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Avatars are Nitrome related pictures that allow for the customization of a user's appearance on Nitrome.com. Most avatars are obtainable by finding pink wrapped gift boxes hidden within the site that correspond to a hint found on the user's avatar page.

History[edit | edit source]

With the announcement of Accounts, Nitrome planned on having an avatar based system. This system allows for the user of an account to use an image of a Nitrome character as their avatar, but does not allow them to use an image they created him/herself, likely because this type of user-generated content can be offensive, as was the case with Hot Air Balloon Maker custom balloons.

To get around this, pre-made avatars were created. The user of an account is given a set amount of avatars upon creating their account, and can get more by finding hidden presents around Nitrome's site, and in their games.

Pink presents with gold ribbons were hidden around Nitrome's site, and in their games. Players can obtain them by clicking on them or touching them with their game character. When a present is taken, a message saying "New avatar unlocked!" will appear at the top of the site's screen. The present will then appear in its spot on the user's avatar page. The user can then go to their avatar page and click on the present to open it, revealing the newly-unlocked avatar.

During the month of December 2013 and 2014, Nitrome had a special avatar event. This event lasted from the 1st of December to the 25th of 2013, Christmas, and lasted from the 1st of December to the 26th in 2014. Every day, a new avatar challenge was shown on the special Christmas avatars page. If the player then unlocked the avatar and went to the avatar page, a chocolate engraved with a present would be shown over the avatar unlocked. Once clicked, an eating animation would be shown, uncovering the unlocked avatar by eating away at the chocolate.

During April 14th-20th 2014, Nitrome had a special avatar event where one avatar would be hidden within the site daily. If the player unlocked the eggvatar, went to their avatar page, an easter egg-shaped present would be shown over the avatar unlocked. Once clicked, a cracking animation would be shown, uncovering the unlocked avatar by cracking away at the egg.

From May 7th 2014 (Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage), September 5th 2014 (8bit Doves), and January 14th 2015 (Gunbrick), Nitrome had a "New Avatars" advertisement for each respective mobile game in the profile module within the site.

During October 27th - 31st 2014, Nitrome had a special Halloween avatar event where one avatar would be hidden within the site daily.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Avatars[edit | edit source]

Unavailable avatars[edit | edit source]

This cuboy avatar is set on Nitrome's profile.
This avatar is set for users that just registered. After they swapped their avatar, they will not be able to set this avatar again.

Free avatars[edit | edit source]

Following avatars are given when a user registers a Nitrome account.

AvatarFull avatar-superstocktake.png Super Stock Take
Chimp from the game Super Stock Take.
AvatarFull avatar-jjjump.png J-J-Jump
Hero from J-J-Jump.
AvatarFull avatar-4.png Off The Rails
Cactus Man from Off The Rails.
AvatarFull toxic.png Toxic
Hazmat Hero from Toxic and Toxic 2.
AvatarFull avatar-8.png Super Treadmill Billy
Billy before he worked out on the Super Treadmill.
AvatarFull avatar-9.png Fault Line
Space bending robot from the game Fault Line.
AvatarFull avatar-3.png Avalanche
Penguin from the game Avalanche.
AvatarFull avatar-13.png Strawberry Flavour
Strawberry flavour from the Bad Ice-Cream games.
AvatarFull avatar-swindler.png Swindler
The thief from Swindler dropping in.
AvatarFull avatar-20.png Austin Carter
Anti-fan Austin from the game Nitrome Must Die.
AvatarFull avatar-11.png Barry
Barry from the Rubble Trouble Series.
AvatarFull avatar-megamash.png Mega Mash
Part Fluffykins, part Blast Man Joe from the game Mega Mash.
AvatarFull avatar-enemy585.png Enemy585 Princess
Princess from the game Enemy585.
AvatarFull avatar-18.png Parasite
The Parasite from the game with the same name.

Unlockable avatars[edit | edit source]

Some avatars are given after the player has completed a certain task. If the avatar is not unlocked, then a hint will show on the locked avatar for the player to figure it out.

Hint: Don't rush into playing this game there's more to the opening race than you think!
AvatarSorbet Avatar.png Sorbet Flavour
Sourbet [sic] from the Bad Ice-Cream games.
Click on the gift in the menu of the game Rush.
The gift

The gift on the menu

Hint: An easy one for you to plunge around and collect.
AvatarFull avatar-6.png Canary
Mining character from the game Canary.
Collect the gift in the first level of Plunger.
The gift

Hint: The last henchman can reach this around the crumbling blocks.
AvatarFull avatar-10.png Enemy585 Kiss
Hero from the Enemy585 getting some affection.
Take the Enemy 585 to the gift in level 6-1 of Enemy 585.
The gift

Hint: At the bottom of the level select house stairs is where you'll find this one!
AvatarFull avatar-24.png Knuckleheads
Angry Duo from Knuckleheads.
Go to the bottom of the level select house stairs in Hot Air Jr. A gift will appear there.
The gift

Hint: You must "demo"nstrate tractor beam skills in this cheesy universe.
AvatarFull avatar-5.png Steamlands
Enemy tank driver from Steamlands.
Collect the gift box in the tractor beam room located in Cheese Dreams 2 Demo.
The gift

Hint: To find the present you must flex your muscles to crack this password.
AvatarSilly Sausage Avatar.png Silly Sausage
Character from the game Silly Sausage.
Type in the password "PRESENT" in the game Silly Sausage.
The gift

Hint: Avatar not coming soon!
AvatarFull avatar-14.png Super Snotput
The slimey character from the game Snot Put.
Click on the "coming soon" Cuboy face that is sad instead of happy on the avatar page.
The "Coming soon" block, where the gift can be found

Hint: If the subject was green and the day was 20, you might get a nice surprise!
AvatarFull avatar-2.png Twin Shot
Heroes from the game Twinshot.
Play level twenty of Test Subject Green.
The gift

Hint: Credit where credit is due on this website.
AvatarFull avatar-17.png Twang
Twang ball from the game Twang.
A gift will appear on this page (the credits page); go to this page to obtain this avatar.
The gift

Hint: Double up your efforts and have a break to take the edge off things.
AvatarFull tsb-soldier.png Test Subject: Soldier
Soldier from the Test Subject Series.
Pause in Double Edged and the gift will appear.
The gift

