Horned cyclops monster

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The horned cyclops monster is the second, and last boss in Frost Bite, appearing on level 10-4.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The horned cyclops monster has a giant round furry body with two big furry feet, above the body are two big brown horns which are curled inwards. It has a giant yellow eyeball and a small fanged mouth beneath it.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Once the fourth door in the level is entered, the creature walks slowly in a horizontal direction, turning at walls. Hooks on the walls can be used by the player to get on the other side of the cyclops if the Climber happens to get cornered. It attacks by causing icicles on the ceiling to fall down by a shockwave caused by its jumping. To kill it, the player has to shoot the grappling gun at its eyeball, pulling it out of its socket allowing the Eskimo to jump on it to cause damage. The eye can not be attacked using the grappling hook alone. Upon being harmed, the monster jumps up in pain then the eyeball bounces back to return to the body and the boss will resume its usual behavior. The eye has to be damaged six times before the boss is defeated.

Gallery[edit | edit source]