Fault line (action)

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This article is about fault lines from Zapo. For fault lines from the name of the game, please see Fault Line.

Fault lines are the main components in the game Fault Line.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Fault lines appear as pink lines that are white at the center. The line only appears when two areas are brought together and merged. The fault line will cover up the area in between the two merged areas. Somewhere on the fault line, there is the node which was used to merge the two areas.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Fault lines are able to be created by Zapo, who, with its arms, can grab white nodes and pull them together to fold in the area between them, thus making a fault line. The player's cursor in the game is a target reticule, which is used to make a fault line. When a node is clicked, and dragged with the mouse cursor over to another node, the area the line is spread across will be folded creating a fault line.

A holographic screen explaining how to make a fault line
A fault line with a node on it

With the creation of a fault line, it makes possible to cross areas previously impassible. If Zapo makes a fault line, but crushes itself in the process, it is instantly reverted. Fault lines can also be reverted by clicking a node. If Zapo dies, all of the fault lines done after it was previously spawned will be reverted.

Areas folded by a fault line have a pink line across them. Fault Lines are many times used to fold away hazards that would otherwise kill Zapo. Other nodes already folded into each other can also be used with other nodes. Line deactivation switches, when pushed, will deactivate the previously made line, which would be to far away to deactivate manually.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Fault line is a term in geology to describe a fracture or discontinuity in rock.
  • Some levels seem to already have been folded when started, as pink lines are present in some places. These alterations cannot be undone.