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Presentation[edit | edit source]

Hi! My name here is Superyoshibros20, but in Nitrome my nickname is Superyoshibros. I love playing Nitrome games. And I love having lots of friends here! :)

Favourite games[edit | edit source]

The best games of Nitrome for me are:

1st. Knight/Office Trap

2nd. Test Subject Complete

3rd. Bad Ice Cream 3

4th. Cheese Dreams: New Moon

5th. Enemy 585 (I love the music!)

6th. Tiny Castle

5 of the previous 6 games are Platform games!

Avatars[edit | edit source]

I have all the avatars except the one who needs Facebook ;P

Other ideas[edit | edit source]

I have created with Paint 8 levels of Test Subject Series because I´m a big fan! In those levels appear some Swindler enemies too!

I love creating levels.

I´m spanish so sorry if my English is bad.

Do not forget to watch and play my newest and my most popular blog post! Find the mystery!

Thanks to:[edit | edit source]

- Nitrome: For creating that awesome webpage where you can play more than 100 interesting and amazing different games.

This wiki: I enjoy every day editing and adding information about Nitrome games.

Port1967 (friend): Being my friend, playing in my blog post, giving me a diamond badge:

- Klemen702 (friend): Being my friend, playing in my blog post and chatting and playing in Nitrome Towers.

Test Subject Fan (friend): Being my friend and chatting with me in Nitrome Towers. I enjoy chatting with you!

Other people: For being my friends, for chatting in Nitrome Towers or my talk page or for playing in "Find the mystery!"

Helpers: Moderators or other users, for doing amazing and great edits and for helping Nitrome Wikia.

Henchman,Small Legged Blobs,Squish Block,Barrel Shooting Rocks,the Coin,Rock Balls,Bearded Man,the Princess,the Guardian Dog,the Turner,and the King Frog: I did not forget you, guys! :)