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Hunter[1] is a character in Shovel Knight Dig.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

Hunter can be encountered on the Surface walking through the campsite and sitting at the campfire talking to other characters. He can also be encountered in The Well, where he will give Shovel Knight a Relic. The Relic Shovel Knight is given can be the same as the one currently possessed.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

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Careful, boy. One false step in that hole, and... snap! You and all your things belong to The Well, now. I seen it happen.

- Hunter when talked to when walking through the campsite

Hunter: And so, roused by the vicar's curse, the ancient ones shambled forth. When the blood moon hangs high, our hunt shall begin.
Lamp Lighter: ...what in the world are you talking about?

- Discussion between Hunter and Lamp Lighter at the campfire

I'm sure if I go just a bit further down, I'll find a ladder or something to use as a shortcut. That's how it usually works, right?

- When talked to again in The Well after receiving his item

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Name appears when talked to.