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Accessories are items in Shovel Knight Dig that grant Shovel Knight a specific ability.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Accessories grant Shovel Knight a unique ability that can directly enhance him, his Shovel Blade, or other game elements he encounters. Accessories are primarily obtained through being purchased from Chester's shop in The Well or obtained from the "?" option on the Drill Capsule, although they can also be obtained in the following other ways: via an accessory bag, from a flying red chest, from a red chest, from a yellow chest, or from Meleeist when she is found in The Well. Some accessories have to be bought from Chester's shop in the campsite on the Surface before they can appear in The Well.

Cog on a String and Dirtwrecker Curse cannot be obtained from the Drill Capsule.

In The Well, the prices of most Accessories when bought from Chester vary depending on world and tend to get more expensive as the player advances farther in a run. In a world, most Accessory prices also have some variability while some have little variability.

The accessory bag can be destroyed by the Omega Saw, drill machines, redirectable drills, and Mushdoom biting attacks. If a bag is hit by a Grab Crab's claws, it will fall to the ground and can be picked up. Cog on a String cannot be obtained from the Drill Capsule or an accessory bag.

Accessories[edit | edit source]

Prices can vary depending on location and get more expensive as Shovel Knight gets further in a run.

Default Accessories[edit | edit source]

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The following accessories are unlocked by default.

  • When Cog on a String is bought, Chester has the following unique dialogue: "Woo, yes! proud new owner of a cog on a string, coming through! Believe me, buddy, ya won't regret the investment."
Name Prices Description Additional info
SKD Enchanted Slamvil shop icon.png
Enchanted Slamvil
400/430/600/625/635 Seeks out strong foes, and weakens them before battle. Inflicts 1½ HP of damage to a boss at the start of a boss fight. For Tinker Knight's battle, damage is only inflicted during the first segment of the battle and is inflicted before he transitions into his drill plane.
Charm spell SKD.png
Suave Salve
150/725/1050/1150/1200/1650/2100 Become more attractive to get better deals at shops. Maybe it could help you elsewhere, too... Applies a discount to items sold by shopkeepers and stacks with the Scrounger's Suit discount and Master Argus' discount. Does not affect Tombola's fee. Rarely sold by Chester.
SKD Burrow Horns shop icon.png
Burrow Horns
900/1450 Sharpened horns allow you to headbutt dirt. Jumping up into dirt will destroy dirt. Shovel Knight's horns will also inflict 1 HP of damage on enemies and bosses when he headbutts them and he will not take damage making contact with them in this way. Burrow Horns can also harm the following enemies and hazards when they are hit from below:
  • Tinker Knight's plane
  • Bubbles (will be destroyed)
  • Flak Cap spores (will be destroyed)

Damage inflicted via horns way will not break Brash Bracers armour.

SKD Looking Glass shop icon.png
Looking Glass
1450/1600/1800/2150/2510/2800 Looks for secrets and points them out. Adds a purple glint to False Walls, revolving walls, and the platform area adjacent to the drill slots that accept redirectable drills.
SKD Cog on a String shop icon.png
Cog on a String
1500 A reusable cog for cheating Drill Knight's capsule! Only appears in Secret Fountain and Smeltworks and cannot be obtained from the Drill Capsule or an accessory bag.
True Ending spoilers:
Required for the third step of the True Ending. If the first step is completed, in the world accessed after Mushroom Mines (Secret Fountain/Smeltworks), Chester will appear in a sideroom in Act I selling this item. If it is bought and Shovel Knight collects all three Cogs in that act, upon reaching the end he will give Altius the Cog on a String to jam the Drill Capsule, preventing it from functioning and appearing in Acts II and III. Once this has been done, the Cog on a String will not be obtainable for the rest of the run.

After defeating the boss of that world, the Capsule appears as normal throughout the rest of the run. If this Accessory is possessed prior to being bought via Final Guard's Accessory retention function, the procedure for completing Step 3 is the same only that Chester will not sell the item in Act I.
SKD Spikeproof Sabatons shop icon.png
Spikeproof Sabatons
1600/1700/1950/2300/2735/3650 Provides safe traversal over spikes. No damage walking over stationary drills and spikes or rolling over them in the Ballistic Armor's ball form. These hazards will still harm Shovel Knight if he touches them from any other angle.
SKD Drop Spark.png
Drop Spark
725/1000/1400 Slash to spark the ground when you're at full health. At full health, when Shovel Knight performs a Shovel Slash he will shoot a spark that will travel across the ground on to platforms that are one block higher than the platform he is on. The spark can bypass the shields of Goldarmors and harm them, will kill moving Blitzsteeds, but cannot destroy grass in Secret Fountain.

