Nitrome Wiki:Battle of the Week/Previous Results/2016

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This is a list of battles in 2016.

Checkpoint-based games battle!
Ico tinycastle.png VS Ico sillysausagedoggydessert.png VS Ico hopswap.PNG
Ico sillysausagemobile.png

Star1.png Tiny Castle (2 votes)
Star2.png Silly Sausage in Meat Land and Hop Swap (1 vote)
Star3.png Silly Sausage: Doggy Dessert (0 votes)

Vehicle main characters battle!
CableCar red.png VS Gunbrick vehicle.png VS Aquanaut Submarine.png VS Flipside Vehicle.png VS Player Tank.png
Small Tank.png

Star1.png Flipside (vehicle) (2 votes)
Star2.png Tanks (Steamlands), Submarine, and Cable car (1 vote)
Star3.png Gunbrick (vehicle) and Tanks (Tanked Up) (0 votes)

Object-freezing main characters battle!
Ice bird character 1.png VS Jack frost 2.PNG
BIC Characters.png

Star1.png Ice cream characters (3 votes)
Star2.png Jack Frost (2 votes)
Star3.png Bird (Ice Beak) (0 votes)

Strategy games battle!
Mutinyicon.png VS Ico castlecorp.png VS Ico steamlands.png
Ico steamlandsPP.png

Star1.png Mutiny (2 votes)
Star2.png Castle Corp (1 vote)
Star3.png Steamlands and Steamlands Player Pack (0 votes)

Cosmic Cannon cannon ball cameo battle!
Cosmic Cannon Moon.png VS Cosmic Cannon HotAir.png VS Cosmic Cannon Twang.png
Cosmic Cannon AngryHead.png VS Cosmic Cannon Chick.png

Star1.png Black Ball (3 votes)
Star2.png Hot Air (character) (2 votes)
Star3.png Chicks, Angry head, and Moon (0 votes)

Bosses fought multiple times battle!
Baron Battenberg
Merlock machine white.jpg

Star1.png Maxwell Merlock and Baron Battenberg (3 votes)

Pumpkins battle!
Pumpkin.png VS LF 2.png VS Pumpkin T-U.png VSStumped pumpkin.png
Vegtable Launcher.jpg

Star1.png Pumpkins (Numbskull) (4 votes)
Star2.png Vegetables, Pumpkins (Turn-Undead), Pumpkins (Stumped), and Pumpkins (Caste Corp) (0 votes)

Turn-based games battle!
Turnament icon.png VS Ico flue.png
Ico turnundead.png VS Ico rustbucket.png

Star1.png Rust Bucket (3 votes)
Star2.png Turn-Undead (2 votes)
Star3.png Flue (1 vote)
Star4.png Turnament (0 votes)

Bearded main characters battle!
Ico stretchdungeon.png VS MT Wizard 2.png

Star1.png Prisoner (Stretch Dungeon) and Wizard (Magic Touch series) (3 votes)

Manipulable game environment battle!
Rolypolyicon.png VS Ico beneaththelighthouse.png VS Ico stretchdungeon.png
Swiindler icon.pngSwindler 2 ico.PNG

Star1.png Roly Poly (3 votes)
Star2.png Swindler series and Beneath The Lighthouse (1 vote)
Star3.png Stretch Dungeon (0 votes)

Battle: Enemies that mimic the player's movement
Mimic Green Enzymes.png VS BIC3 Alien.png
Spacehopper-greenmaskedrobot.png Image 82.png VS Barricadebots.png

Star1.png Mimic green enzymes (6 votes)
Star2.png Mimic aliens (2 votes)
Star3.png Dragons (Yin Yang) (1 vote)
Star4.png Barricadebots and Masked robots (0 votes)

Space games battle!
Spacehoppericon.png VS Rockittyicon.png VS Ico gogoufo.png
Cheesedreamsicon.png New moon icon.png Cosmic Cannon.png
Ico nebula.png VS Ico chisel.pngIco chisel2.png
Ico canary.png VS Gunbrick icon.png