Hint: This little present is waiting for you once you've escaped the cage.
AvatarSkeleton avatar.png Numbskull
Skeleton from the game the game [sic] Numbskull.
Complete level eight of Test Subject Complete.
The gift

Hint: Have you collected enough coins to buy the glasses?
AvatarFull awesumeglasses.png Awesume Glasses
Left [sic] Eye sporting some rather awesume glasses.
Buy Awesume Glasses in Colour Blind and complete the extra level (no time limit).
The gift

Hint: It was the first test... but also the 22nd?
AvatarFull avatar-doubleedged.png Double Edged
Spartan warrior from the game Double Edged.
The gift is located in Test Subject Blue, level 22.
The gift

Hint: Once you've cut your line, hold your breath roll once more, all on the way to the chest.
AvatarFull avatar-21.png Racoon
Muscle bound Racoon character from the intro to The Bucket.
Find the present in level 5 of Swindler 2.
The gift

Hint: In Canopy, it's hanging from the trees... or is it a house with a cat and a fire???
AvatarFull avatar-23.png Mail Bird
Mail Bird from the fans blog section.
Get the gift in Canopy, level 18.
The gift

Hint: Don't be evil, be good and at 18 you'll find your reward.
AvatarFull avatar-15.png Frost Bite
Climber from the Game Frost Bite and Thin Ice.
Find the gift on good level eighteen of Twin Shot 2.
The gift

Hint: Don't get too distracted or you'll miss this multiplayer game hidden avatar.
AvatarFull avatar-mutiny.png Mutiny
Pirate from the game Mutiny.
In B.C.Bow Contest select distraction mode, 2 player, beginners cup. Shoot an arrow and then press space. A tyrannosaurus will appear holding the present.
The gift

Hint: Jump to the ninth planet and chisel your way to this reward.
AvatarFull finalninja.png Final Ninja
Takeshi from the Final Ninja games.
Reach level nine in Chisel 2. A gift will appear on the second planet above the Chiseller's head.
The gift

Hint: A little bird told us to mine away and shout your name to the world.
AvatarMiner avatar.png Cave Chaos
Furball character from the Cave Chaos series.
The player has to complete any level, make Canary 214-LE die in the next level, and submit their score in the game Canary.
The gift

Hint: It's not your fault if you can't work out what this line is hinting at!
AvatarFull avatar-dirkvalentine.png Monty
Monty from the game Dirk Valentine
Find the gift halfway in level three of the game Fault Line.
The gift

Hint: Only in the rubble of success will you find this at Nitrome Towers.
AvatarFull nmdboss.png N.M.D. Boss
The Nitrome boss and final showdown in Nitrome Must Die.
Complete Nitrome Must Die. The present appears in the ending.
Hint: Take stock of level 17, there seems to be something unaccounted for.
AvatarFull castlecorpknight.png Castle Corp Knight
Knight from the game Castle Corp.
Note: This avatar is currently not appearing in-game due to a glitch.
A gift appears in level seventeen of Super Stock Take.
The gift
Hint: It's the first a great drop and roll affair.
AvatarFull dirkvalentinetea.png Dirk Valentine
Dirk Valentine enjoying a nice cup of tea.
Find the gift in level five of the game Swindler.
The gift

Hint: Your Awesume Glasses and super quick reflexes are needed for this one!
AvatarFull industrialcloud.png Industrial Pirate Cloud
Industrial Pirate Cloud from the game Colourblind.
Complete level 21 of Colour Blind in less than 3 minutes and 20 seconds. This avatar can also be unlocked by not pushing the box on to the button at the start of the level.
The gift

Hint: Don't judge a site by it's [sic] skin!
AvatarFull magneboy.png Magneboy
Robot from the game Magneboy
Go to the skins page and preview the Steampunk skin. A gift will appear below the giant robot.
The gift

Hint: You could do with being a little more... social? Why not invite some friends round!
AvatarFull nmdjustin.png Justin Bennet
Anti-fan Justin from the game Nitrome Must Die
Send a friend request using Facebook invite or accept a friend request sent by another user via Facebook.
Hint: Only the tiny-est of Knights need help to find their Avatar.
AvatarFull tinycastleknight.png Tiny Castle Knight
Tiny Knight
The avatar can be found in the help section of Tiny Castle.
The gift

Hint: When you start you'll find this resting before entering the cave.
AvatarFull rockitty.png Rockitty
Our one eyed green kitty cat
Watch the introduction (start level 1) of Cave Chaos 2; present is placed on the barrels the brown miner is sleeping on.
The gift

Hint: You'll have to glide you way around to find this one!
AvatarFull zombies.png Zombies
The zombies are coming!
Get the present in Level 15 of Temple Glider.
The gift

Hint: If you're a bit rusty, you might need to brush up and reach the level where it's all about switches!
AvatarFull chisel-driller.png Chiseller
The one and only Chisler [sic]!
Get the present in Level 15 of Rustyard.
The gift

File:Nitrome avatars - Chisel avatar (Rustyard)
Hint: In the yard, behind the glass, amongst the boxes... but how?
AvatarFull enemy585-henchman.png Enemy585
The last henchman AKA Enemy 585
Get the present in Level 6 of Rustyard.
The gift

Hint: You need to be good at folding to reach this far into this purple robot's game world.
AvatarFull cheesedreams.png Cheese Dreams
The cheese moon from our Cheese Dreams games
Get the present in Level 25 of Fault Line.
The gift

Hint: Check your trash meow meow!!!
AvatarFull turnament-knight.png Turnament Knight
Turnament Knight
Click the recycling bin with the cat on the front screen of Oodlegobs before pressing "click to start".
The gift

Hint: This map leads to Cuboy... and a gift!
AvatarFull doghouse.png Dog House
Little puppy from "In The Dog House"
Go to the contact page of Nitrome.com, and on the giant map with be a present under Cuboy.
The gift

