Stefan Åhlin

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Stefan Åhlin is a artwork designer for Nitrome.

History[edit | edit source]

Stefan Åhlin joined Nitrome in March 2010, leaving his self-employment at Torpedolab.

He is a technical graphical artist with focus on mobile devices, Flash games and casual games, with more than three years of industry experience, working with several established companies as freelancer. He lives in London, United Kingdom.

According to his Facebook page, Stefan now works at

Art style[edit | edit source]

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Experience and education[edit | edit source]

From 2003-2004 game developer and illustrator Stefan Åhlin studied photography, drawing, painting, sculpting, and art history at the University of Sundvalls Konstkola in Sweden. graduating with a major in Art. In 2003 he started a process of improvement on Högskolan i Skövd, lasting two years. During the final year of college, he was self-employed as a freelancer.

By the end of 2006 Stefan already had another addition to his qualifications, a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts and Media. In August 2007, he joined Erphenic Studios HB as a co-owner, working as a graphic designer. Stefan worked on several smaller projects and contract jobs for various clients, almost exclusively in the mobile gaming field, doing art assets. For the next one year and seven months he created and operated Torpedolab by himself.

Games[edit | edit source]

Game Date (Y/M/D) Notes
Fault Line 2010/06/16
Enemy 585 2010/11/09
Rush 2010/12/23
Canary 2011/02/02
Steamlands 2011/04/18
Silly Sausage 2011/05/27
Rubble Trouble Tokyo 2011/07/28 Legacy Art by Simon Hunter
Steamlands Player Pack 2011/10/13
Nitrome Must Die 2011/11/24
Rubble Trouble Moscow 2011/12/21 Legacy Art by Simon Hunter
Rainbogeddon 2012/02/02
Gunbrick 2012/04/20
Hot Air Jr Demo 2012/05/02
Super Snot Put 2012/06/07 Legacy Art by Mat Annal
Hot Air Jr 2012/06/28
J-J-Jump 2012/07/19
Turnament 2012/09/26

External Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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