Under Dwell/Quotes

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A list of quotes used in levels of Under Dwell

Level 1: My First Cannon[edit | edit source]

  • Icebreaker: Ahhhhhhhhhhh here at last!
  • Icebreaker: In the Viking stronghold of -Underdwell-
  • Viking in cannon: Mumble
  • Icebreaker: Errrrrrrrrm...
  • Icebreaker: Hello...?
  • Viking in cannon: Mumble mumble
  • Viking in cannon: Mumble mumble mumble mumble!
  • Icebreaker: Oh...
  • Icebreaker: Right...
  • Icebreaker: You're stuck in the cannon and you can't breathe...
  • Viking in cannon: MUMBLE...

Level 2: A Close Shave[edit | edit source]


Level 3A: Magic Touch[edit | edit source]


Level 3B: Gravity of the Gods[edit | edit source]

  • Shopkeeper: Welcome to my shop, friend!
  • Shopkeeper: So I know what you're thinking...
  • Icebreaker: You do?
  • Shopkeeper: You're thinking, this game works great and all-
  • Shopkeeper: ...but where's the tilt, right?
  • Icebreaker: Oh yeah, tilt! I forgot about tilt!
  • Icebreaker: I 'need' tilt in this game already!
  • Shopkeeper: Fear not, friend. I have the answer!
  • Shopkeeper: -GRAVITY- OF THE GODS!
  • Shopkeeper: Activate this power and anything that's important to you...will be put in a handy bubble that's affected by...
  • Icebreaker: Tilt?
  • Shopkeeper: That's right, friend!
  • Shopkeeper: Now doesn't that sound like something you can't live without?
  • Icebreaker: I don't know...it sounds kind of gimmicky?
  • Shopkeeper: Whoah... Gimmicky?
  • Shopkeeper: That hurts, friend!
  • Shopkeeper: Let me prove this to you...I'm activating you one for 'free!'.
  • Shopkeeper: Now don't thank me...just go ahead and -click it!-
  • Shopkeeper: Now, you go ahead and try it out on this special level I've made for ya!

After completing the level

  • Shopkeeper: So what do ya think?
  • Icebreaker: Tilt tilt! Tilt tilt!
  • Shopkeeper: Ok ok [sic], I can see you're excited! When you're ready, just come by the shop.

Level 4: Drop and Roll[edit | edit source]


Level 5: Rocket Fuel[edit | edit source]


Level 6: Steam Powered[edit | edit source]


Level 7A: Shipwreck[edit | edit source]


Level 7B: Love Triangle[edit | edit source]


Level 7C: Hot Air Joyride[edit | edit source]


Skull: Prepare yourselves for the thrills and spills of...


icebreaker: I don't have time for this!

Skull: It's got crows...?

Icebreaker: Tempting... But...

Icebreaker: I'm on a quest, you see!

Skull: It's still in -beta- whilst we iron out the bugs...

Skull: Small chance of "death" and whatnot... so it's free!

Icebreaker: FREE YOU SAY!?!

icebreaker: ...Oh, what the heck... the quest isn't going anywhere!

Level 8A: Going In Circles[edit | edit source]


Level 8B: Target Practice[edit | edit source]


Level 9: Sounds of the Sea[edit | edit source]


Level 10: Power Up[edit | edit source]

Icebreaker: HEY!?!

Icebreaker: That stone ship looks just like mine!

Icebreaker: Hmmmmmmm...

Icebreaker: What a suspicious coincidence!!!

Power Gate[edit | edit source]

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Before completing the level Power Up
Icebreaker: OK... OK... how many coins do I owe you now?
Icebreaker: Hang on... where's the gatekeeper?
Icebreaker: Drat, how am I supposed to get this gate open?
Icebreaker: Hello... what's this handy switch?
Icebreaker: This might do the trick!
Doorbell: -Buzz- Gate opening sequence initialising -Buzz-
Icebreaker: NICE!
Doorbell: -Buzz- ...ERROR... ERROR... -Buzz-
Doorbell: -Buzz- Insufficient power -Buzz-
Doorbell: -Buzz- Generator not activated -Buzz-
Icebreaker: Hmmmmmm?
Icebreaker: I guess I will have to go back to the map and find this generator!
After completing the level Power Up
Icebreaker: Wow, that generator looked older than an iphone 3G!
Icebreaker: I hope it still works... Oh well, here goes nothing!
Doorbell: -Buzz- ...Gate opening sequence initialising... -Buzz-
Icebreaker: Come on... Come on...
(The gate opens)
Doorbell: -Buzz- ...Gate opening sequence complete... -Buzz-
Icebreaker: Phew!
Icebreaker: Erm... excuse me... Do you know what else the power has turned on?
Doorbell: -Buzz- ...Gate opening sequence complete... -Buzz-
Icebreaker: Do you say anything else?
Doorbell: -Buzz- ...Gate opening sequence complete... -Buzz-
Icebreaker: Not annoying at all!
Icebreaker: Oh well, I'm sure I will figure this power stuff out by myself.
Come back after opening the gate
Icebreaker: Hello, I'm back and I have a question...
Doorbell: -Buzz- ...Gate opening sequence complete... -Buzz-
Icebreaker: Ah yes, I remember now... you're a man of few words!
Icebreaker: Never mind!

