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I thought Vault's exclamation mark was purposely part of the name. Nitrome said that in the blog. DeviantArtMegaphantazeNitrome profile 18:31, June 19, 2015 (UTC)

It is. That's why the first sentence of the article calls it "Vault!". But I assume you are questioning why there is no exclamation point in the title of the page. I wouldn't oppose changing the article title to "Vault!", but maybe we should wait until the game is actually released and see what it shows up as on the Games tab. Because Feed Me has an exclamation point in the on the menu, but on the Games Tab it appears without it. 18:48, June 19, 2015 (UTC)
Exclamation marks are kept out of the names of article and when they are referred to on the wiki. However, it is okay to mention the game's full name on its page in brackets in the first sentence. --Talk to NOBODY  Eskimo 1.png 21:10, June 19, 2015 (UTC)
I guess that makes sense, but every time Nitrome has referred to Vault, they've put an exclamation point in the title, even on the App Store. I don't know, it just seems like leaving the parentheses out of changeType(). My talk page TinyCastleGuy My blog 19:14, July 22, 2015 (UTC)