Rubble Trouble Moscow

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Rubble Trouble Moscow
RTMOS Icon.png
Demolish using new tools and avoid hazards in winter wonderland, Moscow!
No. of players
Total levels
  • Puzzle
Control scheme
  • PC Mouse.png Mouse
Adobe Flash Flash
21 December 2011

Rubble Trouble Moscow is the third and final installment of the Rubble Trouble series, released on December 21, 2011. It was Nitrome's second winter game of the year. The game is set in Moscow, Russia.

Controls[edit | edit source]

Mouse - Use tools

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The second sequel of Rubble Trouble plays the same as the previous games, and the player has some tools with varying ammo and has to use the tools to destroy abandoned buildings. Money is earned for every brick destroyed. Destroying nearby civilian buildings causes loss of money, and usually will result in loss of the level. Each level has a set amount of money the player has to earn, in early levels being less than the amount of money the player can gain on the level. Running out of tools to use or not being able to meet the set amount of money causes a game over screen to come up, and the player must restart the level.

Levels[edit | edit source]

Rubble Trouble Moscow has thirty levels, twenty of which take place on earth in Moscow, and ten in space, presumably on a Russian space station, or an international space station, such as the ISS.

In Moscow[edit | edit source]

These levels take place in Moscow. Snow is falling, and buildings can be seen in the background. These levels have the same physics as all the other Rubble Trouble levels in past games.

Level 1[edit | edit source]

Tools: Two nitro

Buildings: One arrow tower, two way towers

Walkthrough: Place one nitro on any explosive block on the left side. Then place a nitro on any explosive block on the right side.

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

Tools: Infinite tank and infinite grabber

Buildings: Two clockworks towers

Walkthrough: Use the grabber to move the two strips of metal. Then place the tank on the left side and destroy the buildings.

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

Tools: Infinite magnet

Buildings: One F-9 tower

Walkthrough: Starting with the magnet above the structure, magnetize the metal balls toward the machine, and then release to destroy the building.

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Two drills and one molotov

Buildings: One bat tower

Walkthrough: Use the drills to drill downward on the stone pillars on either side of the structure. Then throw a molotov at the base of the building to burn the rest of it down.

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Level 5[edit | edit source]

Tools: One magnet and two tanks

Buildings: One B tower, two O towers

Walkthrough: Destroy the bottom of the tall building, then use the magnet and lift the metal rod with explosives, and place it on top of the two smaller buildings. After that, blow everything up using the tank.

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

Tools: Two nitro

Buildings: One post office

Walkthrough: Use the nitro to blow the left suspension point of the metal rod, to create a ramp. Then blow the steel blocks with the explosives so that it swings downwards, and creates an explosion, sending the bear towards the building, and automatically destroying it.

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Level 7[edit | edit source]

Tools: Three multi nitros

Buildings: One AAI tower

Walkthrough: This level introduces toxic waste. Use the multi nitro and blow up the concrete pillars(leave the fifth one in the middle untouched) at the bottom section. Then blow up the pillars at the middle section(this time you can blow up the bottom concrete pillar as well). After that, blow up the concrete box at the top, without blowing up the toxic waste.

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Level 8[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Two air strikes, one multi nitro, two barriers and two girders

Buildings: One big wood office and two small wood house

Walkthrough: Use the multi nitro to blow up the inner suspension points of the metal rods, and the concrete blocks that are holding the toolboxes. After the fire barrels have fallen down, use the girder to hold up the metal rods, barricade the fire barrels, and blow them using air strikes. The wooden buildings will then burn down.

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Level 9[edit | edit source]

Tools: One magnet and three nitros

Buildings: Two tilted buildings and one OI towers

Walkthrough: Use the magnet to lift the metal rods and place them over the gaps in which the civilian buildings are. Push the bears that are on the left and right buildings to topple them into the pits to blow the concrete. After that, use the nitro on the building in the middle.

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Level 10[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Four molotovs and two magnets

Buildings: Two small wooden houses and two large houses

Walkthrough: Molotov the wooden house that has a magnet toolbox on it. After that, use the magnet to lift all of the toxic waste and place them on the house that has the concrete foundation. Then, molotov the remaining houses without disturbing the toxic waste.

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Level 11[edit | edit source]

Tools: Infinite nitro

Buildings: One TT tower

Walkthrough: Use the nitro to carefully blow the buildings section by section, to tilt the metal rod on top of the buildings so that Larry falls down safely.

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Level 12[edit | edit source]

Tools: Infinite magnets, one nitro and one girders

Buildings: One EEF HQ and one boat with tools

Walkthrough: Use the magnet to obtain the toolboxes. Then lift the metal rod and place it in front of the building on the far left, and attach it using the girder. Finally, blow up the building, while the metal rod shields the museum from steel cubes.

