Coin (Super Leap Day)

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This article is about coins from Super Leap Day. For coins from other games, please see Coins.

Coins are pick-ups in Super Leap Day.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Silver coins appear as small spinning silver coins. Gold coins are gold coloured, larger, and have a circle in the middle.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Coins appear in levels and can be collected by touching them. Two types of coins exist: silver coins and gold coins. Silver coins appear commonly in levels and when a certain amount are collected yield a gold coin. Silver coins can be encountered in a level moving in a specific way or stationary, and in these instances often have a shiny effect.

Gold coins appear rarely and can be used in the shop to buy different shop items. Gold coins can also be obtained after completing the level based off how much fruit was collected in the level. Both coins can be encountered as a red or blue object that can be enabled via a switch and gold coins can also be obtained through collecting 7 coin pieces.