Spoken language

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Spoken language is an event occurring in a few Nitrome games where a character or the game will verbally speak English, as opposed to written English. This type of communication can be heard by the player, instead of read, although in many cases spoken language will be accompanied by written text of what is said.

Spoken language is very rare in Nitrome games, usually appearing in "special" Nitrome games, such as Test Subject Complete or Nitrome Must Die. It should be noted that spoken language is different than the more common grunts and groans, as, although these are spoken, they do not convey any words.

Most Nitrome games, when containing spoken language, usually use a male voice and all language is English, with the exception of Off The Rails which contains Spanish words, and Rainbogeddon, Bad Ice-Cream 2 and Test Subject Complete, which have language spoken with a female voice.

Occurrences of spoken language[edit | edit source]

Skywire[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Game A childish male voice "Ready? Go!" Starting a level
All Game A childish male voice "Well done!" Completing a level

Toxic[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Game A male voice "Initializing transport" Starting a level
All Game A male voice "Activating transport" Going on to a red teleporter
All Game A male voice "Mission failure" Dying
All Hazmat Hero Male "Oh!" Being caused harm

Off The Rails[edit | edit source]

The below quotes can be heard in all levels, although only one is heard for each event. All quotes are spoken by a single cactus man in a male voice. For each event, three possible quotes are listed - the first three in the table being quotes for starting a level, the next three three for quotes heard when dying, and the last three for quotes heard when completing a level.

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Cactus men Male "Let's go amigo!" Starting a level
All Cactus men Male "¡Ándale ándale!"
All Cactus men Male "¡Arriba!"
All Cactus men Male "¡Ay caramba!" When dying
All Cactus men Male "¡Ayayay!"
All Cactus men Male "What am I, Piñata?"
All Cactus men Male "We did it!" Completing a level
All Cactus men Male "Let's get tacos!"
All Cactus men Male "Well done, amigo!"

Yin Yang[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Game Male "Yin" Switching to Yin
All Game Male "Yang" Switching to Yang

Dirk Valentine[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Most levels Dirk Valentine Male voice "Don't mind if I do!" Dirk Valentine picking up a cup of tea
All Dirk Valentine Male voice "Back out" Dirk Valentine dying
A level with prisoners A prisoner Male voice "Free!" A prisoner being freed
A level with a prisoner (male voice) A prisoner Male voice "Yoohoo!"

Snot Put/Super Snot Put[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Snot N/A "Achoo!" Snot dropping out of the nose

Skywire 2[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event Notes
All Bean person A childish male voice "Ready? Go!" Starting a level
All Bean person A childish male voice "Well done!" Completing a level
All Bean person A childish male voice "Mommy!" Falling off the cable car This is one of the possible cries a bean person will let out when it falls off the cable car
All A bean person A childish male voice "Not again!"
All A bean person A childish male voice "I feel sick!"
All A bean person A childish male voice "Wheee!"
All A bean person A childish male voice "Why me?"
All A bean person A childish male voice "Not fair!"

Mutiny[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Pirate captain/soldier A male voice "Aye" Clicking a pirate captain/soldier
All Pirate boys A male voice "Aye" When it's pirate boys turn
All Blind pirates A male voice "Who?" When it's blind pirate's turn
All English navy A male voice "Surrender" When it is the English navy's turn
All Retired pirates A male voice "Grumble" When it's retired pirates turn

Final Ninja[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Menu Game Male "Final Ninja" Getting to the menu after watching the startup

Toxic 2[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Hazmat Hero Male "Oh!" Being caused harm
All Game Male "Initializing transport" Entering the level
All Game Male "Activating transport" Stepping on a red/blue teleporter
All Game A male voice "Mission failure" Dying

Final Ninja Zero[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Menu Game Male "Final Ninja Zero" Getting to the menu after seeing the startup

Double Edged[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event Notes
Startup Man with a chisel Male "Oh, my statue!" A Spartan in the opening destroying the statue that is over the Nitrome logo. One of the few occurrences of spoken language accompanied by English subtitles, these subtitles being what the main says in the speech bubble
Menu Game Male "Double Edged" A sword impacting the game's logo
All Game Male "Fight!" Level starting
All Game Male "Clear!" Level completion

Castle Corp[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Knight Male "Free!" Causing a Knight to parachute off the level

Rush[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event Notes
Menu Game Female "Rush" Entering the main menu The sound can be heard when the game has just loaded or when coming back from either a level select, help, scores or credits page

