Nitrome Wiki:Rainbogeddon/CharChar2352

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Templates completed: 3

Bomba![edit | edit source]

I chose to make this template like this because I think it brings out the damper, slimier side of the game, as well as metallic.

Bad Ice-Cream[edit | edit source]

I think this definitely shows the different flavours of ice-cream in the game quite well.

Nanobots[edit | edit source]

I love the way Nitrome created this futuristic dark game called Nanobots, and I believe that style is represented here well.

Talk[edit | edit source]

I apologise that I didn't colour some templates these past few weeks, my computer was down due to my family moving house.

Marooned Miner.pngCharChar is coming... Marooned Miner.png

07:59, May 24, 2012 (UTC)