Rockets (Icebreaker)

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This article is about rockets from Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage. For rockets from other games, please see Rockets.

Rockets are interactive objects in the game Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage. They first appear in level 5 of Under Dwell.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Rockets consists of an octagon with an octagon frame inside of it. There is an exhaust pipe at the back of the rocket. Inside the octagon frame, there is a circle with two parallel lines beside it, and a line perpendicular to the other two lines goes through the middle but does not go through the circle. When the rocket is cut, a bright blue flame will be lit and wind will be pushed out of the exhaust pipe. This blue flame resembles the torches found later in Under Dwell.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Rockets can be found attached on to certain objects. More than one may be attached. When a rocket is cut, it will propel the object in the direction opposite of the exhaust pipe. Rockets control certain objects that can help the player progress through levels.