Demolition crew members

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A list of demolition crew members in Rubble Trouble.

Boss[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Boss

The boss is the possible CEO of the demolition crew. He wears a white hard hat and watches his workers as they demolish buildings.

Barry[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Barry

RT Barry.png
Barry is one of the workers of the demolition crew. He pilots and commands all vehicles that don't use firearms. He carries a hammer and has a grey beard.

Garry[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Garry

RT Garry Walking.gif Garry is one of the workers of the demolition crew. He pilots and commands all vehicles which use firearms as well as any explosive tools, such as the molotov. Garry has holds a stick of dynamite and wears grey goggles.

Ivan[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Ivan

Ivan is the cousin of Barry, Larry, Garry, and Larry's three brothers. He does not make an actual appearance in Rubble Trouble.

Larry the second[edit | edit source]

Larry the second is a worker of the demolition crew. He has five brothers: Garry, Barry, Larry the first, Larry the third and Larry the fourth. He is identical to his three other brothers. He got stuck on top the building the demolition crew are going to destroy on their 12th job. The player loses $100 if he is dropped.

Larry the third[edit | edit source]

Larry the third is a worker of the demolition crew. He has five brothers: Barry, Garry, and Larry the first, Larry the second, and Larry the fourth.

Larry the third got stuck on the building the demolition crew were going to destroy on their 12th and 14th job. The player loses $100 if he is dropped.

Larry the fourth[edit | edit source]

Larry the fourth is a worker of the demolition crew. He has five brothers: Barry, Garry, and Larry the first, Larry the second, and Larry the third. He has a cousin named Ivan.

Larry the fourth got stuck on the building the demolition crew were going to destroy on their 12th job. The player loses $100 if he is dropped.

(Possible) Main boss[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

The boss in his car

A man at the end of the game who is seen in a greenish-blue convertible who is swimming in dollar bills.He may be the main boss considering the fact that he has all the money the crew made. There is also a possibility he is simply the boss without a hard hat. He wears a yellow vest, like the other workers and has white hair.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Although Larry is cloned multiple times, and in the ending for RTT, he is cloned infinitely, this does not mean he has more brothers.