Office Trap

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Office Trap
Ico officetrap.png
Avoid hazards of an everyday office for a lucrative position within CORP INC.
No. of players
Total levels
  • Platform
Control scheme
  • Instr-keyboard.png Keyboard
Adobe Flash Flash
5 July 2011

Office Trap is a follow up to its predecessor, Knight Trap and was released on July 5, 2011. It retains similar gameplay but a modernized plot, the goal being to help employees reach helicopters while avoiding triggered traps.

Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Player 1
    • Left.png Right.png Left and right arrow keys - Move
    • Up.png Up arrow key - Jump (tap twice to double jump)
    • Down.png Down arrow key - Duck
  • Player 2
    • A key.png D key.png A D letter keys - Move
    • W key.png W letter key - Jump (tap twice to double jump)
    • S key.png S letter key - Duck

Levels[edit | edit source]

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The player has a set amount of employees who must make it up platforms to the top of the building to a helicopter. Traps are placed on many platforms, and will be activated when an employee steps on it.

Office trap intro-0.png

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The game starts off with an email shown to the player.







Level 1[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces the zombie trap. This level has two routes to take: a left side or a right side, although the halfway points of each route are connected.

Level 2[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces the saw, key and fireball traps.

Level 3[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces the 8-bit trap and slime trap.

Level 4[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces conveyor belt traps and scared workers. Since the workers stands still until the player comes, rescuing them is quite easy.

Level 5[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces waterfall traps and flower traps. Notice that when a waterfall trap is activated, coins in this trap area cannot be collected.

Level 6[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces laser traps and bat traps.

Level 7[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces spring traps and bee traps. Due to the alternate distribution of the two traps and the fact that each trap is only one grid wide, the player must accurately land on the spring traps.

Level 8[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces robot traps, along with some saw traps.

Level 9[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces cat traps and arrow spike traps.

Level 10[edit | edit source]

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The player must avoid slime traps and flower traps when jumping to the top. The top platform has three cat traps. Hint: the first and last helicopters can be accessed without activating cat traps.

Level 11[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces chainsaw traps and pointy spike traps. Several cat traps also appear in this level.

Level 12[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces boulder traps and managers. There are two managers walk on platforms, who activate two boulder traps.

Level 13[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces safe traps. Two safe traps are activated by managers, and the player must avoid the safes and zombies. Tip: The areas safes can crush cannot cover the entire part of the middle two platforms. When a safe crushes to a platform, there is a gap between it and the wall nearby, enabling employees to hide.

Level 14[edit | edit source]

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This level consists of many chainsaw traps, safe traps and conveyor belt traps.

Level 15[edit | edit source]

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Two bee traps and a 8-bit trap is activated. In order to complete the level, the player must avoid bees and boulders. Notice that in 8-bit, bees turns into moving yellow pixels and may be comfused with coins.

Level 16[edit | edit source]

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There are eight robot traps in this level, along with two 8-bit traps and two arrow spike traps.

Level 17[edit | edit source]

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In this level, the player must avoid chainsaw traps as the level has many of them and six of them are activated. Two arrow spike traps and some spring traps also appear here.

Level 18[edit | edit source]

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In order to reach to the top, the player must avoid spikes and flowers. Some of them are activated. To reach the middle two helicopter, the player must get the key in the middle.

Level 19[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces bomb traps, along with some pointed spike traps,

Level 20[edit | edit source]

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This level introduces flash traps, along with saw traps.

Level 21[edit | edit source]

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In this level, the player must avoid bomb traps and zombie traps.

Level 22[edit | edit source]

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In this level, the player must avoid bee traps. It can be a little triky to jump up on the middle platform as four waterfall traps are activated there.

Level 23[edit | edit source]

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In this level, Turner trap makes its first appearance. Some arrow spike traps also appear.

Level 24[edit | edit source]

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In this level, there are some pointed spike traps that prevent the player from going past them again. Also, be aware with bees.

Level 25[edit | edit source]

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The player must find safe place to hide from lasers while avoiding zombies.

