Ice blocks (Bad Ice-Cream)

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This article is about ice blocks from Bad Ice-Cream. For ice blocks from Cold Storage, please see Ice blocks (Cold Storage).

Ice blocks are interactive objects used by the ice cream characters in the game Bad Ice-Cream.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ice blocks are light blue in hue, with lighter lines stretching diagonally to show reflection. They are cubic with rounded corners.

Game information[edit | edit source]

They sometimes are already on a level, but the player is able to create ice blocks with the action key and break them whenever or if they want to. The ice cream characters also fire them out of their mouth as defense/attack.

Snow machines, mimic aliens and warthogs are the only three hazards and enemies, respectively, that are able to create ice blocks other than the ice cream characters.

Any normal enemy will be blocked off by it, but the duck and boot can jump over them, and mosquitoes will fly over them. Also, the orange, green and blue squids are able to smash them with their head, starfish and red starfish can smash into them, same goes with udder cows and boots, and sandworms will eat when they come up from the ground, mimic aliens will destroy them when mimicking you, and crusher ice blocks and narwhals can crush ice blocks by smashing into them.

As for fruit, peppers can melt them by moving into them, and coffee beans can hide inside them. All fruits apart from peppers can be concealed in ice blocks.

The fire balls fired from volcanoes can melt ice blocks upon contact. Ice eaters can absorb ice blocks and later fire them at the player as bullets. Finally, cannons can fire ice cream characters, momentarily giving them the ability to crush ice blocks while they are flying through the air.