Star1.png Canary (4 votes)
Star2.png Chisel series and Cheese Dreams series (2 votes)
Star3.png Nebula (1 vote)
Star4.png Space Hopper, Rockitty, Go Go UFO, and Gunbrick (0 votes)

Wall sliding main characters battle!
Toxic Man.png VS Takeshisuit.png VS File:LeapDay Yolk sprite.png

Star1.png Takeshi (4 votes)
Star2.png Hazmat Hero (3 votes)
Star3.png Yolk (2 votes)

Browser games with mobile sequels battle!
Ico sillysausage.png Ico sillysausagemobile.png
Gunbrick icon.png Ico gunbricksd.png
8bitdovesicon.png Ico 8bitdoves.png
Ico feedme.png Venus Fly Trap From Super Feed Me.PNG
Magic touch.png Ico magictouchmobile.png
Ico icebreaker.png Ico icebreakerredclan.pngIco icebreakergathering.png Ico icebreakeravikingvoyage.png

Star1.png Browser Icebreaker games and Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage (4 votes)
Star2.png Gunbrick and Gunbrick mobile (2 votes)
Star3.png 8bit Doves (Jam) and 8bit Doves (mobile) and Silly Sausage and Meat Land (1 vote)
Star4.png Feed Me and Super Feed Me and Magic Touch and Magic Touch: Wizard for Hire (0 votes)

NES games battle!
Ico supertreadmill.png VS Ico thebucket.png VS Ico sillysausage.png
Ico megamash.png

Star1.png Mega Mash (4 votes)
Star2.png The Bucket (3 votes)
Star3.png Silly Sausage (2 votes)
Star4.png Super Treadmill (1 vote)

Fruit collecting games battle!
Ico thebucket.png VSLeap Day icon.png
Ico badicecream.pngBIC2.PNGIco badicecream3.png

Star1.png The Bucket and Leap Day (5 votes)
Star2.png Bad Ice-Cream series (3 votes)

Nitrome website game icon designs battle!
Hotair banner.gif
Thumbnail hotair 2006 site.gif
Hot air icon.gif VS Ico hotair.png

Star1.png 1.5 icon design (5 votes)
Star2.png 2.0 icon design (3 votes)
Star3.png 1.2 icon design (1 vote)
Star4.png 1.0 icon design (0 votes)

Colour-based games battle!
Yinyangicon.png VS Cblindicon.png

Star1.png Colourblind (4 votes)
Star2.png Yin Yang (3 votes)

Duo main characters battle!
Yin Transparent.png Yang Transparent.pngVS Angry Heads.png
Cat Fat Cat.png The Owl.png VS Girl.png Girl reflection.png
Henchmen.png Turner.png VS Ribbit (Character).png

Star1.png The girl and her mirror double and Enemy 585 and Turner (2 votes)
Star2.png Cat and owl, squirrels, cactus men, and Yin and Yang (1 vote)
Star3.png Angry heads and Ribbit (0 votes)

Demos battle!
Cheese Dreams 2 demo icon.png VS Hot Air Jr. Demo Icon.png VS Ico flightless.png

Star1.png Flightless Demo (5 votes)
Star2.png Hot Air Jr Demo and Cheese Dreams Demo (2 votes)

Flies battle!
Fly Feed Me!.png VS Pest Control Fly.png VS SW Fly.png

Star1.png Flies (Pest Control) (6 votes)
Star2.png Flies (Feed Me) and Flies (Skywire 2) (1 vote)

Pseudo-3D games battle!
Flashcaticon.png VS Ico flue.png

Star1.png Flash Cat (8 votes)
Star2.png Flue (1 vote)

Rolling main characters battle!
Parrot Ball.png VS Fluffball-Fluffball2.png VS Boy-BTL.png VS RP.png VS

