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Below is a list of badges that a user with a Nitrome account can earn by performing various tasks.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Badges are a type of unlockable object rewarded to users for participation in certain activities that are not tied to games. Activities such as commenting, replying to comments, and hearting games can gain badges. The user is not alerted of a badge being gained, they are only alerted by looking in their account notifications.

Unlockable badges[edit | edit source]

Hearting badges[edit | edit source]

Following badges are awarded for hearting games.

BadgeFirst heart.png The Game
Heart a Nitrome game
Badge25 hearts.png Pixel Love
Heart 25 Nitrome games
Badge50 hearts.png Big Heart
Heart 50 Nitrome games
Badge100 hearts.png I <3 Nitrome
Heart 100 Nitrome games

Commenting badges[edit | edit source]

Following badges are awarded for commenting on games.

BadgeFirst comment.png Hello, World
First comment on the site, make it count!
Badge25 comments.png Hot Air
Post 25 comments

Following badges are awarded for replying to existing comments.

BadgeFirst reply.png Back Chat
Reply to a comment
Badge25 replies.png The Negotiator
Post 25 reply comments
Badge50 replies.png Conversationalist
Post 50 reply comments

Login badges[edit | edit source]

Following badges are awarded for logging in each day. Unlike the other badges, these badges can be lost!

Badge7 days.png Casual Fan
Login 7 days in a month (This badge can be lost!)
Badge14 days.png True Fan
Login 14 days in a month (This badge can be lost!)
Badge30 days.png Awesome
Login 30 days in a month. (This badge can be lost!)

Avatar badges[edit | edit source]

Following badges are awarded for doing tasks related to Avatars

BadgeFirst avatar unlocked.png My New Face
Unlock your first avatar!
BadgeSwap avatar.png Make Over
Swap your avatar for a new one to get this badge!

Friend badges[edit | edit source]

Following badge is awarded for getting your first friend.

BadgeFirst friend.png My Buddy
Accept a friend request or get a friend request accepted by another user

Special badges[edit | edit source]

Following badges are awarded for doing special tasks.

BadgeFacebook connect.png Well Connected
Connect Facebook to your Nitrome account
BadgeReport user.png Watch Dog
Report a user that gets banned as a result

Private messaging badges[edit | edit source]

Following badges are awarded for sending private messages.

BadgeFirst message.png The Messenger
Send out your first private message
Badge25 messages.png The Mailman
Send 25 private messages

Beta badge designs[edit | edit source]

The image included with the January 20th 2012 Nitrome blog update showed a badge that was not released upon accounts being made public[1]. This badge showed satellite on a gold circle. Judging from its appearance, it might be an old design for the Well Connected badge.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: 2.1 Update Features, 20 January 2012, retrieved 2 May 2014.