Troll Marsh

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Troll Marsh is the second level pack in Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage. This level pack contains thirty-nine levels.

Story[edit | edit source]

The entire map of the level pack, with the exception of level 13C: Finger of the Gods, 19B Magnet of the Gods and two other levels missing

When a mysterious wind sweeps almost all the Vikings away, the icebreaker is the only one left in the village to rescue them. He journeys to the Troll Marsh to save any Vikings as well as rescuing the Cutting Master.

Levels[edit | edit source]

Level 1: Troll Cave[edit | edit source]

Troll Cave
IBcoin.png x: 6
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 1
Accessed: Complete The Cutting Master in Hammerfest

The level introduces the troll, an enemy that appears frequently throughout this pack. It is situated at the end of a hill just before the longboat. Dangling from ropes attached to the ceiling are a chest, a box and a Viking. The goal is to get the Viking down without having him make contact with the troll.

To get the level in par, the player can only use one cut. This cut should go across all three ropes simultaneously, pushing each object into another while getting the Viking down safely.

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Level 2: Death Awaits Below[edit | edit source]

Death Awaits Below
IBcoin.png x: 5
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 2
Accessed: Complete level 1 Troll Cave

The player should drop the jagged block of ice as a shield from the spikes below. To earn par, the player should cut the hammer and rope simultaneously. The treasure chest can be released separately for the coin objective.

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Level 3: Chip off the Old Block[edit | edit source]

Chip off the Old Block
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 2
Accessed: Complete level 2 Death Awaits Below

The player should release a large chunk of the ice block on the far rig side. As it reaches the bottom of the hill, it will swing the Viking. Cut the rope to swing the Viking through the coins and into the boat, this strategy getting the player all coins and also par.

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Level 4: The Big Sneeze[edit | edit source]

The Big Sneeze
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 3 Chip off the Old Block

The player should first release the large block of ice. Each time it gets stuck, angle a thin slice so the Viking will still grab coins as he makes his way to the boat, this strategy guaranteeing a four-cut par.

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Gate Keeper 1[edit | edit source]

The player can gain access to this gate after completing The Big Sneeze. In order to pass, they have to pay 30 coins. Passing through the gate provides access to Curious Crevice.

Level T1: Curious Crevice[edit | edit source]

Curious Crevice
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete level 4 The Big Sneeze and pay 30 coins at the first gate

The player should cut the left side of the top block, then release it through the gears. The Viking will rise to the top of the ledge. One cut will earn par, while grabbing the treasure chest will require another cut (which will not earn par).

This level is a reference to Level 40 from Ice Breaker.

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Level T2: Dominoes[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 4
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete level T1 Curious Crevice

The player should cut the rightmost block, causing blocks to cascade and push one Viking into the boat. To obtain the coin objective, drop the treasure chest into the boat, then slice away at the left side of the level. For par, cut the three left blocks simultaneously.

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Level 5: Cliffhanger[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 6
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 2
Accessed: {{{accessed}}}

The player should release enough ice so that the fallen ice gets grabbed by the snot, as the ice falls. Slowly swing leftward until the Viking is over the boat, grabbing coins along the way. Drop the Viking onto the treasure chest to complete the coin objective.

To beat par, only two cuts can be used. The first releases the Viking, while the second has to fling the falling Viking all the way to the boat.

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Level 6: Do a Barrel Roll[edit | edit source]

Do a Barrel Roll
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 5 Cliffhanger

The player should angle the treasure chest into the boat, if they are trying to attain the coin objective. Otherwise, cut the entire right leg into the water. Release a huge chunk of ice to grab the Viking. After the contraption flips, release the Viking from the snot and into the boat.

This level is a reference to Level 15 from Ice Breaker.

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Level 7: Isle of Goat[edit | edit source]

Isle of Goat
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete Do a Barrel Roll or Dominoes

This level features multiple objectives, three in total. For coins, slice the top Viking leftward to grab the top two coins, then angle the frozen Viking through the bottom coin.

For par, cut a big chunk of ice into the boat before cutting it down to size. Again, unhappy goats here. The final objective is to save the goats: To do so, drop the top goat into the gap. Save the top Viking, then angle the goats into the Goat Herder's boat.

Alternate objective: Get all Goats back to the Goat Herder's boat in order to get a golden puzzle piece, which provides access to level G1 Snotball.