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Level 13[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Four molotovs and six girders

Buildings: One wooden bridge

Walkthrough: Throw a molotov at the left side of the building, then use girders to attach the pieces to prevent the toxic waste bottles from falling to the ground. It's intended to attach metal blocks below the bottles with metal blocks just above them with two girders each side,. However, the bottles, actually, can be attached with griders, making it easier to complete the level.

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Level 14[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Three drills and infinite air strikes

Buildings: Two square V towers

Walkthrough: Drill down the two buildings into halves, and then use infinite air strikes to destroy parts of buildings falling into the area of barriers. The rest parts can be destroyed by a horizontal drill.

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Level 15[edit | edit source]

Tools:  One nitro and infinite grabber

Buildings: Two wooden towers and three connected wooden planks

Walkthrough: Bomb the barrels on the left can ignite the first building. Then the player must grab a plank near the left building until it get lit, then pull it to the right to ignite the right building.

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Level 16[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Three girders and one multi nitro

Buildings: One large metal building

Walkthrough: Connect the two metal blocks to the middle, each with a grider. Then connect the two balls with a grider before blowing up the stone blocks on each side of the connected metal blocks. The two balls will fall roughly at the same time and won't destroy the building.

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Level 17[edit | edit source]

Tools: Infinite molotov

Buildings: Two N buildings

Walkthrough: Throw a molotov over the left building. When the wood blocks under the explosive blocks are about to burn down, throw another molotov at the explosive blocks. The right building can be destroyed by the same way the player throws the first molotov.

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Level 18[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Two magnets, one air strike and three multi nitros

Buildings: Two glass buildings, one non-glass building, two poles and one square X towers

Walkthrough: Blow up the explosive blocks in the first and last buildings. Then use manget to move the metal rod to the top of the two poles. After the player use air strike, remove the rod and destroy the rest of the buildings with multi nitro.

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Level 19[edit | edit source]

Tools:  One multi nitro and infinite molotov

Buildings: One wooden statue of Hazmat Hero

Walkthrough: The player must place multi nitro in certain way (e.g. one on the left of Larry, two on the left foot, one on the right foot) to rescue Larry, then destroy the building with molotov.

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Level 20[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Three minigames

Buildings: One four floor building and one big TV

Walkthrough: The player plays nitrometetris in this level, clearing each line activate a drill that destroy a row of blocks. Destroy all the blocks to complete the level.

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In space[edit | edit source]

The rocket to space

Levels 21 through 30 take place in space. In space, there is no gravity, which means the physics engine is much different than the previous levels and Rubble trouble games. Buildings detached from the ground float, and small detached blocks will be destroyed by space. The rocket man, thrusters, and missile launcher are used only in space, the rocket man and thrusters only being able to be used in space. The player can see space in the background as well as the earth.

Level 21[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Three nitros

Buildings: II buildings

Walkthrough: Bomb the lower part of the two buildings. When they entire buildings fly up near the explosive blocks, bomb the explosive blocks and destroy the buildings.

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Level 22[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Three girders and infinite rocket men

Buildings: One JJLL building

Walkthrough: The player must destroy the three buildings by pushing medal balls to them. Notice that the L-shaped blocks in the first building and the metal block in the middle of the second building may destroy the satellite and must be connected by griders.

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Level 23[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Ten thrusters

Buildings: One snookers game

Walkthrough: The player must destroy all the blocks by pushing metal balls into holes with thrusters.

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Level 24[edit | edit source]

Tools: Four drills and four thrusters

Buildings: One SDK building

Walkthrough: The cross-shaped building must be separated with two drills to four pieces. Then use thrusters to push the pieces to explosive blocks and destroy them by drilling the explosive blocks.

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Level 25[edit | edit source]

Tools:  Four girders and one nitro

Buildings: One plus building

Walkthrough: The player must use girder to make a chain reaction machine, and use nitro on explosive blocks to activate it.

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Level 26[edit | edit source]

Tools: Infinite rocket men

Buildings: One IR building

Walkthrough: Push the longer part of metal blocks shaped like Γ into the hole near the capsule, which can protect it from flying metal blocks. Then destroy the building on the left by pushing a metal ball to it.

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Level 27[edit | edit source]

Tools: Eight thrusters

Buildings: One rocket race

Walkthrough: Install thrusters to the bottom of rockets. When the middle part of a rocket just go past the first two satellites, install another to make it turns and hit the metal balls.

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Level 28[edit | edit source]

Tools: Ten missile launcher

Buildings: One maze

Walkthrough: The player must fire missles and direct them into the middle part of the maze. At least two missles are needed.