Test Subject Arena[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
All Game Female "Ready? Fight" Starting a level
All Game Female "Blue has won" Blue wins the match
All Game Female "Green has won" Green wins the match
All Game Female "Green is winning" Green has more goo in its spawn cylinder that Blue has
All Game Female "Blue is winning" Blue has more goo in its spawn cylinder than Green has
All Game Female "Subjects are equal" Both Green and Blue has the same amount of goo in their spawn cylinder; this is not said at the start of a match
All Game Female "Sixty seconds remaining" When a minute is left of the match
All Game Female "Thirty seconds remaining" When 30 seconds are left on the timer
All Game Female "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one" This is heard during the last ten seconds of the match. Each number is said when that number is come to on the timer
All Game Female "Draw" When the match ends with both players having the same amount of goo

Steamlands[edit | edit source]

These speaking characters appear and talk only during the shop portion of the level.

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event Notes
Gun Shop, Unarmed, The Mirror of Venus, Hook Line and Sinker, Voyage of the Titanic, You're the best around! Mechanic Male "What can I do for you, mate?" Accessing a level with his shop on it
Bargain Hunt, Assembly and Assimilation, Mr. Fix It, Steel and Gunpowder, Grab and Run, The Pitter-Patter of Shells, Rearrangements Rich British Man Male "My prices are most agreeable!" Accessing a level with his shop on it
Top Down, Bang on Time, Trading Cards Rich British Woman Female "What my lovely?" Accessing a level with her shop on it The quote for this level seems unusual, as it sounds as though she is responding to a question from the player
Sky's the Limit, Right Back at You, Rain and Hail, Big Ben Salesman Male "Hacha wanna gut here" Accessing a level with his shop on it The quote was likely meant to mean "What [you] want [to] get here" with "Hacha" being a variant of the slang "What ya"
Yoga Flame, The Hatchet Brothers, Mjolnir, Battle Engine Blackhammer, Punch Buggy, Descent British Army Pilot Male "Come on sonny, I ain't got all day" Accessing a level with his shop on it
Man of Steel, Like a Butterfly Strong Man Male "Beeno breetners for you doctor" Accessing a level with his shop on it The quote was possibly meant to be "Clean your sneakers for you doctor"
The Escourt, Ricochets, Leave no man behind, Big Jobs, Progression, Armed Guard, Endurance Drifter Male "I've got goods from across the world"

Nitrome Must Die[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Menu Game Male "Nitrome Must Die" Accessing the menu
Challenge floors Game Male "Challenge" Starting a Challenge floor
Lift Game Group of males "Yeah!" Gambling the score
Lift Game Group of males "Hmm"
Lift Game Group of males "Oooh!" Banking the score

The Bucket[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Startup Game British male "Hey, this isn't the game I ordered" Lifting the game's cartridge out of the box

Rainbogeddon[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Menu Game Female "Play" Heard when hovering over the "Play" button
Menu Game Female "Help" Heard when hovering over the "Help" button
Menu Game Female "Scores" Heard when hovering over the "Scores" button
Menu Game Female "Credits" Heard when hovering over the "Credits" button
All Game Female "Rest in peace player one" When the first player dies
All Game Female "Rest in peace player two" When the second player dies
All Game Female "Level Up" When the player collects a power up they currently have
All Game Female "Multiplier times two" When the player gets "Multiplier x2"
All Game Female "Multiplier times three" When the player gets "Multiplier x3"
All Game Female "Multiplier times four" When the player gets "Multiplier x4"
All Game Female "End of multiplier" When the player's multiplier ends, which causes the words "End of multiplier" to appear
All Game Female "Finish" When the player collects all the pills in a level
All Game Female "Bomb" When the player gets the Bomb power up
All Game Female "Bullet" When the player gets the Bullet power up
All Game Female "Heart" When the player gets the Heart power up
All Game Female "Bubble" When the player gets the Bubble power up
All Game Female "Teleport" When the player gets the Teleport power up
All Game Female "Drill" When the player gets the Drill power up
All Game Female "Level (current level)" When the player starts a level, which includes instructions for the item in the level. The word "Level" is pronounced along with the name of the number, the number pronounced being the number that level is, for example, the number pronounced would be "one" if the level was level 1

Bad Ice-Cream 2[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Character select Vanilla ice cream character Male voice "Vanilla" When vanilla is selected
Character select Strawberry ice-cream character Raspy male voice "Strawberry" When strawberry is selected
Character select Chocolate ice-cream character Deep male voice "Chocolate" When chocolate is selected
Character select Sorbet ice-cream character Female voice "Sorbet" When sorbet is selected
Character select Mint choc-chip ice-cream character Male voice "Mint choc-chip" When mint choc-chip is selected
Character select Bubble gum ice-cream character Male voice "Bubble gum" When bubble gum is selected

Test Subject Complete[edit | edit source]

Incomplete section

This section is incomplete. You can help by adding the missing info.

