
From The Nitrome Wiki
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56 This user has proudly beaten 56 Nitrome games!
Nes Skin Logo-D.png This user is a fan of Nitrome Enjoyment System games.
Test Subject Complete icon.png This user has beaten the Test Subject series!
NitromeTouchyApp.png This user once owned Nitrome Touchy with the premium upgrade.
Ico flightless.png This user voted for Flightless on Steam Greenlight!
Green Square Bull SM.png This user is a BIG fan of the Square Meal Level Creator.
Ico steamlands-1-.png This user's favorite Nitrome game is Steamlands!

Enemy 585 (Character).png This user is a BIG fan of Find the Mystery!

Hi everybody! I'm Port1967! You might know me from Nitrome or perhaps the Square Meal Level Creator or Find the Mystery. I found Nitrome via Miniclip in 2008 and my first game was Final Ninja. I found the wiki in October/November 2010 but I only made an account on the 6th January 2014.

I'm not as active nowadays as I am focusing on a couple of other wikis that need cleaning up.

My favourite Nitrome game series:

2nd: Ico testsubjectblue.png Ico testsubjectgreen.png Test Subject Complete icon.png Ico testsubjectarena.png Ico testsubjectarena2.png


Ico steamlands.png Ico steamlandsPP.png3rd: Roller Polar icon.png

Top 10 Lists that I've made[edit | edit source]

Elevator=[edit | edit source]

Superyoshibros20's Find the mystery badges[edit | edit source]

Points:710 Badges:,,,,

Poll of the Day[edit | edit source]

These polls are just random polls that I made. I added a new one every day for 100 days.

Poll #1

<poll>Do you agree with my favourite game series?

Poll #2(The results are SO OBVIOUS aren't they)

<poll>What is your favourite type of Wiki Badge? Bronze(10 points) Silver(50 points) Gold(100 points) PLATINUMZ!(250 points)


Poll #3

<poll>How many blog posts have you made? Zilch One Two A few Lots


Poll #4

<poll>How many achivement points have you got? 0-100 100-200 200-500 500-1000 1000-2000 2000-5000 5000-9000 OVER 9000


Poll #5

<poll>What does your username begin with? A Vowel A Consonant The Letter Y A Symbol Other


Poll #6

<poll>Do you think I'll get on the leaderbord for wiki badges? Yes No


Poll #7

<poll>Do you like cats or dogs? FLUFFY KITTEZ! Dogs


Poll #8

<poll>Do you like my elavator avatar? Yes No </poll>

Poll #9

<poll>What's your favourite type of wiki badge(Different to Poll #2) Editing Adding pictures Articles in need of rewriting Adding categories Going on the wiki for a certain number of days in a row Lucky Edit Other </poll>

Poll #10

<poll>When do you want Poll of the day to end? Poll #100 When Austin Carter destroys Port1967's wiki page When Port1967 explodes into little pieces of caek When the universe ends </poll>

Poll #11

<poll>How far have you gotten on the Days of the Week badges? Nowhere Key to the Wiki Two Weeks on the Wiki Devoted Dedicated Addicted A Wiki Life Wiki Hero </poll>

Poll #12

<poll>Do you visit the Nitrome Wiki every day? Yes No </poll>

Poll #13

<poll>Do you think the number 13 is unlucky? YES I'M SO SUPERSTITIOUS!!!!!!111!!! No,It's a pack of lies </poll>

Poll #14

<poll>Did you find the wiki before me? (I found it around October/November 2010) Yes No </poll>

Poll #15

<poll>How many wikis are you on? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6-10 More than 10 </poll>

Poll #16

<poll>Are you on Nitrome Wiki,Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki and Nitrome Pixel Love Wiki? I am not on any Just Nitrome Wiki Just Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki Just Nitrome Pixel Love Wiki Nitrome Wiki and Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki Nitrome Wiki and Nitrome Pixel Love Wiki Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki and Nitrome Pixel Love Wiki Yes,I am on all of them </poll>