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Level 29[edit | edit source]

Tools: Twelve thrusters

Buildings: JR-222 buildings

Walkthrough: The player must use thrusters to push the blocks with a metal ball and direct it to the top of the level.

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Level 30[edit | edit source]

Tools: Three minigames

Buildings: Two 18-block buildings and one 48-block big televisions

Walkthrough: The player plays Спутник2000, which requires player to thrust the rocket to the finish pad while avoiding hazards. The player can push the rocket up, up-left or up-right by tapping and holding the left mouse button in certain directions. Conpleting each level destroys a building.

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Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Larry: Zzz...Zzz... no guys, I won't get intro trouble... Zzz...Zzz...

WOW! You're back!

Garry: Greetings earthling.


Boss: Larry. Strop frolicking and get us down from here. You know you're not allowed on top of any high structures.

Larry: Okay boss!

Barry: Oops.

Sorry Larry.

Larry: Mmph. Mmmmph!

Garry: Hey. Isn't that my party hat?

Man: Magnificent work! I hereby pronounce you as honorary Russian space heroes!

Lady's daughter: Da! Da!

Boss: It was our pleasure sir. I'm glad we did the job without damaging TOO many of your satellites.

Dancer: What does he mean by "not too many"?

Man: Wait. Is that why I can't see the Egg Network TV anymore?

Gymnast: My cellphone is, like, not working. I can't even text!

Lady: I drove my car off a cliff because my GPS isn't working anymore! Grrrrr!

Bear: Rawr.

Boss: Um...Hee hee... Actually we really have to take off now. New contracts await! OK BYE!

Tools[edit | edit source]

Along with tools from the past two games some new tools were introduced.

Past tools[edit | edit source]

New tools[edit | edit source]

  • Tank - This makes creates a huge explosion which destroys anything in the blast radius.
  • Magnet - This tool is attached to the helicopter and attracts metal to it.
  • Molotov - This tool burns wood and will stop when it runs out of wood.
  • Rocket Man - This tool can't destroy buildings itself, but it can be used to push objects.
  • Thruster - This tool is used to push an object in a direction.

Credits[edit | edit source]

Legacy art
Physics powered by

Glitches[edit | edit source]

Level 1 glitch[edit | edit source]

Sometimes if the player starts level 1, and has not played it yet, they will come to the background of the game with a box reading "Press Space Bar to deselect tools", and "Skip" at the bottom of the level. The player is unable to play the game at this point, and has to refresh the page.

Same level/next level glitch[edit | edit source]

If the player completes level 3, progressing to level 4 will bring the player to level four, except sometimes level 4 is an exact copy of level 3.

Announcements[edit | edit source]

December 16th, 2011[edit | edit source]

The name of the "second winter game" Nitrome mentioned in previous posts was revealed to be a Rubble Trouble game. The game is said to be released next week (between December 18th and 24th). Nitrome revealed an image of the game, and also told fans they could try to guess where the game would take place on their Facebook and Twitter pages.

The previewed image

Miniclip Awards[edit | edit source]

Rubble Trouble Bronze
RTM bronze.png 25,000 points
Rubble Trouble Moscow Silver
RTM silver.png 50,000 points
Rubble Trouble Moscow Gold
RTM gold.png 100,000 points

Awards[edit | edit source]

Site/Event Year Contest Prize Outcome
Jay is Games 2012 Best of Casual Gameplay 2011 Best Physics game of 2011 (Browser games) Nominated - Second place

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The letter 'R' in Trouble in the title of the game is inverted making it the Russian letter "я" (Pronounced as "Ya").
  • Many fans guessed that the game would take place in Moscow, Russia, as seen by the buildings in the background.[citation needed] Some other guesses were Taj Mahal and Middle East, due to the building shape.
  • This is Nitrome's second game to have two sequels. The first was Ice Breaker, which has three after the release of Ice Breaker: A Viking Voyage.
  • The game also seems to have a lot of influence toward Tetris, as through levels 1 through 19, sometimes the music will have bits of what sounds like the Tetris theme song. Also, the player plays "Nitrometris" in level twenty, and the music is very Tetris style in levels 21-30. Also, constellations can be seen every once in a while that look like the Tetris blocks. This is most likely because Tetris was originally invented in Russia.
    • The song that plays during the levels set in space is a remix of the Tetris theme song, Korobeiniki.
  • In level 3, Nikola Tesla is mentioned during the level's dialogue, but his name is misspelled as "Nickola Tesla".
  • In level 10, Barry mentioned that the village they're going to destroy "was deserted and is now mainly used as final disposal for toxic waste" which is a references to the infamous Chernobyl disaster that happened in 1986.
  • In level 23, the construction that has to be destroyed is shaped like a pool table and the process for destroying it is similar to the gameplay of Pool.