Hint: Complete the single player Blue Proto Suit challenge.
AvatarFull blueprotosuit.png Blue - Proto Suit
Proto Suit Blue challenge completed!
Complete the Blue Proto Suit in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Complete the single player Blue Rex Suit challenge.
AvatarFull bluerexsuit.png Blue - Rex Suit
Rex Suit Blue challenge completed
Complete the Blue Rex Suit in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Complete the single player Professor challenge
AvatarTSA2 Professor.png The Professor
The Professor challenge completed
Complete the Professor challenge in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Complete the single player Professor REX challenge.
AvatarTSA2 Professor Rex.png Professor REX
Professor REX challenge completed
Complete the Professor REX challenge in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Completed the single player Dr Nastidious challenge
AvatarTSA2 Dr Nastidious.png Dr Nastidious
Dr Nastidious challenge completed
Complete the Dr Nastidious challenge in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Complete the single player Green challenge
AvatarTSA2 Green.png Green
Green challenge completed
Complete the Green challenge in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Complete the single player Orange challenge
AvatarTSA2 Orange.png Orange
Orange challenge completed
Complete the Orange challenge in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Complete the single player Mercenary challenge
AvatarTSA2 Mercenary.png Mercenary
Mercenary challenge completed.
Complete the Mercenary challenge in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode.
Hint: Be the Master Of All!
AvatarFull tsa2surveillance.png Surveillance Droid MKII
Surveillance Droid MKII from Test Subject Complete!
Complete all challenges in Test Subject Arena 2 in single player mode. After the eight challenges have been completed, a screen will appear in game and allowing you to collect the latest avatar.
The gift

Hint: Rescue Mars in Cheese Dreams New Moon!
AvatarFull Mars.png Mars
Mars from Cheese Dream New Moon.
Rescue Mars in Level 6 of Cheese Dreams: New Moon and guide him to the exit.
The gift
Hint: Rescue Saturn in Cheese Dreams New Moon!
AvatarFull Saturn.png Saturn
Saturn from Cheese Dream New Moon.
Rescue Saturn in Level 7 of Cheese Dreams: New Moon and help him to the exit.
The gift
Hint: Rescue the Sun in Cheese Dreams New Moon!
AvatarFull Sun.png The Sun
The Sun from Cheese Dream New Moon.
Rescue The Sun in Level 10 of Cheese Dreams: New Moon and guide him to the exit.
The gift
Hint: Rescue the Lost Moons in Cheese Dreams New Moon!
AvatarFull newmoonmoon.png Lost Moons
The Lost Moons from Cheese Dreams New Moon.
Rescue the lost moons in Level 8 of Cheese Dreams: New Moon and guide them to the exit.
The gift
Hint: Rescue Mercury from Cheese Dreams New Moon!
AvatarFull newmoonmercury.png Mercury
Mercury from Cheese Dreams New Moon.
Rescue Mercury in Level 9 of Cheese Dreams: New Moon and guide him to the exit.
The gift
Hint: Somewhere in the Ditto website skin.
AvatarSpacehoppingavt.png Space Hopper
Character from our game Space Hopper
This avatar is found in the Ditto skin right next to the neck of the upside down reflection of the girl (orange outlined girl).
The gift in the skin

Hint: Somewhere in the Ditto website skin.
AvatarDangle avatar.png Dangle
Incy wincy spider from Dangle
This avatar is found next to the girl's neck in the Ditto skin.
Where the avatar gift is

Hint: Somewhere in the Oodle Trouble website skin!
AvatarFull poweruprobot.png Power-Up Robot
The robot from our game Power-up!
Find the avatar present ingrained in a wall.
The gift in the skin

Hint: Somewhere in the Oodle Trouble website skin!
AvatarFull wormfoodboy.png Worm Food Boy
One of the boys from our game Wormfood!
Find the avatar behind the box.
Where the avatar gift is

Christmas 2013 avatars[edit | edit source]

The calender with unopened avatars

Nitrome first hinted at the Christmas Avatar event on November 22nd, referring to it as a "We have a few other top secret things ... the first one should be revealed on the 1st of December!" It was later mentioned again on November 29th when Nitrome made a blog post about the upcoming event, and released a blurry picture of it.[1] On December 30th, Nitrome released the Christmas Advent Calendar, along with a blog post about it.[2]

The Christmas Avatar Calendar is a virtual Advent Calendar that allows players to hunt for a new avatar that is released each day. The calendar (like all advent calendars) went from the first of December to the 25th (Christmas), and on each of those days a new avatar and clue would be released. Each square on the avatar calendar had the number of the day on it. Once the day came, the square would change to an image of a lock, and hovering the mouse over the image would show the hint to finding the avatar. Once the avatar was found and obtained, the locked square changes to a chocolate with a present on it. Clicking on this chocolate will cause an animation to play of it being eaten away, revealing the avatar.

After the first week of the calendar took place, Nitrome created a blog post about how pleased they were the outcome of the event so far[3].

Hover over a day to see its hint; click the day to jump to the specific heading.

You must choose the right path in Avalanche!Somewhere in the Icebreaker Skin!Maybe the Balloon should check the dog house one more time, just in case!I guess we'll just "Keep" this on the blog.Ninjas aren't scared of heights, is there something else hidden in Office Complex 1?Thanks for sharing!There are four bears present in Moscow on this job!Level 37 of the original bad game!Somewhere in the Snowman skin!We hope you have Oodles of fun finding this one.Hey! That's not Nitrome's earliest game!Getting this present should inflate your ego, but don't let it inflate too much!You need a buddy to find this one!A perfect score on level 4 will reveal this icy present, but don't crush it!Somewhere in the Winter skin!We know using pachinkos in Tokyo is a lot of fun, but don't get too distracted!Building levels is a rewarding job.Ninjas should take care to check under the Power Lines.Somewhere in the Avalanche skin!So bad, we made a sequel and put this in level 12Sometimes, all you have to do is look down.Somewhere in the Party skin!Somewhere in the Ice Temple Skin!Welcome to the fabulous Dairy Desert!This is the present you have been searching for!Christmas avatars.png

Hint: You must choose the right path in Avalanche!
AvatarFull avatar-22.png Uncle Rico
He can be found keeping Billy fit in Super Treadmill.
The present can be found in level 8 in Avalanche around 680m.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Icebreaker Skin!
AvatarFull headcase.png Head Case
It's our hero from the game Head Case!
The present can be found on top of a rock at the skin page of Icebreaker exactly in the middle of the snot and the Cuboy.
The gift

Hint: Maybe the Balloon should check the dog house one more time, just in case!
AvatarFull hotairbln.png Hot Air
Balloon from the super challenging game Hot Air!
Find the dog house outside in Hot Air Jr.. Enter the level and play until the second part of the level. The gift will be there floating in the air.
The gift