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Level G1: Snotball[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 1
Accessed: Obtain the golden puzzle piece by getting all the Goats back to the Goat Herder's boat in level 7 Isle of the Goat

The player should slice the treasure chest to spin the ball counterclockwise, knocking the goats and chest into the shepherd’s boat. Now spin the ball to get the Vikings into their boat. For par, ignore the goats and chest and focus solely on the Vikings.

Alternate objective: Get all the Goats back to the Goat Herder's boat in order to gain a golden puzzle piece, which allows access to level G2 Angry Goats

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Level G2: Angry Goats[edit | edit source]

Angry Goats
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 1
Accessed: Get the golden puzzle piece on level G1 Snotball

The player can save the goats by slicing small amounts of ice rightward. Slowly topple the remaining structure leftward to grab coins and save the Viking. For par, make one big cut on the left side.

Alternate objective: Get all Goats back to the Goat Herder's boat in order to gain a golden puzzle piece, which grants access to level G3 Billy Goats Gruff.

This level is a reference to Level 36 from Ice Breaker: The Red Clan.

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Level G3: Billy Goats Gruff[edit | edit source]

Billy Goats Gruff
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 1
Accessed: Get all Goats back to the Goat Herder's boat on G2 Angry Goats

The player should cut the bottom-right block of ice, then the left. As the ice swings, cut off a piece to knock the treasure chest over. The player should also save the goats, then cut the top bridge at the far right. For par, cut both the bridge and right ice block simultaneously.

Alternate objective: Get all Goats back to the Goat Herder's boat in order to get a golden puzzle piece, which grants access to level G4 The Wicker Goat.

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Level G4: The Wicker Goat[edit | edit source]

The Wicker Goat
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 2
Accessed: Get all Goats to the Goat Herder's boat in G3 Billy Goats Gruff

The player should cut the middle bridge and the leftmost rope to set up the escape, then cut the three remaining ropes to set the Vikings free.

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Level 8: Chains[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 2
Accessed: Complete level 7 Isle of the Goat

The player should grab the first two coins by sliding the block rightward, then time the swinging Viking to fall through the third coin, earning a 2-cut par along with the coin objective.

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Level 9: Swingers[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 5
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 2
Accessed: Complete level 8 Chains

The player should release the two left triangles, sending the frozen Viking speeding through both lower coins. Cut the third triangle to fling the whole triangle group into the boat. Two cuts will earn par, but the strategy can also work for grabbing the treasure chest. When the third triangle is cut, the chest will swing. Time this cut to drop it into the boat.

This level is a reference to Level 8 from Ice Breaker.

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Level 10: Chainhenge[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 1
Accessed: Complete level 9 Swingers

The player should cut away at the right pillar to force the treasure chest into the boat, then slowly push the Viking in after it. For a simple 1-cut clear, cut away nearly the entire right pillar.

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Level 11: Cutting Master Returns[edit | edit source]

Cutting Master Returns
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 6
Accessed: Complete level 10 Chainhenge

The player should release the right boulder, then both objects on the left. Once the bounce settles, cut the left again. Finish off with right, right, and left to earn both coin and par objectives. Completing this level unlocks Hammerfest level 6 The Par System in Hammerfest.

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Level 12: Crows[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 2
Accessed: Complete level 11 Cutting Master Returns

The player should release the frozen Vikings so the crows will fly with them. When above the leftmost coin, cut one rope from the left Viking to dip him into the two coins there. The right Viking can grab the final coin. For the 2-cut par, release both Viking simultaneously then cut all three ropes once they are safely above the boat.

This level is a reference to Level 13 from Ice Breaker.

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Level 13A: Ye Olde Mill[edit | edit source]

Ye Olde Mill
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 12 The Crows

The player should grab the treasure chest by tapping the rightmost crow, causing him to fly away and throw the chest over the boat. For the Viking, cut all three ropes on the left side and the top-right rope held by a crow.

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Level 13B: Crow's Nest[edit | edit source]

Crow's Nest
IBcoin.png x: 6
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 12 The Crows

The player should fall from ship to ship grabbing coins. Be sure to push the treasure chest off the moss with the Viking's second fall. Par is pretty easy if the left and right boats are release with the first cut, opening the door for a long fall over the moss at the end.

