User:NTPYTO/About me

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Character Blue Games 36
Game Final Ninja Zero Demos 3
Skin Steampunk Pixel Love 3

About me

I am in the 9th grade and am homeschooled.

When I first found Nitrome, the newest game was Magneboy.

My profile picture was made by Takeshi64.

I discovered Nitrome through a friend, who had found it through Miniclip. I found the wiki by looking at the links on's link page.

My username on is Mithrandir if you want to friend me.

Some Pointless things About Me (SPAM)

My favorite words are:

Sussurate - To whisper
Pidgin - Auxiliary language created by groups of different cultures trying to communicate
Brobdingnagian - Big
Troglodyte - Caveman
Sesquipedalian - Someone who often uses long words
Duck-butt - Someone who is short and has a big butt
Retronym - A term used to distinguish something from a later version of itself

I like Latin.
I like Nitrome. :O


I really like to read, and I read a lot. My favorite books are (not in any kind of order): The Hobbit, The Return of the King, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Silmarillion, The Two Towers, The Children of Hurin, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Treasure Island, and lots more (but those are my most favorite).

I play baseball. I play in a 13-16 year old league. I play pitcher, shortstop, and the outfield. I also cave, which is cave exploring and mapping. The main caves I go to are Blue Springs Cave, and Espey Cave. But I have also been to Camps-Gulf Cave. And I have been to Cumberland Caverns, which is a commercial cave. I have even met a world-famous caver named Bill Walter.

My favorite bands are Skillet and Brad Paisley. My favorite song by Skillet is either Sometimes or Hero. My favorite song by Brad Paisley is This is Country Music. I also like some of Taylor Swift's songs.

I love Lord of the Rings!!!!!!!!

I love math!!!!!!!!!!! It is my favorite subject in school. I have memorized 63 digits of pi. I am trying to learn 103 digits. Here is pi to 60 digits: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.

I play League of Legends. Currently Bronze 1. :( Almost silver though.

I play Magic: The Gathering. Not online though, too expensive.


These are my sigs that I have used at one time or another.

First Sig

I made this one. It was my sig when I didn't know much code.


[[User:Not the person you're thinking of|NTPYTO]] | [[User talk:Not the person you're thinking of|Talk]]

Second Sig

Random-storykeeper made this one for me.
RT Larry Sleeping.png NTPYTO BlueCrouch.png


<span style="background-color:#FF6666; font-family:sans-serif; border:4px solid #3366CC; {{border-radius|45em}}; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #0000FF; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #0000FF;">[[File:RT Larry Sleeping.png|link=User talk:Not the person you're thinking of]] [[User:Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:#800000"><b>NTPYTO</b></span>]] [[File:BlueCrouch.png|link=User:Not the person you're thinking of]]</span>

Third Sig

This one I made myself, once I was more familiar with code. NTPYTO GbSpR2


<span style="background-color:#FF6666; font-family:sans-serif; border:4px solid #3366CC; {{border-radius|45em}}; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px red; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #0000FF;"><choose><option></option></choose> [[User:Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:#800000" title="My userpage!"><b>N</b></span>]][[User:Not the person you're thinking of/About me|<span style="color:#800000" title="About me."><b>T</b></span>]][[User:Not the person you're thinking of/Survey|<span style="color:#800000" title="Take a survey!"><b>P</b></span>]][[User:Not the person you're thinking of/Userboxes|<span style="color:#800000" title="Look at my userboxes, and learn a bit more about me!"><b>Y</b></span>]][[User talk:Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:#800000" title="Wanna talk?"><b>T</b></span>]][[Special:Contributions/Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:#800000" title="My contributions to the wiki!"><b>O</b></span>]] <sup>[[User:Not the person you're thinking of/Guestbook|<span style="color:#800000" title="Sign my guestbook!"><b>Gb</b></span>]]</sup><sub>[[Special:Specialpages|<span style="color:#800000" title="A gold mine for devoted editors!"><b>Sp</b></span>]]</sub><sup>[[Nitrome: Revise 2|<span style="color:#800000" title="Join the project!"><b>R2</b></span>]]</sup> <choose><option></option></choose></span>

Fourth Sig


<ul class="wikia-menu-button" style="list-style: none; margin:0px"><li style="margin-left:2px; margin-top:0px;">[[User:Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:" title="My userpage!"><b>NTPYTO</b></span>]]<div class="chevron" style="display:inline-block;"> </div><ul style="list-style: none; margin:0px"><li>[[User talk:Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:" title="Wanna talk?"><b>Talk</b></span>]]</li><li>[[Special:Contributions/Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:" title="My contributions to the wiki!"><b>Contributions</b></span>]]</li><li>[[Special:Editcount/Not the person you're thinking of|<span style="color:" title="My edit stats."><b>Edit Stats</b></span>]]</li><li>[[User:Not the person you're thinking of/Templates|<span style="color:" title="A list of all templates I own."><b>Templates</b></span>]]</li><li>[[User:Not the person you're thinking of/Guestbook|<span style="color:" title="Sign my guestbook!"><b>Guestbook</b></span>]]</li></ul></li></ul>

Fifth Sig

—The preceding SIGNED comment was added by Mithrandir (talk  •  contribs)


<small>—The preceding '''''SIGNED''''' comment was added by [[User:NTPYTO|Mithrandir]] <sup>([[User talk:NTPYTO|talk]] {{*}} [[Special:Contributions/NTPYTO|contribs]])</sup></small>

Those are all of my current sigs, and I currently use a version of the third one, as the wikia code was changed and the fourth one quit working. But eventually, I will have more.

My favorite quotes:

A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.

The length of this document defends it well against the risk of its being read.

I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of others to differ from me in opinion. -- Thomas Jefferson

Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat. -- Socrates

Pray for peace, and keep your powder dry.

Speak softly, and carry a big stick. -- Theodore Roosevelt

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

History is written by the victors.

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.

Bodily excersize, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; But knowledge which is aquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. -- Plato

It takes skill to trip over flat surfaces.

Everyone has photographic memory, some just don't have the film.

Never put a question mark where the Lord has put a period.

You learn by working... for yourself, just as you learn to swim by blundering about in the water, not by watching someone else set a world record in a pool.

I didn't fall, I attacked the floor with my awesome ninja skills!

We should all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

I know that I know nothing. -- Socrates

Nobody lived in the past, if you stop to think about it. Jefferson, Adams, Washington—they didn't walk around saying, "Isn't this fascinating, living in the past?" They lived in the present just as we do. The difference was it was their present, not ours. -- David McCullough

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results. ― Albert Einstein

A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -- George Santayana

Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. -- Thomas Jefferson

Some ideas are considered dangerous, and you are protected from hearing them. Are you happy about this?

The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

Remember [that] what is unbecoming to do is also unbecoming to speak of. -- Socrates

Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.

Read... with a critical eye.

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.

Perhaps the principal objection to a quarrel is that it interrupts an argument. -- G.K. Chesterton

Be as you wish to seem. -- Socrates

Random things

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Pray for peace, and keep your powder dry.
Purge for more quotes.

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