Shovel Knight (character)

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Shovel Knight[1] is the main character of Shovel Knight Dig, he is also main protagonist of indie game series (his favorite halloween indie game custom is mummy) and by extension, the original game. He was created by Yacht Club Games.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Lifting his design from his base game, Shovel Knight wears a set of armor called the Stalwart Plate, which consists of a blue helmet with horns, blue body armor with gold edges, which fits his round body, and his short stature. He wields his iconic weapon which he is named after, the Shovel Blade.

History[edit | edit source]

Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope[edit | edit source]

In his original game, Shovel Knight is a famous knight who went on many adventures with his friend and partner, Shield Knight. He shares a rivalry with one of the game's characters, Black Knight, who was once an ally of Shovel Knight. When he and Shield Knight visited the Tower of Fate during one of their adventures to destroy a dangerous Amulet that contained an extreme amount of supernatural power, Shovel Knight failed to catch up with his partner, and a large surge of magic caused Shovel Knight to pass out. When he woke up, Shield Knight was missing, and the Tower was sealed. Grieved, Shovel Knight retired himself from any more adventuring.

But when the game's main villain, The Enchantress engulfed his homeland, The Valley, with her powers, Shovel Knight embarked on an adventure to face of the Order of No Quarter, a group consisting of eight villainous knight that each have their own base of operations. Reaching the Tower of Fate, he finally faced off the Enchantress, who turned out to be Shield Knight under the Amulet's influence. Shovel Knight rescued her, then managed to destroy what's left of the Amulet, and escaped the crumbling Tower while being aided by Black Knight, with Shield Knight following.

Shovel Knight Dig[edit | edit source]

In this game, prior to the main game's events, Shovel Knight's loot is stolen by the Hexcavators, after being ambushed by them. They dig deep underground into the Well, a massive pit that leads deep below the Valley's crust. As Shovel Knight digs deeper and deeper, he encounters many more members of the Hexcavators, each in their own environment. He is also aided by Shield Knight and her pet owl, Altius. It's also revealed that Shovel Knight's bag of loot contains one of the Stones of Fate, which are gems tainted with darkness.

Depending on how the game is played, there are different endings. If the player presses on without Shield Knight and outright fights Drill Knight to reclaim Shovel Knight's loot, he will escape with Shield Knight as the whole place caves in, and the two are celebrated for their victory by the denizens of the Valley. But in order to get the real ending, Shovel Knight will have to use Altius to initiate a lengthy quest, which involves collecting every single dark gemstone. He will also acquire the Omega Driver, which is vital to dismantling Drill Knight's machinery, without actually brawling with him. Once that is done, the machine will malfunction and reveal the way to the game's final setting, the Crystal Core. Here, the Amulet is revealed for the first time, and the Enchantress escapes, initiating the final boss fight between the two knights and a monstrous Drill Knight. After being successfully defeated, the Enchantress is trapped again in the Amulet. The Stones of Fate, which were used to access the Crystal Core, soon cause the Tower of Fate to rise from the depths, so Shovel Knight and Shield Knight make an escape. Drill Knight, and the Hexcavators too manage to flee. With the Tower having risen, Shovel Knight and Shield Knight go on another adventure to the Tower of Fate to destroy the amulet, setting the stage for Shovel of Hope. Another ending can be realised, if Shovel Knight doesn't collect all dark gemstones, but manages to finish the Drill Knight boss fight using the Omega Driver. Here, the lock to the Crystal Core malfunctions, so Drill Knight tries to destroy it, presumably perishing as Shovel Knight and Shield Knight safely escape.

Game information[edit | edit source]

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Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Shovel Knight's dialogue identifies his name as Shovel Knight.