Star1.png Ball (Mallet Mania) (7 votes)
Star2.png Boy (2 votes)
Star3.png Poly and Parrot ball (1 vote)
Star4.png Fluffball

Racing games battle!
Ico rush.png VS Flipsideicon.png VS Tankedupicon.png
Ico gogoufo.png

Star1.png Flipside (7 votes)
Star2.png Go Go UFO and Rush (1 vote)
Star3.png Tanked Up (0 votes)

Octopus battle!
OP.png VS Octapus1.png
SW Octopus.png VS Octopus Serpent.png

Star1.png Octopus serpent and Octopuses (Skywire 2) (3 votes)
Star2.png Octopuses (Hot Air) (1 vote)
Star3.png Jumping octopuses (0 votes)

Venus fly traps battle!
Venus Fly Trap.png VS Venus fly trap.png

Star1.png Venus fly trap (Feed Me) (9 votes)
Star2.png Venus flytraps (Pest Control) (1 vote)

Mimic battle!
Mimic attack.png VS RustBucket mimic.png

Star1.png Mimics (Rust Bucket) (11 votes)
Star2.png Mimics (Blast RPG) (5 votes)

Battle: Games that advance through completing rounds!
Ico bumpbattleroyale.png VS Ico bcbowcontest.png

Star1.png B.C. Bow Contest (6 votes)
Star2.png Bump Battle Royale (4 votes)

Battle: games where the music adjust itself
Jackfrosticon.png VS Cblindicon.png VS Ico parasite.png

Star1.png Jack Frost (6 votes)
Star2.png Colourblind and Parasite (3 votes)

Planet-hopping characters battle!
RocKitty.jpeg VS Image 404.png VS Chiseler.png

Star1.png Chiseler (6 votes)
Star2.png Rockitty (character) and Astronaut (3 votes)

Parrot battle!
Parrot Ball.png VS Mutiny Parrot idle animated.gif VS Parrot.PNG

Star1.png Parrots (Skywire) (5 votes)
Star2.png Parrot ball and Parrots (Mutiny) (3 votes)

Messaging characters with mustaches battle!
Monty Radio Icon.png VS Foreman Buzz.png

Star1.png Monty (7 votes)
Star2.png Foreman Buzz (5 votes)

Hands battle!
Jr Hand 1.png VS Hand1.PNG Hand2.PNG
VS Hand 1.png VS Shanddown.png

Star1.png Hand (Hot Air) (6 votes)
Star2.png Hands (Silly Sausage mobile) (3 votes)
Star3.png Hands (Stumped) (1 vote)
Star4.png Hands (Tiny Castle)

Characters controlled in the air battle!
Hot Air.png VS Cat Fat Cat.png The Owl.png
BoyKnight.png VS Egyptian Bird.png VS Canary.png
Ice bird character 1.png VS Flyingman.PNG

Star1.png Cat & Owl and Hot Air (3 votes)
Star2.png Flying man (2 votes)
Star3.png Knight (Blast RPG), Egyptian bird, Bird (Ice Beak), and Canary 214-LE (1 vote)

Enemy cats battle!
CatBoss.png VS Black Cat frontview.png VS Cat Traps.PNG
linked=Winged cats Elite winged cat.png

Star1.png Cats (Parasite) (winged cats and elite winged cats) (7 votes)
Star2.png Cat traps (2 votes)
Star3.png Panther (1 vote)
Star4.png Cats (Rainbogeddon) (0 votes)

Underwater games battle!
Aquanauticon.png VS Ico submolok.png

Star1.png Aquanaut (5 votes)
Star2.png Submolok (3 votes)

Zombie battle!
Zombie Traps.PNG VS Zombie1.png VS ZombieTurnUndead.png

Star1.png Zombies (Turn-Undead) (7 votes)
Star2.png Zombies (Graveyard Shift) (2 votes)
Star3.png Zombie traps (1 vote)