Silly Sausage in Meat Land

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Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire Silly Sausage in Meat Land Cooped Up

Silly Sausage in Meat Land is a puzzle-platformer game released for iOS on the Apple App Store and Android on Google Play on March 25th, 2015, on the Amazon App Store on March 26 2015, and in Unity on Nitrome's website on April 23rd 2015, with a Web GL release to follow soon. The player plays as a stretchy dog moving through a land filled with meat.

The game was first unveiled on December 27th 2014, with a projected release date of February 2015[1], which it missed. The game is free and is Nitrome's first multiplatform game that is not endless.

Silly Sausage in Meat Land will be Nitrome's first Web GL game, released as such to improve compatibility among players.

Controls[edit | edit source]

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Silly Sausage in Meat Land puts the player in control of a stretchy dog who can endlessly stretch its body at will. The dog's legs cannot move at all, so it relies on moving around via its stretchy body. If the dog's face goes against a platform it can grip on to, it will grab it and its entire body will retract into that spot. If the dog impacts any hazards it will die and restart at the last registered doghouse.

Unlike the previous Silly Sausage game, Silly Sausage in Meat Land has no individual levels and instead the game takes place in a very large level with fifty doghouses that serve as checkpoints, with gems scattered throughout the level. When a doghouse is registered the player will respawn there, a dog house able to be registered by paying a designated amount of gems or watching a video advertisement.

Checkpoints[edit | edit source]

Level 1[edit | edit source]

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Level 2[edit | edit source]

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Level 3[edit | edit source]

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Level 4[edit | edit source]

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Level 6[edit | edit source]

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Ending[edit | edit source]

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The dog stretches out and continue to stretch until it enters a dog house. Back in reality, the stretchy dog is seen sleeping in a basket. A man places a bowl full of meat on the floor, which the stretchy dog sniffs and wakes up. The stretchy dog jumps up with some meat products near him, followed by a "The End" screen with the total percentage of gems that the player had collected throughout the game.

Versions[edit | edit source]

Release version[edit | edit source]

This version was released on iOS, Android, and Amazon App Store, labelled as 1.0.1 on iOS and 1.0.3 on the Amazon App Store. Although this version of the game was the initial version released, this version is actually a patch for the original version of the app submitted to all the app stores.

After finding bugs in the original version of the game after it had been submitted, Nitrome submitted a new version (the version that would be the release version) in order to fix these bugs[2]. Although what the app fixes is not specified on the Apple App Store or Amazon App Store, the Google Play store mentions that it fixes glitches with the camera and other bugs.

First Android update version[edit | edit source]

Labelled as 1.0.5, this update adds a video game controller icon to the menu that links to Google Play games and changes the back button in the pause menu from a rectangle with an arrow pointing to the left to a large arrow curling one hundred and eighty degrees to the left.

Second Android update version[edit | edit source]

Released on April 8 2015 and labelled 1.0.6, this update fixes some bugs.

Previews[edit | edit source]

  • December 27 2014 - The game was announced and a screenshot posted.
  • March 5 2015 - A Vine of the game is shared.
  • March 9 2015 - Romain Macré shared a screenshot of the game via Twitter.[3]

Development[edit | edit source]

Silly Sausage in Meat Land was revealed on December 27th 2014 with a projected release date of February 2015.[4]The game, along with Green Ninja: Year of the Frog and Magic Touch Wizard for Hire was shown at Pocket Gamer Connects, an event which took place on January 13-14 2015.[5] Although Silly Sausage in Meat Land was not able to meet its projected release date of February 2015 Nitrome later updated fans on March 9 2015 that Silly Sausage in Meat Land will be Nitrome's next game[6], and later on that it would probably be released in March 2015.[7]

The game was finished in March 2015 but due to making a last minute change that Nitrome feared would delay the app's released a week due to submission times to the various app store, they held off announcing it.[2] Fortunately this delay did not happen, allowing Nitrome to announce the game's release date.[2] The game was released on March 25 2015.

Early on during development the game's art was overhauled.[8] The function of the doghouses was based on the Rovio mobile game Retry.[9]

For the music in the game Nitrome considered using the music from the original Silly Sausage flash game but they found this music did not fit with the game and that it causes a lot of buzzing through the speakers on mobile devices. Nitrome later settled with remastering some of the game's old music and also adding some new music to it as well. [10]

Silly Sausage in Meat Land also used ideas from the original Silly Sausage that were cut due to difficulty implementing them[11], two of these being grid free movement and scrolling levels, both being cut due to being impractical but brought back due to Nitrome's interest in using them[12][13]. Although Nitrome liked the controls of the original Silly Sausage, they were not used due to them being awkward and difficult to use on mobile[14][15].

Silly Sausage in Meat Land's only level being one long continuous stage was something the entire level and its checkpoints were designed around instead of consisting of individual levels that explore one idea[16][17]. The game's checkpoints stemmed from the idea of giving the collectible pick ups in the game value so they would be collected by the player[17].

Reception[edit | edit source]

Silly Sausage in Meat Land was chosen by Pocket Gamer as the "best Android game this week" the week the game was released[18] and again as one of the top ten iOS games of March 2015[19]

On March 11 2015 the game was featured on the website of the French newspaper Libération[20].

The video advertisement option for doghouses was very profitable for Nitrome[21].

Promotions[edit | edit source]

On November 7th, 2015, Nitrome posted that the Apple App Store had featured Silly Sausage in Meat Land under a section titled "10 Hidden Treasure"[22].

On January 8th, 2016, Romain Macré posted on his Twitter account that Silly Sausage: Doggy Dessert and Meat Land had been featured on the front page of the "Games" section of the Apple App Store[23].