Level 26[edit | edit source]

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In this level, the player must get to the middle to get the key before they reach a helicopter. The flail trap makes its first and only appearance in this game.

Level 27[edit | edit source]

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Toaster traps make their first and only appearance, and three of them are activated along with a turner trap. The player must avoid the burning toast to complete the level.

Level 28[edit | edit source]

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Six turner traps and six fireball traps are activated, and there're many bee traps outside the turener traps. The player can jump outside a turner trap when it turns C-shaped and double-jump into another without activating bee traps.

Level 29[edit | edit source]

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Five safe traps are activated, and the player must avoid saw traps and safe traps to complete this level.

Level 30[edit | edit source]

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This level is similar form level 20, but all the five flash traps are activated. This requires the player to better grasp the timing to jump and duck.

Ending[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Godfrey Nectarine IV: Oh! Some of you newbies survived?!?
Super! Great! Amazing!
Employee: Yes sir!
We fought our way through all of your office traps...
And now we are here to sign our work contacts!
Godfrey Nectarine IV: ....
Ah...yeah...well...about that!
I've decided to actually sell the company!
I've decided to become...
A princess instead!
Employee: ...What?
But sir, what about the contracts?
Godfrey Nectarine IV: Contacts shmomcats!
I'm a princess, I'll do what I want!
Employee: Okay, this guy's bonkers! Let's get out of here!
Godfrey Nectarine IV: But don't you want to watch me be a pretty princess?
I'm so lonely!
Why does everyone I try to kill always leave me?

Traps[edit | edit source]

  • Zombie traps - Releases a zombie from toxic waste. Zombies will walk towards employees if it notices them and will kill employees on contact, turning them also into a zombie.
  • Saw traps - When activated it moves in one quick motion, pauses, then moves again.
  • Key trap - A harmless trap that when activated causes a key to appear. This key can when picked up unlocks locked floor.
  • Fireball traps - Shoots one red or blue fireball that moves horizontally and kills the player on contact.
  • Slime traps - Causes a slime to appear that jumps horizontally in small arcs. Kills the player on contact.
  • 8-bit Traps - Causes a Nitrome Enjoyment System to appear that explodes, rendering everything on the platform in an 8-bit resolution. This makes it harder to see other traps.
  • Waterfall traps - When activated, a waterfall appears covering a certain area. While the waterfall will not harm the employees, it prevents them from jumping.
  • Toaster traps - When this trap activated, it shoots three pieces of toast straight north, north-east, and north-west.
  • Cat traps - When activated, the cat appears and jumps around the area of its trap.
  • Flower traps - Like cat traps, these flowers jumps around the area occupied by their trap.
  • Laser traps - Lasers placed on a ceiling that fire lasers that bounce off the ground and ceiling of the corridor they are placed in.
  • Flash traps - A machine will pop up, a machine which fires a large laser beam in ten seconds (which is really five seconds, because the timer on the machine takes a second to go through two seconds).
  • Turner - A supporting character from Enemy 585, Turner will rotate, able to crush the player if they are caught under a platform of Turner.

Interactive objects[edit | edit source]

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Credits[edit | edit source]


Announcements[edit | edit source]

  • June 10th, 2011 - A video of the game was posted. Notably, all the level are levels from Knight Trap re-skinned with Office Trap graphics.
  • June 14th, 2011 - The game's second trailer was released. This trailer showed several 8-bit traps.
  • June 17th, 2011 - The game's third trailer was released. This trailer showed several scared workers and managers.
  • June 28th, 2011 - The game's fourth trailer was released. This trailer showed several zombie traps.
  • July 7th, 2011 - Nitrome announces that they are trying to fix several bugs in the game.
  • July 11th, 2011 - Nitrome announces that the bugs in the game have been fixed.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The level previews shown in the trailer seem to be exact replicas of levels from Knight Trap, only with a different theme. These are probably placeholders for the new levels.
  • Velma and Daphne from Scooby Doo can be seen on the bottom floor of level 2. Other people resembling characters from Scooby Doo also appear throughout Office Trap.
  • TV's from Super Treadmill appear sometimes in the background.
  • Statues of Princess Nectarine can be seen in some levels.