Level 11: Like Clockwork[edit | edit source]

icebreaker: HEY CHIEF!

Icebreaker: What are you doing up there?

Village Chief: None of your business!

Village Chief: ...Uhhhhhhhhm...

Village Chief: What I meant was...

Village Chief: Hello there,my boy :)

Village Chief: Don't panic...

Village Chief: But I think I might have knocked it a little...

Village Chief: ...And broke the mechanism!

Village Chief: Ho hum "Butter fingers"

Icebreaker: But...But...

Village Chief: We'll make an -icebreaker- out of you yet,my boy!

Village Chief: Even if it kills you...

Level 12: Forward Roll[edit | edit source]


Level 13A: Getting Stuck[edit | edit source]


Level 13B: Kill a Troll[edit | edit source]

Skull: Roll up! Roll up!

Skull: Kill a troll,win a doll!

Icebreaker: Is it important to my quest?

Skull: Well...Uhhhh...No.

Skull: But you get a plush toy!

Icebreaker: Plush toy!?!

Icebreaker: Are you trying to capitalize on me?

Skull: Hey,an undead skull Viking has to make his living somehow!

Skull: Plus,I'm only one installment away from buying back my flesh!

Icebreaker: Buying back your... ...What?!?...

Icebreaker: Is that a plush -cutting master - I see over there?

Icebreaker: -Awesome- I've gotta get it!

Level 14: Cave Trolls[edit | edit source]

Icebreaker: I knew this would happen when we came down here!

Icebreaker: Stinking cave trolls!

Icebreaker: Wouldn't be such a dilemma if they didn't fly about pooping everywhere!

Icebreaker: They better stay away from my boat!

Level 15: Troll Nest[edit | edit source]


Level 16: A Link To The Blast[edit | edit source]


Level 17: Ready the Cannons[edit | edit source]


Level 18: Turn Off the Light[edit | edit source]

After all Torches are extinguished
Ghost: Whoooooo... Folloooow meeee!

Level G1: Second Haunting[edit | edit source]

After all Torches are extinguished
Ghost: Whoooooo... Thisss waaaay!

Level G2: Ghost in the Machine[edit | edit source]

After all Torches are extinguished

Ghost: Finaaaally...

Blacksmith: Waaaaargh!
Blacksmith: It feels so good to be back in my old body again!
Icebreaker: ...Huh! I'm not even sure what went on here???
Blacksmith: I'm -The Blacksmith-
Blacksmith: Well... 'Jack of All Trades', truth be told!
Blacksmith: Not a lot of difference what you're working with, after a while!
Blacksmith: Metal, wood, stone- ...flesh... Icebreaker: ?!?!?
Blacksmith: So... Funny story.
Blacksmith: I had this little injury a while back...
Blacksmith: Hammer was a bit too "powerful"
Blacksmith: Never mind I thought... I can stitch that!
Blacksmith: I had a few spare bodies lying around... As you do!
Blacksmith: Next thing you know... I've only gone and died!
Blacksmith: To make matters worse, there's all of these -enchanted torch things- lying around.
Blacksmith: Seems a bit tricky... Given the situation...
Icebreaker: And that's where I came in, right?
Blacksmith: Sure thing! If you hadn't come by, I don't know what I would've done!
Icebreaker: Happy to help :)
Blacksmith: Well, if you ever need any boat repairs, or fancy a set of hands, look me up!
Blacksmith: I'll give you a good price!

Level 19: Da Bomb[edit | edit source]


Level 20A: Hitting the Spot[edit | edit source]


Gate Keeper 1[edit | edit source]

Before opening the gate

Gate Keeper's Mom: Errm...