Future content[edit | edit source]

Nitrome has not denied that they will ever provide new levels for Silly Sausage in Meat Land, but as of April 10 2015 they are unable to work on any more levels due to multiple other projects.[24] Although not future content, the game's sequel, Silly Sausage: Doggy Dessert, was released on December 21st, 2016.

Glitches[edit | edit source]

  • Clicking the Nitrome logo in the credits section will take the player to the Nitrome website, except it will be displayed inside the game window. This also happen with Space Hopper.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The name of the blog post announcing the game was originally called "Our Pork Based Pooch - Coming to Mobile!", but the following day (December 28th, 2014) it was changed to "More Pork Based Pooch!".
  • The Silly Sausage logo resembles the colouring of the logo of Fault Line.
  • As a gift, an advertising agency sent Nitrome a cushion that had the Silly Sausage in Meat Land icon on it[25][26][27].

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Our Pork Based Pooch - Coming to Mobile! → comment by Jon Annal: Gunbrick early January. This prob February., 27 Dec 14, retrieved 27 Dec 14.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Silly Sausage in Meat Land - Out Wednesday!, 24 Mar 15, retrieved 24 Mar 15.
  3. Nitrome on Twitter: [1], 9 March 2015, retrieved 12 March 2015.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Our Pork Based Pooch - Coming to Mobile! → comment by Nitrome: No it will be free., 27 Dec 14, retrieved 27 Dec 14.
  5. Pocket Gamer: Get a sneak peek at Nitrome's next iOS and Android games, 19 Jan 15, retrieved 10 Mar 15.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Silly Sausage Vine! → comment by Nitrome: Yes Silly Saysage [sic] is next., 9 Mar 15, retrieved 9 Mar 15.
  7. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Apple Free App of the Week! → comment by Nitrome: Silly Sausage probably this month..., 15 Mar 15, retrieved 15 Mar 15.
  8. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Silly Sausage Vine! → comment by Romain Macré: The art hasn't seen any major change since early in development., 11 Mar 15, retrieved 11 Mar 15.
  9. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Silly Sausage Inspiration, 26 Mar 15, retrieved 26 Mar 15.
  10. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Silly Sausage Vine! → comment by Nitrome: It's new music but also the original...sort of a remastered. We considered using the original music as we liked it but it was quite retro and caused a lot of buzzing through mobile speakers., 7 Mar 15, retrieved 7 Mar 15.
  11. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: More Pork Based Pooch → comment by Nitrome: This time were doing a lot of the things we wanted to do the first time but couldn't as it was quite hard to get working., 27 Dec 14, retrieved 26 Mar 15.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Silly Sausage Vine!: It [grid free movement] was tricky to get working but it means you can turn on a dime now :) Scrolling levels were also a challenge for an ever extending body but we got that in there too! Both things we discussed but rejected for practicality first time round [original Silly Sausage] ., 7 Mar 15, retrieved 7 Mar 15.
  13. Nitrome on Twitter: [2]: the two main things we wanted to try was going off grid and being able to have levels bigger than the screen., 23 Apr 15, retrieved 23 Apr 15.
  14. Nitrome on Twitter: [3]: we liked the original [Silly Sausage] controls but they were hard....and hard to use implement on mobile [for Silly Sausage in Meat Land] ., 23 Apr 15, retrieved 18 Jun 15.
  15. Nitrome on Twitter: [4]: we felt the original controls were a bit too fiddly., 26 Mar 15, retrieved 26 Mar 15.
  16. Touch Arcade: 'Silly Sausage in Meat Land' Review - Go Ahead and Sniff Your Own Butt → comment by Nitrome: Pushing [Silly Sausage in Meat Land] to be one huge level only made it more we [built] the game around it rather than hacking it in., 27 Mar 15, retrieved 28 Mar 15.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Touch Arcade: NItrome's Latest Game 'Cooped Up' Flies Free This Week, 10 May 15, retrieved 13 May 15.
  18. Pocket Gamer: The best Android game this week - Silly Sausage in Meat Land, 27 Mar 15, retrieved 27 Mar 15.
  19. Pocket Gamer on Twitter: [5], 9 Apr 15, retrieved 9 Apr 15.
  20. Libération: Silly Sausage in Meat Land, 11 Mar 15, retrieved 16 Jun 15.
  21. Mat Annal on Twitter: [6]: it's similar to our Silly Sausage checkpoints which worked very well for us....on incentivised [sic] ads anyway., 26 Jan 16, retrieved 26 Jan 16.
  22. Nitrome on Twitter: [7]: @AppStore has a Brand new banner called '10 Hidden treasures' guess which meat loving pooch has made the list?, 7 Nov 15, retrieved 11 Nov 15.
  23. Romain Macré on Twitter: [8]: Both Silly Sausage games, Meat Land and Doggy Dessert, are featured this week! [9], 8 Jan 17, retrieved 8 Jan 17.
  24. JuegosDroid: Silly Sausage is an amazing game! Are you going to bring new levels?

    Nitrome on Twitter: [10]: we are making an update to platformpanic, magictouch and a bunch of new games at mo. So no plans at the moment., 10 Apr 15, retrieved 10 Apr 15.
  25. Nitrome on Twitter: [11]: Our new #sillysausage cushion, here to brighten things up a little., 19 Oct 15, retrieved 11 Nov 15.
  26. Jon Annal on Twitter: [12]: hmmm no not a fan 'exactly', actually from an add agency. 😐, 20 Oct 15, retrieved 11 Nov 15.
  27. Nitrome on Twitter: [13]: sorry to disappoint, it's a one off handmade thing we received as a gift., 19 Oct 15, retrieved 11 Nov 15.