Pick ups (Lockehorn)

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This article is about pick ups from Lockehorn. For pick ups from other games, please see Pick ups.

A list of pick ups in Lockehorn. Most pick ups in the game give points to the player in both, story and battle modes. Some, such as vegetables and pads, are just found in battle mode.

Pots[edit | edit source]


This article is about pots from Lockehorn. For pots from other games, please see Pots.

Pots are objects in Lockehorn.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

They are small and may vary in color. There can be blue pots or green pots, which when broken, will make a breaking like sound releasing coins.

Game information[edit | edit source]

By smashing pots with an ice slab, lots of coins and sometimes gems will be released out of it.

They appear in all story mode levels, and sometimes in battle mode. Some pots are bigger and with a face on it, and some are simple and smaller. The bigger ones usually contain more coins than the small ones, and are more likely to contain gems.

However, some pots don't have any pick ups inside, which happens when all spirits were already killed and no points can be obtained after that.

Coins[edit | edit source]

Coins are pick ups in the game Lockehorn.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Unlike other game's coins, such as Twin Shot's or Nitrome Must Die's, these coins are square. They seem to have a bronze color, and seem to lose value in battle.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Coins are located inside pots, and the player can free them by smashing a pot, and are the most common pick ups in the game. The player can collect them by walking on them or sliding the ice slab on them.

In Lockehorn's story mode, the player earns 20 points by getting one, and in Lockehorn's battle mode, the player can earns one or two points by getting one.

Gems[edit | edit source]

Gems are uncommon pick ups in the game Lockehorn.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Gems are small pink gems which may appear spinning.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Gems are located inside pots, but are very uncommon to find, especially in story mode. Is easily to find them in the bigger pots, and just like coins, the player get them by walking on them or sliding the ice slab on them.

They are most valuable in the story mode, earning 100 points when acquired. In battle mode, they earn 25 points when acquired.

Vegetables[edit | edit source]

Vegetables or fruits are very common pick ups in Lockehorn's battle mode.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Vegetables are small vegetables which may vary in color depending if it is a turnip (left), a pumpkin (second left), a peach (middle), a carrot (second right) or a cauliflower (right).

Game information[edit | edit source]

Vegetables and pads are the only pick ups in the game to appear only in the battle mode, unlikely as the others, that appear in both battle and story mode.

Vegetables increase the player's strength and agility. They just can be acquired when the players walk into them. If the ice slab gets them, they will be smashed so the player can't get them. They are very important in battle, as with their powers, player can push the ice slabs easily and move faster.

Pads[edit | edit source]

Pads are interactive objects just appear in Lockehorn's battle mode.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

They look more like buttons with several details on them. They may appear with numbers "10" or "20" on them which show how much points can be obtained if the ice slab slides above them.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Unlike the other pick ups, pads just give points if the ice slabs get above them, and nothing happens if the player stands on them.

They appear with "10" or "20" symbols on them, and if the player's ice slab slides above them, the player earns the points that are shown on the pad. If the player presses them, they will remain pressed for a few seconds. After that, they get back to normal and can be pressed again.