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This user has proudly beaten every single Nitrome game except for 2 Nitrome games!
Cuboy Happy.png This user is proud to be a Nitromian.
Full dirkvalentinetea.png Visit my Nitrome Profile here!
This user's favorite color is Yellow!

Ico steamlands-1-.png This user's favorite Nitrome game is Steamlands!

Test Subject Complete icon.png This user's favorite Nitrome game story line is the one in Test Subject Complete!
Walking Robot.gif This user loves Robots, and no amount of Bombs can change that!!
Miniclip M.JPG This user likes Miniclip games as well as Nitrome games.
Nes Skin Logo-D.png This user is a fan of Nitrome Enjoyment System games.
Power House.gif This user generates lots of edits on a daily basis!
Aquanaut Submarine.png This user enjoys exploring new places and trying new things!
Nitrome logo.png This user creates userboxes and you can request them here!
NitromeTouchyApp.png This user once owned Nitrome Touchy with the premium upgrade.
This user will be delighted to convert American spelling to British spelling on sight!

Greetings, fellow Nitromians! Welcome to my user page! My name is Ayernam, and I enjoy playing Nitrome games in my free time!

You can call me Aye, although you may hear me refer to myself as Auto (you can read my little speech on who Auto is below!). Credit goes out to AC4E for coming up with Aye!

Feel free to read the rest of my user page!

(And by the way, I know it's you, <insert name here>.)

My favorite games[edit | edit source]

Favorite game #1 : Steamlands

My favorite game!

I love the stategy and thought put into this game. I also love the wide range of weapons and the variety of man-blocks, which just make the game more fun overall. But mostly, I love the steampunk theme! This game reminds of one of my favorite novels, Mortal Engines. Mortal Engines is about a future where Earth is destroyed by a massive nuclear war, and the people that survived the war were devolved human beings, who started life over in a new way. Eventually, cities were turned into massive, steam-powered traction cities, which are just like steam tanks! I love the plot and characters in this book, and it reflects into how much I love this game!

Favorite game #2 : Rustyard

My second favorite game!

I love the robot character, Rusty, in this game, as well as the machine at the end that he plugs himself into. Rusty kind of reminds me of WALL-E, and the background looks like Earth in the movie WALL-E. I also like the whole stategy/puzzle concept displayed in this game, because I love figuring out puzzles. And I love robots! Finally, the music in this game is simply exceptional. It starts off simple, and then becomes more and more complex. The main tune still stays strong, though, throughout the game. I think this exemplifies determination, as well as the fact that a robot is trekking through the lone wastelands of Earth, just to find a friend. the music and plot really fit together, which I like.

Favorite game #3 : Aquanaut

My third favorite game!

In case you didn't read the section of my userpage titled "How I Discovered Nitrome", I will reiterate the fact that Aquanaut was the first Nitrome game I ever played. And trust me, if it was not interesting, I probably would have left it in two seconds all those years ago. But instead, I was intrigued by it, and I continued playing. In fact, if it weren't for Aquanaut, I might not have discovered Nitrome , which means I wouldn't have discovered the Nitrome Universe , which means I wouldn't have discovered the Nitrome Wiki! Which of course, means that you wouldn't be reading this right now, which means you would've been doing something else, which means Aquanaut is a pretty important game. :) In any case, I love the underwater theme, the music, the clever level names, the boss, and the ending! Basically, this game is great all around.

How I Discovered Nitrome[edit | edit source]

It all started a long time ago, when I used to play random games from any website I felt like viewing. (I really didn't know how my mind worked back then.) Anyway, there I was, playing away at scattered games across the Internet, hoping to find a good place to settle, where I could play lots of games on one website. Then, one day, I played a game called Shadow Factory. This game is about a truck that drives though a perilous factory, avoiding cliffs and getting stuck in cogwheels. I noticed that at the end of the game, when I died, there would be an advertisement for this strange new website called Miniclip. Out of curiousity, I clicked on the advertisement, and, all of a sudden, there it was! A whole website dedicated to fun games! I soon got to playing them, enjoying it as I went. Finally, I came upon a game called Aquanaut. I thought this game was really cool, and I also noticed that at the beginning, a name was shown: Nitrome. Excited at the prospect of finding another game website, I clicked on the link. I was right! I found a whole new website, and several clicks later, I was on my way to completing all of Nitrome's games. Or, almost all of them at least. There are these pesky two games that I can't seem to get past! Anyway, that's my story! Hope you enjoyed! (If you made it to this part without falling asleep, I'll take that as a plus!)

How Long I Have Known Nitrome[edit | edit source]

I don't know exactly when I discovered Nitrome, but I think it might have been around 2008. I certainly remember Skywire VIP being released. (I remember being excited, thinking it was an actual Skywire sequel instead of a spin-off.) I think I remember Cave Chaos being released, but I am not certain. In any case, as soon as I discovered their site, I became automatically amazed and thrilled! I continued to play all of their games as they came out, as well as going back to their old games every once in a while, never in any specific order. Eventually, I realized I had completed almost every single one of their games!

My Profile Picture[edit | edit source]

Auto on a steer-
ing peg

In case you haven't noticed, my profile picture is of Auto! (Or at least, he was, if I have changed my profile picture) Who is Auto, you may ask? He is only the autopilot of the Axiom, the fictional, yet real, starship cruiseliner in the movie WALL-E (My favorite movie!). I love Auto because he's so cold and clinical- kind of like a robotic spider, except not so Toxic-y! (He's also shaped like a steering wheel!) He is equipped with a taser, a robotic arm, and supreme control over every single robot on the Axiom (did I mention I love robots?). Auto is programmed to keep mankind in space and away from Earth. This Auto is programmed to enhance the Nitrome Wiki to the best of his ability! Anyway, that's my little speech on Auto. Hope you enjoyed! In the game Squawk , Auto makes an appearance which not many people may recognize. On the right, you can see him on the steering peg which controls the parrot. (This is probably not true, but it's fun to imagine)

I love this page![edit | edit source]

It reminds me of the Repair Ward in WALL-E, where all the malfuncional robots are, well, mulfunctioning. This page shows Nitrome characters doing the same action over and over again, just like the robots! (I especially love the scientist clone from Final Ninja Zero who keeps falling over!)