooked

There are six enemy bats, four enemy knights, and three ghost knights.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

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We may not have enough bandwith to pull this one off so we had better pool our resources to get the job done

This level has six enemy knights, nine enemy bats, two jet pack knights, and one ghost knight.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

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This one should be a walk in the park...

So get it done and let's touch base later on

This level has twelve enemy knights and four enemy bows'n'arrows.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

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Right troops, I need you to step to the plate and face the music.

Put what you have learned at the motivational seminar to good use!

This level has five enemy knights and three red pig guns. This level also introduces spikes, which knights cannot bounce off of.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

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Let's get something positive under our belts for the next newsletter.

This level has nine enemy bats and two green liquid knights.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

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Remember, there's no 1 in team so I need you to work together on this project and don't let that team-building weekend go waste!

There are ten enemy knights, two enemy bats, and five green liquid knights that drop green liquid on the start pad.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

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Ok troops, the board wants to see some positive growth so let's try to beef up the workforce and push for a promotion.

This level has four blue pig guns, two enemy bats, one enemy knight, and three spike gates.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

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Thanks for your tremendous contribution so far guys.

Let's keep this momentum going and push forward to next level!

This level has two bow'n'arrows, two green liquid knights, two enemy knights, one spike gate, and one blue pig gun.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

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This is an uneven playing field...

Keep your wits about you and we won't have to downsize.

This level has seven enemy knights, five green liquid knights, and two vegetable launchers.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

Alright troops...

There's a lot to take down here and it will involve extra paperwork, so let's raid the stockroom and bring out the big guns!

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This level has three enemy knights, four enemy bats, one jet pack knight, two blue pig guns, two red pig guns, and three vegetable launchers.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

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Time to do some networking with the enemy.

Let's try every angle on this one and see what we can find out.

There are fifteen enemy bats, two enemy knights, and three jet pack knights.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

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Ok troops, I think we're entering the dragon's den.

Better we keep our wits about us or we will be toast!

This level can be tricky. There are four jet pack knights, two enemy dragons, and a lot of spikes. The easier way to destroy the left enemy dragon once the jetpack knights are destroyed is to use Magic for Dummies.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

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Right, let's hatch a plan to take out the enemy.

We'd better not end up with the egg on our face!

There are seven enemy bats, five enemy knights, and one jet pack knight.

Free-range and/or battery chickens are required to complete this level.

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Level 21[edit | edit source]

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All eyes are on us on this one so we had better fight fire with fire!

Don't be afraid to get your fingers burned.

This level has eight enemy bats, two fire eyes, and one enemy knight.

Two remote control steeds and one free-range chickens are necessary to use to complete the level. You may want to bring along three of each.

The fire eye on the left requires using the remote control steeds to run past the fireballs. Once the knight reaches the left platform, charge at the eye to damage it - it requires two hits.

The fire eye on the right requires using the free-range chicken after breaking down the wall. It can be destroyed with a well-placed aim of the free-range chicken, but you may need to use a second in case your aim was slightly off.

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Level 22[edit | edit source]

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Ok troops, get through this one and I've got a little incentive lined up for you...

Water-dispensers in every office!

Good luck!

This level has six enemy knights, and two enemy bats. A power bomb should be dropped underneath a metal pipe if there are enemies inside it.

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Level 23[edit | edit source]

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Time to break down some barriers and bounce some ideas around.

There are three enemy bats, three enemy knights, two jet pack knights, and one enemy dragon.

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Level 24[edit | edit source]

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The end is in sight, but that's no reason to get complacent and stop following company policy.

Our market share is growing now. Now let's push through that glass ceiling.

This level has three enemy knights, eight enemy bats, two fire eyes, and one ghost knight.

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Level 25[edit | edit source]

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Ok troops... this is it! I need 110% on this one. We have reached the king CEO.

Knock him off his throne by close off play and we will be market leaders in the current quarter.

Now let's show him who's the boss.

This is the last level, and it is quite hard. There are six enemy knights, eleven enemy bats, two bow'n'arrow's, one fire eye, two red pig guns, one spike gate, and one king CEO. Dragon breath, Sword cannon and magic for dummies are good weapons to use on this level.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

An article on front page of the newspaper "Castle Times" says, "Stock Shock! Happy Family Shields and Accessories Inc. files for Bankrupcy!" A picture shows the king CEO in stocks, and vegetables are being thrown at him. On the left there are words that say, "Castle Corp are kings of castle." There is a line graph below it. Castle Corp ending.png

Materials[edit | edit source]