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Level 13C: Finger of the Gods[edit | edit source]

Finger of the Gods
IBcoin.png x: 7
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: N/A
Accessed: Complete level 12 The Crows

Since this level has no par, the only alternative objective (other than getting to the Drakkar) is to collect all the coins, which can be done by carefully move the Viking around the level, dodging swinging spiky balls, sharp spikes, and pushing crates out of the Viking's way.

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Level 14A: Feed the Troll[edit | edit source]

Feed the Troll
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 1
Accessed: Complete level 13A Ye Olde Mill

The player should drop the icicles from above to grab the two central coins, then cut the left block, then the right, in order to angle the Viking onto the right slope, yielding the last coin. For par, simply cut both blocks simultaneously and horizontally.

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Level 14B: The Fall and Rise[edit | edit source]

The Fall and Rise
IBcoin.png x: 2
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 13B Crow's Nest

The player should cut the middle rope to drop the platform, slide the Viking onto the slab of ice, then cut away a good chunk of the bottom of the ice to make it light enough to fly upwards. Once above the trap door, release the door while cutting the right Crow’s rope to finish the double-objective - all coins and par on the level.

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Level 15: Big Boned[edit | edit source]

Big Boned
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete level 14B The Fall and Rise or level 14A Feed the Troll

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info. Needed: More descriptive directions on when to drop the viking and treasure chest.
The player should release the sled and watch it slide down the hill. Timing is key as the player drops both Vikings and the treasure chest onto the sled and into the boat.

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Level 16: The Sacrifice[edit | edit source]

The Sacrifice
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 2
Accessed: Complete level 15 Big Boned

The player should cut the troll’s right rope and the below ice platform, by positioning their cut on the rope of the Troll's platform and downward on the ice just left of the treasure chest.

Alternate objective: Cause the Troll to be eaten by the giant head in order to gain a golden puzzle piece, and access to level S1 The Secret Path
The troll should be sacrificed for one objective, the chest into the boat for the second, and the Viking safely down as well. Finish off by sliding the last Viking down the slope for par.

This level is a reference to Level 7 from Ice Breaker.

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Level S1: The Secret Path[edit | edit source]

The Secret Path
IBcoin.png x: 2
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 3
Accessed: Cause the troll to be eaten by the giant head on level 16 The Sacrifice

The player should try to grab the coins on one try, which is as simple as timing swings. For par, however, cut the two outside ropes as quickly as possible, then cut the remaining ropes when the Vikings reach the lowest part of their swings.

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Level S2: The Gorge[edit | edit source]

The Gorge
IBcoin.png x: 4
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete level S1 The Secret Path

The player should very quickly cut next to each Viking, causing the block to fall. Cut the resulting block in half as soon as it touches the walls, hopefully protecting the Vikings from the trolls.

This level is a reference to Level 2 from Ice Breaker.

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Level S3: Afterparty[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 5
Accessed: Complete level S2 The Gorge

The player should (from left to right) drop the second troll, then the first troll, clearing a path on the left side of the level. Follow with the third then fourth trolls, and wait patiently. The player should drop the Viking when the bottom spiked platform and middle-left spike platform are both vertical, and when the upper-left spiked platform is about to hit the player.

This level is a reference to Level 27 from Ice Breaker: The Gathering.

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Level 17: Wood Floats[edit | edit source]

Wood Floats
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 16 The Sacrifice

The player should drop the right wooden block and flip the left. The player should then roll the ice ball all the way across, then release the elevator-like shelf.

Drop the treasure chest as the sphere and pointy ice are lifted up and moving to the left, the dropping of the treasure chest causing the player to obtain the coin objective. For par, cut the three rightmost ropes simultaneously and ignore the treasure chest.

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Level 18: Checking In[edit | edit source]

Checking In
IBcoin.png x: 6
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 17 Wood Floats

The player should quickly slice three downward-angled cuts through the main block of ice, moving the final sled with some speed to the ledge. If the player has an extra cut, they should cut down the treasure chest as well, as this extra cut will allow them to still get par and complete the coin objective.

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Level 19A: Cut the Ice[edit | edit source]

Cut the Ice
IBcoin.png x: 2
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete level 18 Checking In

The player should cut the top rope while the rope is moving to the left in order to release the Viking. The player should cut the two central ropes as they are swinging to the right.