Hint: I guess we will just "Keep" this on the blog.
AvatarFull smallfrybunch.png Small Fry Bunch
It's the Small Fry bunch from, you guessed it, Small Fry!
Click the "keep" button on any blog post a few times. When the following message appears: "So... you really want this avatar, huh?", click OK and the avatar will unlock.
The dialog

Hint: Ninjas aren't scared of heights, is there something else hidden in Office Complex 1?
AvatarFull rainbogeddonx.png Rainbogeddon
The maze smashing hero from Rainbogeddon
The gift is in the top right corner on the yellow platform above the two lasers in Final Ninja level 4.
The gift

Hint: Thanks for sharing!
AvatarFull squaremealtroll.png Square Meal Troll
Troll Square from our game Square Meal.
Find the gift in the "share" bar under any game.
The gift

Hint: There are four bears present in Moscow on this job!
AvatarFull flipside.png Flipside
Red Biker from our popular Flipside game.
The gift is on Level 9 of Rubble Trouble Moscow. Use Nitro to bring the gift on the ground.
The gift

Hint: This is the present you have been searching for!
AvatarFull officetrapwrk.png Office Trap Worker
Escaping Worker from our game Office Trap
Type 'present' in the search box on the Nitrome website and press enter. A message will congratulate you for finding the hidden avatar using the secret keyword 'present'. Click on the present that appears.
The message and gift

Hint: Level 37 of the original bad game!
AvatarFull ribbit.png Ribbit
Dr Siamese's creation from the game Ribbit!
Find the gift in Level 37 in Bad Ice-Cream.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Snowman skin!
AvatarFull onekey.png One Key
One Key from the game with the same name
The hint is incorrect; it is found in the Winter skin, not the Snowman skin. It can be found as the reflection of a furry monster in the top left ice skating rink in the skin.
The gift

Hint: We hope you have Oodles of fun finding this one.
AvatarFull flashcat.png Flash Cat
Can be found racing around in Flash Cat
Find the gift in level 3 of Oodlegobs.
The gift

Hint: Hey! That's not Nitrome's earliest game!
AvatarFull fatcat.png Fat Cat
Fat Cat and the Owl from our game Fat Cat.
Find the gift on the last page of the games list, next to the earliest game (Hot Air).
The gift's icon
The full game icon and description.

Hint: Getting this present should inflate your ego, but don't let it inflate too much!
AvatarWarlock avatar.png Mirror Magic Warlock
The Warlock uses his mirror jumping abilities in Mirror Image!
Slip through the gap before the balloon inflates to full size in Hot Air Jr. level 11.
The gift

Hint: You need a buddy to find this one
AvatarChisel duck.png Chisel duck
The duck from our game Chisel
Accept a friend request from anyone on Nitrome.com, or have a friend request accepted.
Hint: A perfect score on level 4 will reveal this icy present, but don't crush it!
AvatarLockehorn ava.png Lockehorn
Hero from the game Lockehorn
On level 4 of Lockehorn, smash all the pots and collect all coins before crushing all the snow spirits. The present will come down as the altar opens. If the block crushes the present, it will no longer be obtainable.
The gift

The squished gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Winter [sic] skin!
AvatarFull nmdworker.png Nitrome Must Die Worker
Worker from the game Nitrome Must Die.
The hint is incorrect; it is found in the Snowman skin, not the Winter skin. The present can be found above the warning message in the Snowman skin.
The gift

Hint: We know using pachinkos in Tokyo is a lot of fun, but don't get too distracted!
AvatarFull mechzilla.png Mechasaur
Rubble Troubles Tokyo's finest laser!
The present can be found in level 8 of Rubble Trouble Tokyo. If the avatar is not there and the player has not obtained it yet, they should log out of their Nitrome account and then log back in.
The gift

Hint: Building levels is a rewarding job.
AvatarFull plunger.png Plunger
Plunger from our game called... Plunger!
The present can be found in the level builder section on the job page.
The gift
Hint: Ninjas should take care to check under the Power Lines.
AvatarSnow drift.png Snow Drift
This yeti knocks over penguins in our game Snowdrift!
The gift is in the bottom left corner under the first power line encountered in Final Ninja level 12.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Avalanche skin!
AvatarFull gogoufo.png Go Go UFO
The Go Go UFO Gang!
Search for the gift in the Avalanche Skin.
The gift

Hint: So bad, we made a sequel and put this in level 12
AvatarCold storage.png Cold Storage
Yeti from our winter game Cold Storage.
Go to Bad Ice-Cream 2 level 12, and make it to the middle of the level.
The gift

Hint: Sometimes, all you have to do is look down
AvatarFull templeglider.png Temple Glider
Found gliding in the game Temple Glider!
Found at the far left of the bar at the bottom of the screen, replacing the Cuboy logo
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Party Skin!
AvatarFull nebulastars.png Nebula
Nebula from the game with the same name.
Click the hammer of the viking in the bottom left corner of the Party skin.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Ice Temple Skin!
AvatarFull bcbowcontest.png B.C. Bow Contest
Contestant from B.C. Bow Contest.
Found right next to the Strawberry ice cream character in the Ice Temple Skin.
The gift

Hint: Welcome to the fabulous Dairy Desert!
AvatarFull bic3bacon.png Smokey Bacon
Smokey Bacon flavour from Bad Ice Cream 3.
Go to level 10 of Bad Ice-Cream 3, and go behind the "WELCOME to Fabulous DAIRY DESSERT!" sign.
The gift hiding from the sign

Christmas 2014 avatars[edit | edit source]

From December 1st-26th 2014, Nitrome released an avatar every day.

Hover over a day to see its hint; click the day to jump to the specific heading.