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event Notes
Game's opening cinematic Unknown, presumably The Machine Male "Welcome Doctor Nastidious" (Nastidious pronounced Na-stid-ee-us) The opening of the game, after the startup The opening is actually the ending of Test Subject Green
Menu Rex209 Female "Test Subject Complete" Menu being accessed
1 Rex209 Female "Welcome aboard Blue" Blue starting level 1 This is the only level which includes this quote
All Rex209 Female "Sleep mode activated" Blue begins to sleep Blue sleeps after the player has not controlled the game for a certain amount of time
All Rex209 Female "Reconstruction in process" Blue is killed
8-17, 19-25 Rex209 Female "Scanning proximity... clear" Blue rises out of a transporter
18 Mercenary Male "Huh?" The mercenary passes the cylinder Blue is under
19 The Machine Male "Active scan operational. Search and destroy escaping enzyme." The start of level 19 Most of the quote is almost inaudible, notably the words "Active scan" and "escaping"
19-25 The Machine Male "You cannot hide forever" When the player hides for a moderate amount of time behind the metal that protects him/her from The Machine's laser
19-25 The Machine Male "I will destroy you" When The Machine fires its lasers and fails killing the player four times
19-25 The Machine Male "Stand still" When the player causes the reticule to come close to them, but the player moves to another location farther away from the previous location. This done three times will cause The Machine to say this Due to the requirements for this quote to be said, it is possible to complete Test Subject Complete without hearing it, as the requirements for the quote are encountered rarely. This quote is most easily heard on level 23
Level Speaker Gender Quote Event Notes
End of level 17 (cutscene) Rex209 Female "I'm sorry Blue, the Professor is dead" Blue shocked at the Professor's dead body
End of level 25 (cutscene) Rex209 Female "It has been a pleasure serving you. Doctor Nastidious must be stopped. The professor is the only one that can help. You know what you have to do. Shutting down." Blue jumps out of Rex209 Doctor Nastidious's name (Doc-tor Nas-tid-ee-us) is mispronounced Doctormestidies (Doc-tor-mes-tid-ees). Along with this, the final sentence requires very very close listening to Rex209's voice, as what was intended to be "Shutting down" is instead pronounced "Shallbeweln" (shall-be-weln)
26-30 Mercenary Male "Huh?" A mercenary spots the Professor. This is a different "Huh?" then for level 19
30 The Machine Male "Fire laser" The Machine is firing its laser and is being ridden by Dr. Nastidious
30 The Machine Male "Enemy located!" The Machine drops from the ceiling, when he spots the professor
30 Game Female "Self destruct sequence activated" Dr. Nastidious activates that Self destruct sequence
30 Game Female "Self destruct in T-minus thirty seconds" The professor has thirty seconds to get out of Dr. Nastidious's exploding base
30 Game Female "Self destruct in T-minus twenty seconds" The professor has twenty seconds to get out of Dr. Nastidious's exploding base
30 Game Female "Self destruct in T-minus ten seconds" The professor has ten seconds to get out of Dr. Nastidious's exploding base

Ditto[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Ending Girl and the reflection Female "Noooooooooo... ...ooooooooooN" While vanishing by the mirror, with the girl left shocked

Bump Battle Royale[edit | edit source]

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Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Game Menu Narrator Male "Welcome to Bump Battle Royale!" When the player enters the menu screen
Start a level Narrator Male "3, 2, 1, battle!" When the player enters a level
In a level Narrator Male "xxx(a contestant) is falling!" When a contestant falls off stage
In a level Narrator Male "xxx(a contestant) is out!" When a contestant falls off stage
In a level Narrator Male "You lose!" When a player lose in a round
In a level Narrator Male "Better luck next time!" When a player lose in a game
In a level Narrator Male "You win!/player x/red team/blue team wins! xxx(accolates)!" When a player or a team wins in a round

Gunbrick (mobile)/Gunbrick: Reloaded[edit | edit source]

Level Speaker Gender Quote Event
Pack 1 - Cutscene 3 Gunbrick dude Male "Yeehaw!" When the Gunbrick dude goes to the Pack 2's location
Ending Gunbrick dude Male "Woo Hoo! Awright!" When the Gunbrick dude celebrates the defeat of the Brain ring

Trivia[edit | edit source]