Boomerang dragons

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This article is about dragons from Twin Shot 2. For dragons from other games, please see Dragons.

Boomerang dragons are enemies in the game Twin Shot 2. They only appear in evil levels.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Like their regular counterpart, boomerang dragons are roundish dragons with yellow spikes across their back. However, unlike regular dragons, these are blue instead of green.

Their bullet that they fire is also different from the normal dragons. It is a fireball shaped like a traditional boomerang.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Boomerang dragons will wound the angels if touched. Their boomerang will also wound the angels. When they fire the boomerang, they will open their mouth and pause for a second, as a warning to the player.

The boomerang will travel a considerable distance, then loop around and come back to the dragon. This increases the likelihood of the player getting hit twice.