Poll #17

<poll>Are you on Nitrome? Yes No </poll>

Poll #18

<poll>Are my polls getting repetitive? Yes No </poll>

Poll #19

<poll>Do you like my blog posts? Yes No </poll>

Poll #20

<poll>Are you excited for the new types of polls announced below? Yes Meh </poll>

Poll #21('s avatar

<poll>Do you like the letter G? Yes No


Poll #22(Pufflesrcute)'s avatar

<poll>What is your favourite fanmade Cuboy? Blueboy Greenboy Bronze Cuboy Silver Cuboy Gold Cuboy Rainbow Cuboy Pufflescrute's avatar Other </poll>

Poll #23(NOBODY's avatar)

<poll>Do you like Frost Bite? Yes No


Poll #24(Klemen702's avatar)

<poll>Have you ever seen Pikmin 3 in a shop? Yes No


Poll #25(NTPYTO's avatar)

<poll>Do you like Lord of the Rings? Yes No


Poll #26(Test Subject fan's avatar)

<poll>Do you think Test subject fanart is the most popular type of fanart? Yes No </poll>

Poll #27

<poll>Will you miss the Wikia avatar polls? Yes No </poll>

Poll #28

<poll>Something new is coming to my polls after Poll #100. Are you excited? Yes No </poll>

Poll #29

<poll>What is the thing on the girl's head in Ditto? Ears A bow </poll>

Poll #30

<poll>What is the red thing behind the girl in Ditto? Hair A cape </poll>

Poll #31

<poll>How many friends do you have on Nitrome? Nitrome Nitrome and 1 other Nitrome and 2 others Nitrome and 3 others Nitrome and 4 others Nitrome and 5 others Nitrome and 6-10 others Nitrome and 11-50 others Nitrome and 51-100 others Nitrome and 101-200 others More </poll>

Poll #32

<poll>Have you ever created a category?

Yes No </poll>

Poll #33

<poll>Have you seen my Green powerups article on the Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki? Yes No


Poll #34

<poll>What's your favourite type of brackets? [] {} () </poll>

Poll #35

<poll>Is this poll pointless? Yes No </poll>

Poll #36

<poll>Have you ever heard of Sling(the flash game)? Yes No </poll>

Poll #37

<poll>Are you doing my Valentine username thing?(adding valentine to your username on Nitrome) Yes No </poll>

No one? That's creepy.....

Poll #38

<poll>Have you ever heard of Tasty Planet? Yes No </poll>

Poll #39

<poll>Today is Valentine's Day! Are you doing anything? Yes Err No </poll>

Poll #40

<poll>Should Nitrome open up their possible Game Jam to other developers? Yes No </poll>

Poll #41

<poll>Do you think the title of the upcoming swapping game will have the word 'Swap' in it? Yes No </poll>

Poll #42

<poll>Have you seen my Test Subject Timer article on the Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki? Yes No </poll>

Poll #43

<poll>When will the Upcoming Swapping Game be released? February 18th 2014 February 19th 2014 February 20th 2014 February 21st 2014 Later(delay) </poll>

Poll #44

<poll>Have you ever heard of Teagames? Yes No </poll>

Poll #45

<poll>Have you ever been the first to vote on a Battle of the Week? Yes No </poll>

Poll #46

<poll>Have you ever been on the leaderboard? Yes No </poll>

Poll #47

<poll>Have you beaten changeType() yet? Yes No </poll>

Poll #48

<poll>When do you think I will miss my first poll? Poll #49-#50 Poll #51-#75 Poll #76-#100 After Poll #100 </poll>

Poll #49

<poll>Today is my 50th day on the wiki! When was your 50th day on the wiki?(Add your own date by editing my profile) 24th February 2014 November 20, 2013 + 50 days August 16th 2009 </poll>

Poll #50

<poll>Have you read all my blog posts? Yes No </poll>

Poll #51

<poll>Have you ever sent a message to my talk page? Yes No </poll>

Poll #52

<poll>Do you like my new avatar? Yes No </poll>

Poll #53

<poll>Have you ever suggested a Battle of the Week? Yes,and it made it! Yes,but it didn't get through No </poll>

