Yellow nanobots

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Yellow nanobots are enemy basic nanobots that appear in the game Nanobots.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Yellow nanobots have a circular body with spikes sticking out, and attached to their back is their head; the eyes and mouth of the nanobot can be seen.

Game information[edit | edit source]

They are bigger than the pink and green nanobots. Their attack is planting bombs in their wake. However, not all basic yellow nanobots lay bombs. In some levels they appear in large numbers, but are more commonly spawned in smaller numbers than pink or green. The yellow hunter is the titan (upgraded) version of the yellow nanobot.

Basic yellow nanobots can be killed using bombs. They will grant the player fifty points upon coming in contact with a bomb, or after being exposed to the force field of a bomb for too long.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • On level two of Nanobots, there is a glitch where the two yellow nanobots moving in a square cannot be killed. This rarely happens, however.