Losing a shield from Fortified Roast when at full health will not remove Drop Spark's spark. Only one spark can be present on screen at a time. The Cyclone Slash Shovel Blade technique will shoot a spark in both directions.
SKD Food Platter shop icon.png
Platter Charm
1000/1450 Food will appear more often from foes and from chests. Platters can appear in the main level area outside of siderooms and food can be found laying on platforms or behind False Walls. Some bosses can drop food.
  • After Spore Knight is defeated, in the world selection room an apple and some gems may be dropped.
  • When Scrap Knight throws weapons before sucking Shovel Knight into her bag, she has a chance to throw an apple instead of a weapon.
SKD Lucky Magic Vial shop icon.png
Lucky Magic Vial
850/1350/1750 Chance to spawn a Magic Jar when you use a Relic. When using a Relic, a Magic Jar can spawn in front of Shovel Knight and fall forward. This action is accompanied by a unique sound effect.
SKD Inverse Repeller shop icon.png
Inverse Repeller
1050/1150/1450/2250 Magnetizes gems to you, even through dirt! Gems within a certain range of Shovel Knight will be pulled into him. This effect also works on gems inside grey dirt but not on gems inside bubbles.
SKD Scoot Boots shop icon.png
Scoot Boots
725/1000/1350 Run faster. Faster walking movement and horizontal movement in air, such as moving horizontally while falling or moving forward in the air while jumping.
SKD Comet Collar shop icon.png
Comet Collar
460/600/775 Knock your enemies further. Enemies and bosses are knocked much further, including Armored Sploders that explode when hit instead of dying. Is able to penetrate normal Goldarmor shields and inflict damage on them. Shovel Slashes are accompanied by a red spark effect.
SKD Leaping Plume shop icon.png
Leaping Plume
400 Jump higher. Shovel Knight's jumps have a unique sound effect.
SKD Boom Rock Trigger shop icon.png
Boom Rock Trigger
600 Some rocks in The Well become explosive. Rocks, which are found in dirt and appear as squarish stones, will start burning and letting off sparks. When thrown they will explode.
SKD Lucky U Shaped Charm shop icon.png
Lucky U-Shaped Charm
1150 Carrying this will surely cause more riches to appear. Some gems floating in the air will be replaced with higher-value gems, enemies drop more gems, and the Drill Capsule will throw out more gems. In Secret Fountain stages that have bubbles that float up from the bottom of the screen, sometimes more bubbles with red gems will be spawned. Does not affect gems received from NPCs (e.g. Lamp Lighter) or the pink gem received from Altius in Mushroom Mines.
SKD Shovel Blade Flint shop icon.png
Shovel Blade Flint
A spark extends the range of your Shovel Slash. Stacks with the Whip Slash Shovel Blade upgrade. Like the Shovel Blade, the spark can go through walls.

Fenix Feather[edit | edit source]


The Fenix Feather accessory will revive Shovel Knight when he dies and has a unique animation. When revived, Shovel Knight will only have 4 HP regardless of how much max health he has and all enemies around the bird wings will die, including evil spirits. The revive effect also removes crossbows and if Shovel Knight is revived while on spikes, he will temporarily not be harmed. Bosses are not harmed by the reviving animation.

Any pets that Shovel Knight has will not take damage from the fatal blow that kills him before he revives. This accessory is kept after reviving, only with its large and small icons greyed out. A used Fenix Feather can be sacrificed in a Sacrifice Chamber and can be removed at the start of a world in Knightmare X.

This accessory is rarely sold by Chester, who can sell it for the following prices: 1850, 1950, 2300, 3650 gems. The description for this item is "Revive after defeat, but only once."

Unlockable Accessories[edit | edit source]

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The following accessories have to be purchased from Chester's Unlocks on the Surface before they appear in The Well.

Name Prices Description Additional info
SKD Bomb Ring shop icon.png
Blast Ring
380/430/460/550 Resist Explosive damage. Halves Explosive damage and grants immunity to Pyroporter fireballs. When Explosive damage is affected, an icon will appear to indicate that damage has been lowered.
SKD Flameo Ring shop icon.png
Flameo Ring
380/460/550/625/775/850 Resist Fire damage. Grants immunity to Fire damage. When Fire damage has been negated, an icon will appear to indicate this. Upon Fire damage being negated, there is a short cooldown period while Shovel Knight flashes where subsequent Fire damage will harm him. Brash Bracers will not break if Fire damage received is negatedby this accessory.
SKD Gusteo Ring shop icon.png
Gusteo Ring
460/550 Resist Wind damage. Grants immunity to Wind damage, which is only inflicted by gusts from wind Wizzems. When Wind damage has been negated, an icon will appear to indicate this.
SKD Bolteo Ring shop icon.png
Bolteo Ring
380/400/430/460/550 Resist Lightning damage. Grants immunity to Lightning damage. When Lightning damage has been negated, an icon will appear to indicate this.
SKD Blizzeo Ring shop icon.png
Blizzeo Ring
380/400/435/600 Resist Ice damage. Grants immunity to Ice damage and freezing, which are only inflicted by snowflakes from Frost Wizzems. When Ice damage has been negated, an icon will appear to indicate this.
SKD Berserker Bauble shop icon.png
Berserker Bauble
675/925/1000 Shovel Blade deals double damage at low health. 2 HP of damage instead of 1 below 2½ HP/5 shields (Brittle Beetle Barbecue). When this accessory takes effect, red wisps will emanate from Shovel Knight. A drawback of this accessory is that sequences that involve Shovel Dropping off enemies, like Propeller Rats and Divedrakes, may become harder/more dangerous due to said enemies dying faster or instantly.
SKD Dirtwrecker Curse shop icon.png
Dirtwrecker Curse
430/460/550/775 Walk into dirt or jump to dig through. Cannot be obtained from the Drill Capsule.
SKD Book of Bomb shop icon.png
Book of Bomb
600 Defeated foes sometimes drop a bomb. Enemies have a chance of dropping a bomb when killed. Bombs can spawn from infinitely spawning enemies and bombs dropped by Mushdooms spawn where their head is located. Propeller Rats with bombs when killed can also drop a bomb along with the bomb they hold. Bosses do not drop bombs.
SKD Tome of Relic Thrift shop icon.png
Tome of Relic Thrift
975 Relics have twice as many uses. If obtained before obtaining a Relic, when a Relic is obtained Shovel Knight will start with twice as much Magic Points (MP). If obtained when a Relic is already possessed, max Magic capacity is doubled but the current MP possessed are not. The new capacity can be reached by obtaining Magic Jars.