Poll #54

<poll>How many points do you have on changeType() 0-50000 50001-100000 100001-250000 Over 250000 </poll>

Poll #55

<poll>Do you like the new wiki logo? Yes No </poll>

Poll #56

<poll>Are you excited for the Icebreaker avatars? Yes No </poll>

Poll #57

<poll>Are you excited for my new blog post? Yes No </poll>

Poll #58

<poll>Do you think you'll get on the leaderboard tomorrow? Yes,well all I've got to do is contribute once No </poll>

Poll #59

<poll>Will I stay on the leaderboard? Yes No </poll>

Poll #60

<poll>Do you have a custom signature? Yes No </poll>

Poll #61(Mahsaad's avatar)

<poll>Do you think Mahsaad should change his avatar? Yes No </poll>

Poll #62

<poll>Are you going to make levels for Test Subject Timer? Yes No </poll>

Poll #63 <poll>When was the last time you contributed on the wiki? Just now Over an hour ago Over a day ago Over a month ago Never </poll>

Poll #64 <poll>When do you think Ditto will be released? March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 Later </poll>

Poll #65 <poll>Do you think Test Subject Timer is random? Yes No </poll>

Poll #66

<poll>Are you doing my St Patrick's Day username thing?(adding PaddysDay to your username on Nitrome) Yes No </poll>

Poll #67

<poll>Do you think Ditto's game mechanic will be absolute genius? Yes No opinion No </poll>

Poll #68

<poll>What does your username end with? A Vowel A Consonant The Letter Y A Symbol Other


Poll #69(Random-storykeeper's avatar)

<poll>Have you watched Cartoon Network before? Yes No </poll>

Poll #70

<poll>Today is St Patricks Day! Are you doing anything? Yes Err No </poll>

Poll #71 <poll>Do you like clicker games? Yes No </poll>

Poll #72

<poll> Have you founded a wiki before? Yes No Yes, as a different user </poll>

Poll #73

<poll>How many userboxes do you have? 0 1-5 6-10 11-25 26-50 Over 50 </poll>

Poll #74

<poll>Did you vote for Icebreaker at the Pocket Gamer Awards? Yes No I didn't vote </poll>

Poll #75

<poll>Did you see my latest blog post? Yes No </poll>

Poll #76

<poll>How many articles do you have on Nitrome Fan Fiction Wiki? 0 1-5 6-10 11-25 26-50 Over 50 </poll>

Poll #77

<poll>Are you just an ordinary Joe? Yes No </poll>

Poll # 78(Austincarter4ever's avatar)

<poll>Do you like Austin Carter? Yes No Forever! </poll>

Poll #79

<poll>Are you looking forward to the IBVV update? Yes No </poll>

Poll #80

<poll> Have you played Ditto yet? Yes No </poll>

Poll #81

<poll> How many times have you beaten Ditto? 0 1 2 3 4 5 Over 5 </poll>

Poll #82

<poll>Have you ever heard of Neutronized? Yes No </poll>

Poll #83

<poll>Have you ever done Test Subject fanfiction? Yes No </poll>

Poll #84

<poll>Have you ever written a Nitrome fanfiction? Yes No </poll>

Poll #85

<poll> Do you have IBVV? Yes No, but I will get it when it comes to Android! No </poll>

Poll #86

<poll> Have you ever heard of Fliptic? Yes No </poll>

Poll #87 <poll> Which is better, the Fashion-Conscious Crustaceans or the Glorious Gloves? Fashion-Conscious Crustaceans Glorious Gloves </poll>

Poll #88

<poll>Have you ever reset your game on Ditto before? Yes No </poll>

Poll #89

<poll>When will the IBVV update come out? April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 Later </poll>

Poll #90

<poll> Do you think Nitrome should make an Easter game? Yes No </poll>

Poll #91

<poll> Do you think Nitrome should sort out the Pixel Love games?