Gate Keeper's Mom: None Shall Pass!

Gate Keeper: Oh mother!?! You won't get any money from people like that!

Gate Keeper's Mom: I'm trying my best, dear...

Gate Keeper: Well... My bags are packed, so it's no longer my problem!

Gate Keeper: Goodbye forever, mother!

If the player declines the offer

Gate Keeper's Mom: Come back if you change your mind.

If the player accepts the offer

Gate Keeper's Mom: Bye darling...

Gate Keeper's Mom: See you soon!

After paying the Gate Keeper

Icebreaker: I thought you were leaving?

Gate Keeper: I 'am' leaving!

Gate Keeper: But mother insisted on giving a meal ... before I left.

Gate Keeper's Mom: I don't want you wasting away, dear!

Level T1: Boom Boom Boom[edit | edit source]


Level T2: The Fortress[edit | edit source]


Level 20B: Swing Boat Ride[edit | edit source]

Skull: Profits are up, boss!

Skull: We've got some real word of mouth happening...

Skull: Since people stopped 'dying' on the attractions.

Icebreaker: Wait... boss? Chief, are you involved in this?

Village Chief: Ah hello, my boy! Erm... this looks bad, doesn't it?

Icebreaker: Dealing with the undead to profit on a quest you sent me on...

Icebreaker: YEAH, KINDA!

Village Chief: Word has spread of a 'Young Icebreaker!'

Village Chief: And you have become quite popular on the Internet!

Village Chief: And... anywat, I'm not the worst!

Village Chief: Some developer is on about turning your selfless quest...

Village Chief: Into a game for -mobile devices- of all things!?!

Icebreaker: That is sooooo coooool... man, I'm gonna be famous!

Village Chief: ...Phew... think I got away with it!

Level 21: Dig It[edit | edit source]


Level 22: Squash Blocks[edit | edit source]


Level 23: Catapaults[edit | edit source]

Village Chief: That nitwit!

Village Chief: Yes, he's actually saving the other Vikings!

Village Chief: But the traps!?!

Village Chief: He's managed to fumble his wat through so far.

Village Chief: We have a plan!

Icebreaker: Chief, is that you?

Village Chief: !?!

Icebreaker: And who are you talking to?

Icebreaker: Oh boy!... Did you bring the Cutting Master?

Village Chief: ...Calm down, my boy... I'm just mumbling to myself!

Village Chief: ...Ignore me... I must be losing it in my old age!

Level 24: Service Please[edit | edit source]


Level H0: Treasure Hunt[edit | edit source]

If no item collected

Icebreaker: You!?!

Icebreaker: After my money again, I suppose?

Gate Keeper: Actually, I'm done with all that...

Gate Keeper: I'm done with everyone!

Icebreaker: !

Icebreaker: Really?

Gate Keeper: Sure. In fact, let me help you!

Icebreaker: Erm, okay... How?

Gate Keeper: You see those symbols up there?

Gate Keeper: They represent three important items!

Gate Keeper: They are hidden within ice in this pack!

Icebreaker: Let me guess...

Icebreaker: You want me to find them and bring them back here?

Gate Keeper: Bingo, buddy!

Gate Keeper: So take a good look before you leave, ok?

Without all items collected

Gate Keeper: Well done, buddy!

Gate Keeper: You're doing well, but there's more to get!

Icebreaker: !?!

Gate Keeper: *sigh* What are you waiting for?

Gate Keeper: Go get the rest!

All items collected

Gate Keeper: Thanks, buddy!

Gate Keeper: Now I can finally eat!

Icebreaker: Erm... I thought these were important?

Gate Keeper: THEY ARE!

Gate Keeper: I was starving.

Gate Keeper: Take that, mother! I can fend for myself!

Icebreaker: Wait !?!

Icebreaker: I thought 'you' were supposed to be doing 'me' a favour?

Gate Keeper: RELAX!

Gate Keeper: Once I'm done here, we can swing by my house...

Gate Keeper: Play some games and stuff!

Icebreaker: Erm...

Icebreaker: Awesome?

Come back after all items collected

Gate Keeper: Hey buddy!

Icebreaker: So... Your house!?!

Gate Keeper: Yeah yeah... Nearly finished!

Gate Keeper: You go ahead I'll meet you there!

Level H1: Open Sesame[edit | edit source]

Before completing the level

Gate Keeper: The door's locked, but I know another way in!