Take stock of this one, you'll find it on the shelf!Somewhere in the Avalanche skin!You'll have to take the high road in this one! Watch out for that wall of snow!Jingle all the way to the search box!Let of some steam, You'll need to escort this one to safety.You'll need to guide a submarining alien to this one!Somewhere in the Winter skin!This one is hidden in a Halloween title... but what one?Do you ever that sinking feeling? Maybe after visiting your broken hub?UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B ABe careful not to steam through the armoury, you might miss something!Fat cat ate his 3rd ice cream waaay too quickly and got a numb skullIt's been snowing on our construction workers on this outing!Sometimes in the Snowman skin!The sleeping man flew around the Moon and made contact with a strange little astronautIt's never easy, especially when the goal seems out of reach for your vehicle!Somewhere in the NES Skin!This one is hidden amongst oodles of little worm-like creatures!Steam ahead, amongst those mirrors!Somewhere in the NES Skin!Sometimes the elusive answer may lay amongst normal, detailed sentencesSomewhere in the Snowman skin!Somewhere in the Ice Temple skin!Somewhere in the Winter skin!Don't lose your steam now! Watch out for the richochets!Somewhere in Bad Iceberg skin!Christmas 2014 avatars.png

Hint: Take stock of this one, you'll find it on the shelf!
AvatarKapowski avatar.png Kapawski [sic] from Glassworks!
Our hero from Glassworks!
Find the gift on level 5 of Super Stock Take.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Avalanche skin!
AvatarFull 45c86bee813.png Roller Polar Moose!
Don't get these guys caught in your snowball, they'll make for serious hazards!
Click the gift in the eye of Lockehorn in the Avalanche skin.
The gift

Hint: You'll have to take the high road in this one! Watch out for that wall of snow!
AvatarFull f5a7511e2a83b.png Bump Battle Robo!
The robotic character from bump [sic] battle [sic] royale [sic]!
The present can be found in level 9 in Avalanche at around 360m.
The gift

Hint: Jingle all the way to the search box!
AvatarDrawing from Scribble.png Drawing from Scribble!
You can find this character scrawled in the game Scribble!
Type "Jingle Bells" in the search box.
The gift

Hint: Let of [sic] some steam, You'll need to escort this one to safety.
AvatarFull 5ab4c58da038.png A Sleep walker!
Our resident slumber land sleep walkers!
This avatar appears in Steamlands on the level "The Escort" (the 9th level on the main lightest coloured path), there is a present block on the player's tank as soon as they start the level. Completing this level with the block on the tank will get the player the avatar.
The gift as a block

Hint: You'll need to guide a submarining alien to this one!
AvatarFull 572fabe6.png Canopy!
Swinging from the vines of the game Canopy!
This gift is located in Submolok in room 2, this room placed to the left of the communications satellite in the hub. This avatar can be obtained without any upgrades.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Winter skin!
AvatarFull c4aa7ed8b4ac1.png Roller Polar: Beaver!
These awesome little beavers are hiding in our game Roller Polar!
This gift is found in the Winter skin at the bottom left side of the screen on a cluster of a small rock, big rock, and a tree, all these located near purple frost.
The gift

Hint: This one is hidden in a Halloween title... but what one?
AvatarFull 48347edc0c39c83.png FLUE icon game character
Globular character from the icon game Flue
The avatar is in Turn-Undead hidden in level 12.
The gift

Hint: Do you ever get that sinking feeling? Maybe after visiting your broken hub?
AvatarFull skyserpentslayer.png Sky Serpent Slayer!
this [sic] character is known for slaying the serpents of the sky!
This avatar is in Submolok hidden in the hub level. It is at the very bottom of the hub right under the communications satellite. The booster is needed to reach the avatar present.

AvatarFull 31a80cc5a8a.png Ultraman from Pixel Pop
Ultraman from pixel [sic] pop [sic]!
Press the corresponding keys in the hint anywhere on Nitrome.com.
Hint: Be careful not to steam through the armoury, you might miss something!
AvatarFull 3de38dd421b.png Chick from Chick Flick
Teeny tiny little Chick from one of our earliest games!
This gift is found on Steamlands stage 3 "Gun Shop". When the player begins the level (after leaving the town), the present will be a block on the ground. To get the avatar, the player has to complete the level with the present on their tank without getting the gift destroyed.
Hint: Fat cat ate his 3rd ice cream waaay too quickly and got a numb skull
AvatarFull 4a03dfbe8d.png Squawk!
The rolling bird character from the game with the same name!
Go to the games on Nitrome.com Fat Cat, Bad Ice Cream 3 and Numbskull in that respective order. Upon visiting Numbskull, the avatar is unlocked. Alternatively, the player can just enter the URL for each game and go to the page.
Hint: It's been snowing on our construction workers on this outing!
AvatarTurn-Undead avatar.png Vampire Hunter from Turn-Undea [sic]
The vampire hunter that is determined to slay Dracula!
This avatar is found in level 11 of Rubble Trouble Moscow. If the avatar is not there and the player has not obtained it yet, they should log out of their Nitrome account and then log back in.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Snowman skin!
AvatarRush avatar.png Running Man from Rush
You'll find these guys in a rush around our game erm.. Rush!
This gift is found in the Snowman skin near the cluster of trees to the left of the miners.
The gift

Hint: The sleeping man flew around the Moon and made a contact with strange little astronaut
AvatarAvatar-chickflicksquirrel.png Squirrel from Chick Flick!
A squirrel from the game Chick Flick!
Go to the game page for Endless Doves, then Cheese Dreams: New Moon, then Space Hopper. Alternatively, the player can just enter the URL for each game and go to the page.
Hint: It's never easy, especially when the goal seems out of reach for your vehicle!
AvatarRustyard plug.png Plug from Rustyard!
Rusty old plug from the rusty old yard!
Go to room 7 in Submolok, which can be accessed after completing room 6 or in the hub by using the extra thrust gained by the booster (found in room 7) to go up past the first switch and on to the top of the left towering platform. The present is on top of the first high up platform in room 7, which can be accessed by thrusting straight up (from the extra thrust gained by the booster) from the first sea anemone.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the NES Skin!
AvatarFull 0d2e9e95fcb.png Coil in the icon game
Our electrifying character from the Coil icon game.
This gift is found in the NES skin on the shelf in the picture of the game Super Treadmill.
The gift

Hint: This one is hidden amongst oodles of little worm-like creatures!
AvatarAvatar panda.png Skywire Robo panda
Cybernetic panda from our Skywire game!
This avatar is hidden in level 6 of Oodlegobs.
The gift

