Temper monsters

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Temper monsters are enemies in Rainbogeddon.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Temper monsters have two appearances; their calm appearance and their enraged appearance. When in their calm appearance, they appear as a yellow square with pink lips and a single eye, with yellow spikes on each side of the square (making them look similar to a Thwomp from the Mario series of games).

When in their enraged appearance, they appear green coloured with several green spheres on them, which are likely muscles.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Temper monsters will start the level in their calm form. When in their calm form, they will move slowly, and not home in on the player.

After some time, their spikes will point out, their eye will be in a shocked pose, and they will transform into a green creature with many green, likely muscular spheres on them, this being their Enraged Form. When they transform into this, their speed will greatly increase and they will proceed to hunt the player down.

If the player is unreachable (protected by the forcefield from the Bubble power up), they will simply wander around the level. Their angry phase lasts for about a minute. Temper monsters are found in only two levels, being absent from all levels after the seventh level.