  • Ground - The ground is a material found in every level. It is a dirt path with grass growing on the edges. There is a pad on one side of the path and your knights can start to walk to the other side from there. When they come to the end of the path, the jump off and parachute off the screen. Ground can also be used to hold up treasure chests.
  • Stone - Stone is a grey material that can be in the background, but it is also seen holding up ground. Stone is not interactive.
  • Metal pipes - Metal pipes look like wood, but they do not break. If a rocketing Knight touches it, they will bounce off in another direction, instead of going into the pipe. Enemies will sometimes be on positioned on it, but knights cannot walk on it, so the player will have to rocket towards there to knock out the enemy.
  • Breakable wood - Breakable wood is wood that can be broken by a rocketing Knight. When a knight rockets towards it, it will bounce off in the other direction, but not before breaking it first. Breakable wood is mostly used to block enemies, or a trapped knight, making the player use more of their knights to get there.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Enemy weapons[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Enemy weapons, Enemy knights
  • Wall mounted ballista - This weapon is on a pad. The bow can move around and will shoot arrows at the player's soldiers.
  • Fire eye - This fire eye will shoot fire balls at your soldiers.
  • Blue pig gun - The blue pig gun has a blue pig face on it and will shoot mini pigs.
  • Vegetable launchers - These launchers are perched upon tall towers. They throw pumpkins, radishes, and cabbages at the closest knight. They only take one hit from a launching knight to be destroyed.
  • Red pig gun - These guns have a red pig face on it. They fire grey pigs.
  • Liquid pouring knight - This is an enemy knight in a tower that pours green liquid onto the ground.
  • Big ghost knight - This is a big knight without legs, and it's arms are chained to the wall. When one of the player's knights gets close to it, a ghost will come out, injuring the knight.
  • Enemy gate - This is a red structure with a blue structure that is holding up a some metal that has three spikes on it. If the player uses a fly attack on the gate, their knight will not get killed, but it is better if they walks over to it and hits it.
  • Enemy dragon - This dragon will shoot out blue balls that will kill a knight.

Player weapons[edit | edit source]

Main article: Player weapons

Player weapons are different from enemy weapons. They have to be purchased by collecting money from levels, and spending it in the shop.




Triple Crossbow


This is a crossbow that will fire three arrows at a time. When fired, the knight will parachute down.

Barbarian Beef-Up Shake


When used on a knight, the knight will become stronger and more powerful, inflicting more damage on opposing objects and having more health.

Battery Chicken


This chicken is different then the free range chicken. Sometimes, they won't drop eggs.

Free Range Chicken


This will drop eggs as it flies.

Dragon breath


This will launch a powerful pink ball that will go through walls.

Magic for Dummies


When used it will create a huge pink ball that will stay in one place, turn enemies into frogs, and destroy large enemies

Remote Control Steed


The horse will move very fast. Move the mouse and click to fly off in the direction you want it to go.

Power Bomb


The player will be able to drop three of these, but the bomb cannot be dropped in the air. The bomb explodes in a big blast.

Sword Cannon


Move the mouse in the direction the player wants, and click to shoot a sword. The player can only shoot three swords.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Jet pack knights - This knight is just a normal enemy knight with a jetpack. When they see the player's knight, they will fly at him. They can be killed with one flying attack.
  • Enemy bats - This is a bat that is in the air. In some levels they will fly vertically, and in others they will fly horizontally.
  • Enemy CEO- This enemy appears on the last level. It is a high ranked enemy knight that is in a vehicle that shoots spiky balls.

Pickups[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pick ups
  • Money bags - These bags, when collected, will give the player $100.
  • Silver coins - A silver coin will give the player $10.
  • Treasure chest - When the player flies into this, the chest will open, giving the player a weapon. The weapon can be used in the next level, once the current level has been completed. If the chest is opened, it will stay open, even if the player redoes the level.

Credits[edit | edit source]


Glitches[edit | edit source]

  • Rocketing player knights can sometimes go through copper pipes.

Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2010 Best of Casual Gameplay 2009 Best Tactical or Strategy game (Browser games) Nominated - fifth place (7.85% of all votes)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Each knight's name is a reference to real-life knighted people
  • Castle Corp is the first game to involve in-game money that the player could use to buy in-game items.
  • Castle Corp was released three days after Double Edged, marking Castle Corp the game with the shortest release point from another game, being three days.
  • Castle Corp took longer to make then most other browser Nitrome games[2].

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Castle Corp, 25 Jun 9, retrieved 20 Jan 21.
  2. Chat Event - Nitrome - Wednesday July 8th 2009 - 12pm (Eastern) -9am (Pacific) on the Wayback Machine (archived 5 Mar 16 from the original)