No </poll>

Poll #92

<poll>Do you like the Viking question mark picture on the 'Where is the Icebreaker update' post? Yes No </poll>

Poll #93

<poll>How many games have you hearted on Nitrome? None 1-10 11-50 51-100 101-All of them </poll>

Poll #94

<poll>How many Nitrome games have you played? None 1-10 11-50 51-100 101-All of them </poll>

Poll #95

<poll>Have you changed your Nitrome password? Yes No </poll>

Poll #96

<poll>Which is better, the avatar present or the avatar easter egg? Avatar Present Avatar Easter Egg </poll>

Poll #97

<poll>Are you excited for the avatar easter egg hunt? Yes No </poll>

Poll #98 <poll>Do you think Nitrome should do a Google Maps Pókemon Challenge-style avatar hunt(Example:Nitrome releases a set of 15 avatars and the first to get them all won a prize) Yes No No opinion </poll>

Poll #99

<poll>Today is my 100th day on the wiki! When was your 100th day on the wiki?(Add your own date by editing my profile) 15th April 2014 16th October 2009 </poll>

Poll #100 <poll> Tomorrow Poll of the day is getting an upgrade! Are you ready? Yes Sorta </poll>

Poll of the Day continued here, where I made 100 more polls.

Sign here if you participate in poll of the day(by editing this page):

Port1967(yes I do vote in my own polls)




Test Subject fan





Everybody who signed here will get their own poll based on their Wikia avatar at the time.

Option of the Day[edit | edit source]

Poll #1 <poll> What's your favourite day of the week? Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday </poll>

Poll #2 <poll>What is your favourite colour Easter Egg? Red Blue Yellow Green Orange Gold Other </poll>

Poll #3 <poll>Why don't you toast? Whale AEIOU how But who Ha ha Not sure Its not real </poll>

Poll #4 <poll>How excited are you for the IBVV update? Meh Can't wait 4 days!!! Meh kraken, yay android! Meh android, yay kraken! Android robot with hammer and helmet=AWESOME!!! Tomorrow!!!!! </poll>

Poll #5 <poll>Where are you in IBVV? Don't have it First level Hammerfest Trollmarsh Under Dwell The Kracken Finished Other </poll>

Poll #6 <poll>What's your favourite type of jam? Strawberry Blackberry Rasberry Blackcurrant Orange No opinion Other </poll>

Poll #7 <poll>What's your favourite icon game? Gunbrick J-J-Jump Turnament Ice Beak Flue All of them I don't like icon games No opinion </poll>

Poll #8 <poll>How many participants do you think will be in the Nitrome Jam? 1-5 6-10 10-20 21-25 26-30 Other No opinion </poll>

Poll #9 <poll>Which theme did you vote for in the Nitrome Jam? Toast Survival Infinity Kitchen Light and Dark Numbers Crossover Isolation Discovery The big winner...DREAMS! I didn't vote What's the Nitrome Jam? Other </poll>

Poll #10

<poll>What Jam game is the best? Ratmaze Nightmare Nitromare nite nite Run Bonita Run In drmzzz Sleepless Pug The Mind Computer Dreams Rockitty:9 Lives 8bit Doves MareEx Frantic Dream Dream Hopper The Lucid Dreamer Baku:The Dream Eater Guardian of the Brain Cloud Chap Dreamventures psy_cop Slumberland I sometimes dream... Dreamin' Brothers Oneironaut Dream Trek OCD Dream Bot Emprise of Stratus Dreamtrain Teddy Gear 3rd place-Yellow Dreamer!!! 2nd place-Loop!!!!! 1st place-A Kitty Dream!!!!!!!!!! No opinion What's the Nitrome Jam? </poll>

Milestone Box[edit | edit source]

This is a box that will be filled up by my wiki milestones.


This is my 500th edit!

This edit will give me the Dedicated badge and I will be the 10th person to get it! Also, I will enter the leaderboard for the first time!

This is my 1000th edit!
