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Character Blue Games 36
Game Final Ninja Zero Demos 3
Skin Steampunk Pixel Love 3

Favorite Music[edit | edit source]

I am a big fan of Nitrome's music. Therefore I have a lot of favorites, especially Lee Nicklen's. Here I have narrowed it down to my favorites, which, although I have tried, is quite a long list.

1. Track 1, or menu, from the Twin Shot Series. This track was created by Dave Cowen, although I usually like Nicklen's the best. This track has a great tune, and I love listening to the background for this track.

2. Thin Ice main, by Lee Nicklen. Makes you happy, don't you think?

3. Track 1, or menu, from the game Space Hopper. This is, in my opinion, Lee Nicklen's best. It gives the feeling that something big is about to happen.

4. Twin Shot Series main. This is by Dave Cowen, like the other Twin Shot tracks. This song has some great background music, if you listen closely. Cowen really had a good thing going with this series, although the Evil music (Twin Shot 2) was nowhere near as good as I expected.

5. Final Ninja menu. Lee Nicklen.

6. Final Ninja main. Lee Nicklen.

7. Track 2, or main, from the old game Twang. Lee Nicklen. Really catchy tune!

8. Frost Bite main, Lee Nicklen.

9. Cave Chaos menu, by Lee Nicklen.

10. Skywire menu, also by Lee Nicklen. Good background music, if you listen closely.

11. Space Hopper main, Lee Nicklen.

12. Skywire boss, Lee Nicklen. Great intro.

13. Snow Drift main, Lee Nicklen. Good background instruments.

14. Tanked Up main, Lee Nicklen.

15. Tanked Up menu, Lee Nicklen.

16. Snow Drift menu, Lee Nicklen.

17. Skywire main, Lee Nicklen.

18. Feed Me main, once again by Lee Nicklen.

19. Hot Air 2 main. Lee Nicklen.

20. Toxic main, Lee Nicklen.

21. Small Fry main, by Lee Nicklen. I really like the tune in this track, although I didn't really like the menu track.

22. Hot Air 2 menu. Lee Nicklen.

23. Thin Ice menu, Lee Nicklen.

24. Jack Frost main, Lee Nicklen.

25. Jack Frost menu. Lee Nicklen.

26. Bullethead menu. Lee Nicklen.

27. Icebreaker main, by Lee Nicklen.

28. Bullethead main. Lee Nicklen.

29. Nanobots menu, Lee Nicklen. The main track for this game was absolutely terrible.

30. Knuckleheads menu. This is just at the bottom of the list, because I usually don't really like this type of music. However, Dave Cowen made this one just good enough to be included in the list.

Nitrome 2.1[edit | edit source]

When Nitrome 2.1 comes out, my username will be Mithrandir.

Nitrome Games I've Beaten[edit | edit source]

36 This user has proudly beaten 36 Nitrome games!

Nitrome Games I'm Trying to Beat[edit | edit source]

Nitrome Games I've Given Up On[edit | edit source]

Pixel Love Games I've Beaten[edit | edit source]

3 This user has proudly beaten 3 Pixel Love games!
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