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Level 19B: Magnet of the Gods[edit | edit source]

Magnet Of The Gods
IBcoin.png x: 7
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 0
Accessed: Complete level 18 Checking In

Since this level lacks par, the only objective is to collect coins. To collect all coins, simply release the large chunk of ice surrounding the Viking. It may be beneficial to keep the block large, as it tends to stick at the bottom of the hill, requiring another cut.

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Level 20A: Seesaws[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 7
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 5
Accessed: Complete level 19A Cut the Ice

The player should cut the middle boulder, the one with the Troll. Follow the Troll and save the treasure chest when he causes it to swing. Counting columns from the left, cut three, five, four, two, and five.

Finally, release both the treasure chest and Viking. For par, cut (starting from the left) columns four and eight simultaneously, then two, then one and three simultaneously, four and five, and finally the Viking.

This level is a reference to Level 5 from Ice Breaker: The Gathering.

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Level 20B: Boulderdash[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 4
Accessed: Complete level 19A Cut the Ice

The Moon Apple Logo.png Incomplete section. You can help by adding missing info. Needed: Non par and non coin objective walkthrough is not descriptive enough.
The player should release the boulder with the first cut. Quickly fling the Viking around the level as the boulder chases him. For par, release both the treasure chest and last gate simultaneously. For the coin objective, release the gate then time dropping the chest so the Viking pushes it along.

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Level 21A: The Monolith[edit | edit source]

The Monolith
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete level 20A Seesaws

The player should topple the main tower so it rests atop the boat. Drop the highest up, non-detached Viking on top of it, and slide the treasure chest down the secret passage on the right by making a downwards diagonally right cut.
Cut the ice blocks down to size to help the Icebreaker. For a three-cut par, cut the main block closer to the Vikings, and quickly follow by dropping the top Viking into the sliding block. If both land in the boat, use the last cut to make the blocks small enough to smash.

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Level 21B: Skywire[edit | edit source]

IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 6
Accessed: Complete level 20B Boulderdash

The player should to slowly guide the boat down the track, cutting a single rope at a time. Going slow and steady can yield all coins in six cuts, earning both par and coin objectives.

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Level 22: Chicken Surprise[edit | edit source]

Chicken Surprise
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 1
Accessed: Complete either level 21B Skywire or level 21A The Monolith

The player should cut away both the Viking and Troll’s ice block, sending the troll into the chicken and the Viking into the boat. The treasure chest is easy to obtain in another play of the level, simply cutting it down from its hiding spot above the boat.

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Level 23: The Chicken Coop[edit | edit source]

The Chicken Coop
IBcoin.png x: 3
IBtreasurechest.png x: 1
Par: 3
Accessed: Complete level 22 Chicken Surprise

The player should swing the treasure chest to the right to drop it in the boat. For par, the player should start at the top of the level. Drop the nest and troll simultaneously, followed by the egg and troll below. Release both remaining trolls to add enough bones to the lever to flip the Vikings into the boat.

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Gate Keeper 2[edit | edit source]

Prior to the level 24, the player comes across the Gate Keeper. The player has to pay forty coins in order to pass the Gate Keeper and go on to level 24.

Level 24: The Mountain Troll[edit | edit source]

The Mountain Troll
IBcoin.png x: 0
IBtreasurechest.png x: 0
Par: 8
Accessed: Complete level 23 Chicken Coop and pay forty coins to Gate Keeper 2

Slice both chickens with the first cut, dropping eggs into the troll’s mouth. Cut the right-hand chicken to get your Viking out of the way of the troll’s mouth.
Drop another egg into his mouth, then get out of the way again. It will take three slices to destroy the bubbles, but make sure the left chicken is included with the third cut to drop a final egg into the mouth of the Mountain Troll.

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Cinematic[edit | edit source]

The icebreaker and the Viking chief are in the Drakkar, which is next to a sign that points to the player's left. The Viking chief congratulates the icebreaker on defeating the Mountain Troll. The icebreaker appears confused, being unable to recall telling the chief this, but believes the cause to be from his weariness. The Viking chief tells him that there are more Vikings to rescue in Under Dwell, however, he claims he must return to the village instead of tagging along with the icebreaker. He leaves behind a map with the icebreaker.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The treasure chest on Level 20A: Seesaws gives seven coins instead of the regular three.
  • The music for this level pack is called "Leave Home".[1]
  • The name and structure of Level 21B: Skywire are a reference to the main games of the Skywire series.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Named in the game's files, the song is located in assets/LeaveHome.m4a