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Phantaze's achievements
106,5 This user has proudly beaten 106,5 Nitrome games!
Takeshi hacking.gif Addicted to Games
This user is addicted to games.
Test Subject Complete icon.png This user's favorite Nitrome game story line is the one in Test Subject Complete!
Walking Robot.gif This user loves Robots, and no amount of Bombs can change that!!


I'm Megaphantaze. I have come here, because i like Nitrome games and helping others as you can see. I hope you like my helping.

I am moderator in this Wiki and I am asking from you to understand, how I hate, when there's violation (I need some stress control). But I am trying to help you and in fact, I love to help people.

Endless Doves champion

Huh? Where my name comes? It's Phantom Blot X Blaze the cat. Mega is just as an extra.

Record List[edit | edit source]

Here I list some records from the Nitrome games with time attack.

beneath The Lighthouse[edit | edit source]

  • Level 1: 0:19
  • Level 2: 0:11
  • Level 3: 0:15
  • Level 4: 0:18
  • Level 5: 0:21
  • Level 6: 0:30
  • Level 7: 0:22
  • Level 8: 0:41
  • Level 9: 0:25 (This took foever)
  • Level 10: 0:24
  • Level 11: 0:22
  • Level 12: 0:32
  • Level 13: 0:25
  • Level 14: 1:03 (got it with glitchy version)
  • Level 15: 0:21
  • Level 16: 0:32
  • Level 17: 0:31
  • Level 18: 0:45
  • Level 19: 0:22
  • Level 20: 0:20
  • Level 21: 0:27
  • Level 22: 0:33
  • Level 23: 0:30
  • Level 24: 0:33
  • Level 25: 1:12
  • Level 26:0:32
  • Level 27: 0:56
  • Level 28: 1:21
  • Level 29: 0:37
  • Level 30: 0:35
  • Level 31: 0:58
  • Level 32: 0:50
  • Level 33: 1:27
  • Level 34: 0:41
  • Level 35: 0:44
  • Level 36: 0:51
  • Level 37: 0:42
  • Level 38: 1:01
  • Level 39: 0:26
  • Level 40: 0:45