Square Bulls (Square Meal)

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This article is about trolls from Square Meal. For trolls from other games, please see Trolls.

Square Bulls formee known Trolls[1] are the main characters of Square Meal. They cameo as enemies in Nitrome Must Die, and appear as passengers in Skywire 2 and Skywire V.I.P..

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Square Bulls appear cubic or rectangular in shape, with legs and horns, one on each side. Trolls have yellow eyes and a mouth with three yellow teeth sticking out of the top. They also have a tongue, though this is only seen when they try to eat a block. When eating an object, their cheeks are puffed out. Their tongues have a round end on it, like a chameleon's tongue.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Square Meal[edit | edit source]

In Square Meal, there are two bull. Player one receives the green One while player two will receive the turquoise one. Despite the fact that they have just legs and not arms, these trolls make use of their tongues when it comes to defending themselves.

Bulls have to simply grab a box with their tongue, and spit it out. If a box is spit at an enemy and impacts it, it will render the enemy unconscious for a short period of time. These blocks can also kill another player if spit it them, or the player if it bounces back. Square will also be rendered unconscious if they come into contact with enemies. Along with blocks, trolls can also ingest food that is scattered around levels for points.

Nitrome Must Die[edit | edit source]

Square Bulls appear in Nitrome Must Die as enemies, appearing on level sets 71-80 and 81-90. Bulls are seen from the side and they appear bulkier and larger than their Square Meal appearance. They also move much slower, slowly taking big steps when walking.

They cannot eat blocks, and do not have any attack, they simply walk slowly in the direction in front of them, turning at walls. Trolls have a high amount of health, having some of the highest health of all enemies in the game. Levels that contain trolls usually focus on just the trolls, having a few pipes for trolls to come out of. Green and blue trolls appear in the game, although green trolls appear more often, and oddly blue trolls do not appear on some levels.

In Square Meal
In Skywire 1, 2 & VIP
In Nitrome Must Die
Green Square Bull SM.png Light Blue SquareBull.png
SWT.png SWT2.png
NMDTroll.png Blue Troll NMD.png

Other appearances[edit | edit source]

Skin appearances[edit | edit source]

  • 100th Game - The green Square Bull is seen walking around a cake, and is next to a corpse of a Mr. snips.
  • Factory - An uncoloured bull is being modeled, and is missing an eye.
  • Party - The green bull appears between other Nitrome characters and has puffed out cheeks.
  • Retro - The bull is seen standing near a bridge which is filled with many aquatic creatures underwater.

Cameos[edit | edit source]

  • Skywire 1, 2 & VIP - The blue and green trolls appear as passengers
  • Onekey - A bull face appears etched in stone
  • Frost Bite 2 - A bull appears as a crudely made snowman
  • Super Treadmill - A blue bull appears as a platform on Day 10 and 27
  • Super Feed Me - A bull action figure appears on a shelf in the underground segments of the greenhouse
  • Shop - A model of the green and blue bull are on a box, with a drawing of the blue bull on the ground

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: Fan Arts and Crafts, 3 Jul 9, retrieved 20 Aug 17.