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Boneclangs[1] are enemies in Shovel Knight Dig.

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Normal Boneclangs are encountered in Mushroom Mines while two Boneclang variants are encountered elsewhere: Boneclang Bombskulls are only found in Mushroom Mines while Boneclang Helmeteers are only found in The Grub Pit. In exceedingly rare circumstances, normal Boneclangs can be found in Smeltworks and Boneclang Bombskulls can be found in Magic Landfill.

Normal Boneclangs are initially stationary, but when in proximity of Shovel Knight they will move around. When Shovel Knight is standing on the same platform they are on and they are a moderate distance from him, they will move around, and when he approaches them they will walk backwards.

Boneclang Bombskull explosive heads when flung will inflict damage on any enemies they hit.

Boneclang skulls[edit | edit source]

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When normal Boneclangs are killed, their skull will drop on the ground, which can be flung with a Shovel Slash and inflicts 1 HP of damage on contact before breaking. These skulls can also be Shovel Dropped, where they will propel Shovel Knight a short bit upwards then break. Boneclang skulls can also be encountered laying on the ground in Mushroom Mines, Secret Fountain, and Magic Landfill and can also be found in these stages near yellow chests.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Yacht Club Games: Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope Official Enemy Names, 3 Jan 15, retrieved 20 Oct 22.