Hint: Steam ahead, amongst those mirrors!
AvatarRoller polar bird.png Roller Polar's avoidable bird
Watch out for this one on the mountain in Roller Poar [sic]!
The avatar is found in level 14 of Steamlands, titled "The Mirror of Venus", the fourteenth level on the light coloured path on the world map.
Hint: Somewhere in the NES Skin!
AvatarFull 51c274ccf2d.png Monster from Cave Chaos!
This gruesome looking creature can be found lurking in the Cave Chaos levels!
This gift is found in the NES skin in the fighting game, on a poster in the background behind the fence.
The gift

Hint: Sometimes the elusive answer may lay amongst normal, detailed sentences
AvatarJack frost ava.png Jack Frost
Our frosty fiendish character from the game with the same name!
Adding the first letter of each word together creates the word "Steamlands". This is found in Steamlands on level 6A, "Sky's the limit", this level located on the first light coloured path (the left one) that branches off from the main straight path. Clearing the level with the present block intact will grant the player the avatar.
Hint: Somewhere in the Snowman skin!
AvatarGodzilla pixel.png Godzilla!
Godzilla from Pixel Pop!
This avatar is found in the Snowman skin on the back of the penguin from Avalanche who is going down the snow mountain shaped like a penguin (the mountain located farthest to the right in the skin).
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Ice Temple skin!
AvatarDracula T-U.png Dracula from Turn-Undead
Dracula chillin out in his coffin. Find him in Turn-Undead!
This avatar is found in the Ice Temple skin on the back part of the tail of the ice dragon serpent, the present found on the part of its tail on the left side of the screen.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Winter skin!
AvatarFull 4442aafacd.png Knight from Knight Trap!
Our heroic knight from the multi-platformed climber Knight Trap
This avatar is found in the Winter skin in the mouth of the Walrus.
The gift

Hint: Don't lose your steam now! Watch out for the richochets [sic]!
AvatarLiquorice.png Liquorice Ice-cream
Liquorice Ice-cream you say?... ...sounds... great.
The second final avatar of the 2014 Christmas calendar is found in Steamlands in level 12 (the twelfth level on the linear light coloured path) "Ricochets".
Hint: Somewhere in Bad Iceberg skin!
AvatarFull c236ba2b39.png Roller Polar: Bear
You can find this polar bear frantically riding a snowball downhill in Roller Polar!
The final avatar of the 2014 Christmas calendar is found in Bad Iceberg skin. This avatar is found in the Bad Iceberg skin, over Submolok's face.
The gift

Easter avatars[edit | edit source]

Similar to the Christmas 2013 event, from Monday April 14th to until Sunday April 20th, Nitrome was to release an avatar on each day. These avatars were either be hidden in a game or somewhere on the site. A total of 7 avatars was released.

Hint: Aaarrrrgh, where's me avatar? Ye be the egg that drops from the sky in the 2nd battle.
AvatarDitto Avatar.png Ditto
Our heroine from Ditto
Note: This avatar is currently not appearing in-game due to a glitch.
The avatar will drop down in the 2nd level of Mutiny after a few rounds.
The gift

Hint: All you have to do is to search an "Easter" egg.
AvatarFull oodleworm.png Oodlegobs: Worm
A worm from Oodlegobs
Search the word "easter". Under the blog post, there is a message:
The gift's icon

Easter Egg

Congratulations. You've found a hidden easter egg! What are you waiting for!? EAT IT ALREADY!!

Hint: Reflect on the options and let the cogs turn!
AvatarFull gunbrick.png Gunbrick
Gunbrick from the icon game with the same name.
Click the avatar option in the option menu of Ditto when playing a level.
The gift

Hint: Like a dog with a bone, we have buried an egg deep in the game!
AvatarСhangeType avatar.png changeType();
The unique looking avatar from changeType();
This avatar is hidden on level 14 of In the Dog House. In order to get the avatar, the dog must walk past the egg room.
The gift

Hint: obviouSly we Know that You Want a hInt foR this Egg :0)
AvatarFull cheesedreamsnewmoonmouse.png Cheese Dreams: Mouse
A mouse from Cheese Dreams New Moon
This avatar is hidden on level 3 of Skywire. In order to get the avatar, the cable car must go to the right side of the level to reveal the present in the background then the player must click it to obtain the avatar. All capital letters in the hint spell out "SKYWIRE".
The gift

Hint: You must look hard to find this egg. It's there in the skin, version 2.0 is a tricky one!
AvatarIcebeak Avatar.png Icebeak
The bird from our well loved icon game Ice Beak
The avatar is found from Nitrome 2.0 skin under one of the sleepwalkers from Sandman.
The gift

Hint: There's a glitch in this one, blink and you'll miss it! But rest assured, it's not the type of the egg that will change.
AvatarOodlegobs cat.png Oodlegobs: Cat
A cat from Oodlegobs
The eggvatar is found from the title screen of changeType(). The avatar appears every 3-5 seconds for a really short period of time under the big red cube. This avatar can be easily obtained if the player moves their mouse cursor around the area the present is and constantly click. The player has to click the present exactly when it appears.
The gift

The gift on the menu

Halloween avatars[edit | edit source]

Similar to the Christmas 2013 and Easter 2014 events, from Monday October 27 until Friday October 31st, Nitrome will release a new avatar on each day. These avatars will either be hidden in a game or somewhere on the site. A total of 5 avatars will be released.

Hint: It's your turn to find this one, you'll find it guarded by the undead.
AvatarFull oodlegobs-pumpkin3.png Oodlegobs Pumpkin
An Oodlegobs pumpkin
The gift appears in Turn-Undead on level 23.
The gift

Hint: Not sure where the avatar is... Even we're stumped at this point.
AvatarFull nitromeboss princess.png Nitrome Boss Princess
The Nitrome boss looks kind of different...
This gift appears in Stumped on the first level.
The gift

Hint: This game will leave you comfortably numb, before it even starts.
AvatarFull fatcat zombie.png Fat Cat Zombie
A Zombified fat cat!
This gift appears in Numbskull on the menu, among the tombstones. This present appears as a present shapes tombstone among the tombstones right below the "Credits" button.
The gift

The gift on the menu

Hint: Somewhere in the Horror skin!
AvatarFull silly sausage mummy.png Silly Sausage Mummy
Silly sausage dressed up as a mummy.
The present can be found in the Horror skin, found on the castle labelled "Nitrome Towers" to the right of the logo.
The gift

Hint: Somewhere in the Horror skin!
AvatarFull twinchaostein.png Twin Chaos Frankenstein
We've created a monster, a cute... fluffy... monster!
The present can be found in the Horror skin, found in the graveyard next to the tombstone that is to the left of Magneboy.
The gift

Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage avatars[edit | edit source]

When the updates came a link was added in the game which allowed the player to log into their Nitrome account and unlock the eight avatars. These avatars will only be able to be unlocked through this method, people without the game will not be able to unlock the avatars.

Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull ib-ios-viking.png Icebreaker: Viking
A Viking from our Icebreaker Mobile Game
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull ib-ios-troll.png Icebreaker: Troll
Troll from our mobile game Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull ib-ios-watcher.png Icebreaker: The Watcher
The Watcher from our mobile game, Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull ib-ios-icebreaker.png Icebreaker
Icebreaker, our hero from the game Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull ib-ios-goat.png Icebreaker: Goat
A goat from Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarGate keeper avatar.png Icebreaker: Gate Keeper
Gate Keeper from our game Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull ib-ios-cuttingmaster.png Icebreaker: Cutting Master
Cutting Master from Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarChieftain avatar.png Icebreaker: Chieftain
The Chief from our game Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Kraken option. This icon shows a Viking avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.

8bit Doves avatars[edit | edit source]

When 8bit Doves was released a link on the game's menu allowed the player to log into their Nitrome account and unlock four 8bit Doves exclusive avatars. These avatars will only be able to be unlocked through this method, people without the game are unable to unlock the avatars.

Hint: If you've bought 8bit Doves, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 8bitdoves-asleep.png 8bit Doves ZZZ
The sleepy protagonist from 8bit Doves!
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Nightmare level pack. This icon shows a flying man avatar emerging from a pink gift box; everything is in green and gray. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the four avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought 8bit Doves, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 8bitdoves-dove-a.png 8bit Dove
Oh look! An 8bit Dove!
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Nightmare level pack. This icon shows a flying man avatar emerging from a pink gift box; everything is in green and gray. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the four avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought 8bit Doves, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 8bitdoves-smash.png 8bit Doves: Crash!
Looks like our sleepy hero is having a bad time!
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Nightmare level pack. This icon shows a flying man avatar emerging from a pink gift box; everything is in green and gray. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the four avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought 8bit Doves, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 8bitdoves-dove-b.png 8bit Doves: Perched
An 8bit Dove perched on our hero.
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Nightmare level pack. This icon shows a flying man avatar emerging from a pink gift box; everything is in green and gray. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the four avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.

Gunbrick avatars[edit | edit source]

When Gunbrick was released a link on the game's menu allowed the player to log into their Nitrome account and unlock the eight Gunbrick exclusive avatars. These avatars will only be able to be unlocked through this method, people without the game are unable to unlock the avatars.

Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull c0937a204.png Hero Protagonist
A Gun brick fanatic who enjoys solving puzzles. Is it a duck, is it a man! (who cares).
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 48b9bd08a7f5e.png Secret Agent Smith
Top secret: Information classified!
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull cc570c0d77.png Downtown City Punk
An urban city citizen. Enjoys street art, and hair dye.
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull e8d4e5c1c4.png Wasteland Mutant
Afflicted with Octoplasia after the tragic 2026 radiation leak.
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 31bf8898c7f.png Brick man
Everyone's favourite celebrity superhero BRICKMAN... So talented!
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 768243a8360.png Brick-con Nerd
Has a collection of over 30,000 Brickman plushie's and lunchboxes. Still lives with his mom!
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull eb4d9ff152d04.png Police official
Officer Joe Wiggan. Traffic cop by day, exotic dancer at night ;)
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.
Hint: If you've bought Gunbrick, as a big thank you from us, you can unlock this unique avatar by logging into your account via the app.
AvatarFull 55dcad168548.png Mine dweller
Keeps the oxygen bills down by using a homemade gasmask.
An option to receive the avatars is on the main navigation screen after the Pack 3. This icon shows a Gunbrick protagonist avatar emerging from a pink gift box. By selecting the icon, the device's browser will load, displaying a screen with the profiles module. The user can then log into their account to receive the eight avatars.
The Free Avatars option on the menu screen.

Unreleased avatars[edit | edit source]

These avatars have currently not been released and are completely unobtainable as usable avatars. The only proof the avatars exist is that they have been uploaded to Nitrome.com, and as such, are only viewable only when the avatar's image URL is gone to.

Unused avatars[edit | edit source]

Avatars in this section were uploaded to Nitrome.com with the intent of being used, but at a certain point, Nitrome decided not to use them.

Cuboy avatar[edit | edit source]

This avatar was uploaded on July 12th 2013 with the first batch of avatars, and was also present in an image advertising accounts. It was never made accessible as a usable avatar, however, as two other avatars uploaded at the same time and not used yet, it was assumed these avatars would eventually be used.

On December 1st 2013, Nitrome stated that this Cuboy avatar would never be used as it was decided that Cuboy would represent Nitrome.[4]

Updates[edit | edit source]

  • July 12th 2013 - Avatars 1-40 were released.
  • September 11th 2013 - On September 6th 2013, Nitrome announced in their Nitrome update that they would soon be releasing new avatars to find and collect the coming week (September 9th-September 13th being the week they would be released). Avatars 41-48 were released on September 11th 2013.
  • October 16th 2013 - Avatars 49-57 are released to accompany the release of Test Subject Arena 2.
  • December 1st 2013 - Starting on December 1st up until December 25th (Christmas), Nitrome provided a new avatar challenge every day.
  • December 5th 2013 - Five avatars were released to accompany the release of Cheese Dreams: New Moon.
  • February 28th 2014 - Nitrome announced that eight avatars could be collected in Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage once the game was updated.
  • April 11th 2014 - Nitrome announced the upcoming "Easter egg hunt". Seven avatars were hidden within games or the site starting from April 14th up until April 20th.
  • April 14th - April 20th 2014 - The Easter 2014 avatar event started. From April 14th until April 20th, a new avatar was be released each day, this avatar hidden somewhere on the site or in a game.
  • April 30th 2014 - Nitrome released two avatars, which both are hidden in their newest Ditto skin.
  • May 7th 2014 - Nitrome released the Android version of Icebreaker A Viking Voyage and the update for the iOS version, both versions having 8 exclusive Icebreaker avatars available only for buyers of the game.
  • August 19th 2014 - Nitrome released two avatars, which both are hidden in the recently released Oodletrouble skin.
  • August 29th 2014 - Nitrome announced that 8bit Doves would be updated with avatars that could be obtained for those who buy the game.
  • September 5th 2014 - Nitrome released in 8bit Doves four exclusive 8bit Doves avatars available only for buyers of the game.
  • October 24th 2014 - Nitrome announced their plan for Halloween avatars.
  • October 27th - October 31st 2014 - The Halloween 2014 avatar event started. From October 27th until October 31st, a new avatar was be released each day, this avatar hidden somewhere on the site or in a game.
  • November 26th 2014 - Nitrome announced their plan for Christmas 2014 avatars.
  • December 1st 2014 - Starting on December 1st up until December 25th (Christmas), Nitrome provided a new avatar challenge every day.
  • December 25th 2014- Nitrome released one avatar found in Bad Iceberg skin
  • December 26th 2014 - The avatar released on Christmas Day was made the 26th window in the 2014 Christmas calendar
  • June 13th 2018 - All avatars were removed from the website alongside the accounts