Gate Keeper: Well, actually...

Gate Keeper: I may need your help!

Icebreaker: !?!

Gate Keeper: *sigh* What's wrong with a simple key under a pot anyway?

Gate Keeper: 'Why' did we need the...

Gate Keeper: 'Puzzle' protection system?


Gate Keeper: *sob*... If mum was here, she'd know what to do!

Icebreaker: !?!

Gate Keeper: So there's an entrance, hidden under the house.

Icebreaker: !

Gate Keeper: There must be a way to wedge it open!

After completing the level
Gate Keeper: I can't believe that worked!

Gate Keeper: ...yay... I've missed this place!

Gate Keeper: LET'S GO!

Level H2: Home Sweet Home[edit | edit source]

Before completing the level

Gate Keeper: *sob*... So this is my home!

Gate Keeper: Or it was until 'he' left us!...

Gate Keeper: I never was good enough for him!

Gate Keeper: So what if a viking doesn't have a beard? Big deal!

Icebreaker: ...

Gate Keeper: I'll show him! Not that I'm bitter!

Gate Keeper: I'm successful... I have my gate... I don't need help from anyone!

Gate Keeper: Hey, I'm hungry! Are you hungry?

Icebreaker: Sure am! What do you have?

Gate Keeper: MUM... WHAT'S TO EAT?

Gate Keeper: ...Oh right... She's not here... *sob*

After completing the level
Gate Keeper: You know buddy, it's been swell...

Gate Keeper: But to be honest, I can't see this working!

Icebreaker: !

Gate Keeper: I get the feeling saving your 'vikings'...

Gate Keeper: Is somehow 'more' important to you than me! *sob*

Icebreaker: Well it is... kind of... my quest?

Gate Keeper: Quest smest! I've had it with you, buddy!

Gate Keeper: I'm going back to mum!

Gate Keeper: She must miss me by now! *sob*

Gate Keeper 2[edit | edit source]

Before opening the gate


Icebreaker: Don't you think you should come up with a new line?

Gate Keeper: Bulid your own toll wall, and you can say what you like!

Gate Keeper: Until then... Pay up!

Icebreaker: Sure... Cash or cheque?

Gate Keeper: Funny man... Exact change only!

If the player declines the offer

Gate Keeper: Come back if you change your mind.

If the player accepts the offer

Gate Keeper's Mom: Have a safe journey, dear!

Icebreaker: See you later Mrs ...Erm... Gatekeeper's mum!

After paying the Gate Keeper

Gate Keeper's Mom: ...My darling... Your little friend's back!

Gate Keeper: I see that, mother. I'm outside.

Gate Keeper: Can I help you?

Icebreaker: I guess not!

Gate Keeper: Go then!

Level 25: The Serpent[edit | edit source]

Before defeating the Serpent

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Skull: Be the first to try our newest attraction.
Skull: Zero "deaths" to date!
Skull: MWA HA HA HA...
Vikings: HELP!

After defeating the Serpent

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Icebreaker: You reign of theme park tyranny is over!
Icebreaker: You undead uhhhhhh... skeleton thing!
Skull: Hey, don't blame me!
Skull: I enjoy inflicting pain and suffering... (in a comical way)
Skull: As much as the next evil undead minion!
Skull: But if you have a problem, talk to my manager.
Icebreaker: ...Okay then... maybe I will!
Skull: Just be warned, though! He has the strength of 1000 men...
Skull: and a temper to match!
Icebreaker: YIKES!

Cinematic[edit | edit source]

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(Icebreaker: OMG! I can't believe I get to share a trophy with my idol!!!)

(Village Chief: -One trophy- Coming right up!)

Chief: Time to take off this -darn hat!-

Chief: ...Ahhhhhhh... That's better!

Troll Head: I was getting claustrophobic.

Troll Head: And you know, I hate the dark!

Chief: If you're quite finished...

Chief: Let's summon the -mighty wind!-

Troll Head: And get rid of the vikings once and for all!

Troll Head: MWAHAHAHA!

Troll Head: It's over... They're gone...

Troll Head: Trolls rule the land once more!

Troll Head: Now I don't need that ridiculous disguise!

Chief: Don't be so hasty, you fool!

Chief: We'd better check before celebrating!

Troll Head: Look, I know what I'm doing...

Chief: I think it's time for you to get -back in the hat!-

Troll Head: NO... NO...