King Jr.

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King Jr. is a character in Leap Day and Super Leap Day. He is the son of the King.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

King Jr. appears as a pink square with small stubby arms and legs. One his body he has a a large nose, two eyes, a mouth with a single bucktooth, and freckles. On his head he has a tuft of pink hair and a small crown. In Leap Day he sits on a throne with a propeller underneath it that hovers up and down. This throne is gold coloured with pink fabric on the seat and back of the chair.

In Super Leap Day he wears a green cap stylized to look like a bird with his crown on top. He also has actual arms.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Leap Day[edit | edit source]

Incomplete section

This section is incomplete. You can help by adding the missing info. (Needed: Where else he appears.)

King Jr. appears at points in the game to explain content to the player. He appears in the following places:

  • In the first checkpoint room the player enters, in order to explain checkpoints.
  • Upon the player hitting their first power-up block.
  • The player obtaining their first Bronze Cup. He mentions this, then flies to the top of the level to highlight the Gold Cup, then back down to where the player is to highlight the progress bar.

He speaks with a high-pitched accelerated cartoonish voice.

Super Leap Day[edit | edit source]

King Jr. appears as the cashier in the Shop. In this game he speaks with a more gruff cartoonish voice.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Leap Day[edit | edit source]

Incomplete section

This section is incomplete. You can help by adding the missing info. (Needed: Bronze Cup quote, progress bar quote.)

Hey friend, the going is tough [sic], so make sure you save regularly. Headbutt the chest to save your progress.

- First checkpoint room entered

Hey there contestant! Did you know you can get a helpful power up just by watching an advert? Do you want to watch an ad now?

- First power-up block hit

[flies up to Gold Cup]Not far to go to get the Gold Cup.

- First Bronze Cup obtained.

Super Leap Day[edit | edit source]

Incomplete section

This section is incomplete. You can help by adding the missing info. (Needed: If no is selected for donating to the King, and the dialogue after donating.)

Hey buddy! Welcome to the Super Leap Day merch shop!

- Merch shop

Hey buddy. How about donating a little something to get my old man back on his feet?
Yes: Really? That's great! How much would you like to donate?

- Merch shop

Ah <item>, good choice! That will be <number of coins>

- Selecting an item in the shop

Thanks buddy. Hope you enjoy it! Oh, by the way... no refunds!

- Buying a shop item