Glitches[edit | edit source]

Reverting back to no avatar[edit | edit source]

When changing an avatar, the user of the account clicks a URL to change their avatar to another one, this URL being http://www.nitrome.com/profile/avatar/index.php?a_id= , with after the "=" sign being a two digit number. If a one digit number is entered, the user will be able to see their comments.

Placing after this equal sign in the address any letters, symbols, the numbers one, three, eight, thirteen, or any number not already assigned to an avatar, then going to this URL twice, will cause the player's profile avatar to become completely white, their avatar when looking at their profile page to be the avatar that they get when they have just created their account, and all the comments they have made on the comment sections of game pages, these comment will disappear.

If the number will be assigned to an avatar in the future and the player has this avatar set, then the player will have the avatar automatically as current avatar without the player having to unlock it, although the player can still unlock it the right way though. Going back to a regular avatar will cause their comments to reappear.

This bug was fixed on April 16th 2014.

Invisible present glitch[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

This glitch has only been found in the game Rustyard. The gift on level fifteen may go invisible after the present from level six has been collected. Rusty will still walk on and interact with the gift as if it were a normal block, though. This glitch was fixed on September 24th 2013.

Fault Line invisible present glitch[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

On level 25 of Fault Line, the first play of the level will cause the present to not appear.

Fault Line game crashing glitch[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Beginning on level 25 of Fault Line, leaving or completing the level, then going back to level 25, will cause the present to appear. However, exiting/completing the level without collecting the present, then going back to level 25, will cause the game to not fully load the level, and instead load a white background with Zapo spawned out of thin air at the top-left corner of the screen, and close to the middle of the screen having two nodes; the player's level cursor is also present, and works regularly.

These two nodes are inside an invisible box, which cause the player's cursor to disappear when inside the box, and to reappear where the player's cursor is outside the box. The nodes cannot be clicked. Menu music for Fault Line plays in this situation. Despite being spawned, Zapo cannot be moved.

The pause, music, and sound effects buttons are present, and the pause screen works fine. Exiting through the pause screen back to the menu causes a never ending purple screen to become present, forcing the player to reset the game page.

Not logged in glitch[edit | edit source]

Sometimes, when an avatar is obtained, it will give the player a message that they are not logged in (even though they are), and the present will not disappear. However, if the level or game is reset/refreshed, the gift will not be seen, and the player will have the avatar.

Christmas calendar (2014) glitch[edit | edit source]

Upon the release of the 2014 Christmas calendar, page 2 contained multiple locks with the hint being "need to be", some of them even including hints for other days on the calendar, though the avatars for these days could not be obtained until the day came.

Another glitch happened on New Year's day 2014, where the Christmas calendar reset even though it should have disappeared.

Submolok Christmas 2014 glitch[edit | edit source]

During the release of Submolok before the Christmas Calendar was released, two Christmas avatars appeared on the map, but invisible during gameplay. If the player touches the avatar's place, which is marked on map, a message would appear saying "Seems to be a problem with server".

Christmas 2014 normal open avatar glitch[edit | edit source]

When the Christmas 2014 avatars were released, when one was unlocked it could also be found on page 3 of the user's avatar. Sometimes when getting a Christmas 2014 avatar, on the advent calendar page clicking to unlock the avatar would do nothing, but hovering over it would yield the description of the avatar. However, on page 3, the correct avatar appears but lacking a description.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The trash bin pop-up
    By clicking on the recycle bin on the front screen of Oodlegobs before clicking the "click to play" button, the trash bin would pop up a window that has an outline of a present. This was available even before the proper avatar was released. However, after the avatar was released on September 11 2013, the present became filled in. Once the present is clicked, the trash bin will go back to how it was before the update.
  • The Graveyard Shift Zombies avatar has a reference to Plants vs Zombies, as in the game, a narrator whispers "The zombies are coming..." as the zombies approach.
  • The method used to obtain the Ultraman avatar is a reference to the Konami Code, as the user must press the same keys in the same order as the code.
  • The description of the hero protagonist avatar from Gunbrick saying "Is it a duck, is it a man! (who cares)." is a reference to a common misconception at Gunbrick's release where some people thought the main character was a duck.
  • When the vampire hunter avatar is not selected as the user's current avatar, the vampire hunter's hand is white and the belt is purple, this variation appearing in written comments and the user's "all friends" page. When the avatar is selected, the vampire hunter's hand turns green and its belt turns yellow, a variation that appears in replies to comments and on the user's friend list.
  • When the running man avatar is not selected as the user's current avatar, the runner's body is orange and the face is white, this variation appearing in written comments and the user's "all friends" page. When the avatar is selected, his faces turns beige and its body turns to normal, a variation that appears in replies to comments and on the user's friend list.
  • The avatar gift that appear in The Bricks skin on one of the corners of a Gunbrick cannot be clicked.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Nitrome blog: - What's coming on the 1st of December?
    The image
  2. Nitrome blog: - Christmas Avatar Calendar
  3. Nitrome blog: - On the first week of Christmas Nitrome gave to me
  4. Nitrome blog: - Christmas Avatar Calendar! → Comment:
    Nitrome: We will never use that old Cuboy one as we decided to keep cuboy to represent Nitrome.

    The comment